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2019-2020年高中英语Module1-3语法教学案(无答案)新人教版必修4语法一:祈使句1、概述祈使句(imperative sentence)表命令、警告、提醒、建议、请求、叮嘱、号召等,谓语动词用原形。主语you通常省略,句末用叹号或句号。Knock at the door before entering, please.进来时请敲门!(建议)Look out! There is a train ing.注意!火车来了!(提醒)Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking. 请穿结实的鞋子,因为我们要走许多的路。(叮嘱)Leave her where she is ! 让她留在原地!(命令)Give blood if you can and many lives will be saved.如果你能,来献血吧,这会挽救很多人的生命。(号召)2、祈使句的另外表达方式(1)“No名词或动名词” 表示祈使句“No名词或动名词”结构表示禁止的祈使,一般用于指示、标牌、布告等。No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No spitting!不准随地吐痰!No litter! 不准乱扔果皮纸屑! No admittance except on business!非公莫入!(2)“be V-ed”结构表示祈使句 Be guided by reason!理智些! Be seated! 请坐! Be persuaded by your father! 听你父亲的话! Be gone! 滚!(3)“be+ V-ing” 结构表示祈使句Dont be looking out of the window! 勿将头伸出窗外!Do be doing your homework when I e in.我进来时,你一定在做作业吧!(4)let祈使句 Lets祈使句lets引导的祈使句,包括听话者本人在内,表示建议,反意问句用shall we。Lets begin, shall we? 我们开始好吗?Lets go home.我们回家吧! Let me (us, him, her, it, them) 祈使句该结构引导的祈使句表示请求对方允许自己干某事,不包括对方(you)在内。Let all the children be well educated! 让所有的孩子都得到良好的教育。Let him go where he might, I dont care.他想上那就让他去,我不管! let祈使句否定let 祈使句的否定可以为lets not/ let me (us) not或Dont lets/ let me (us) 但let him等第三人称否定式为Dont let him。其他人称亦可用Dont let。Dont let her disturb you!别让她妨碍我!Lets not be in such a hurry! 让我们别这样急! let祈使句强调 let祈使句强调的强调式为Do lets或Do let us。Do let her go! 一定让她走! Do lets go climbing.我们一定去爬山!(5)“why not动词原形”等结构表示祈使概念 “why not动词原形”;“why 动词原形” “youd better/ best+do sth.”等结构可以表示祈使概念,用来表达方式,提出委婉建议,指责,反问等。-I usually go there by train.我通常坐火车去?-Why not try going by boat for a change? 怎么不坐船换换口味。Youd better go to school early tomorrow. 明天你最好早点去上学。-Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard. Susan,去和你姐姐扫院子。-Why me? John is sitting there doing nothing. 为什么叫我去?John坐在那闲着。3、祈使句的主语祈使句的主语多为不言而喻的you,一般不出现。但若是要强调主语;或表示急躁、厌烦、不高兴、愤怒等感情色彩;表示向谁请求或发出命令,祈使句可有主语。 当说话人强调主语或上级对下级,长者对年青人或小孩讲话时。-Alice, you feed the bird today, will you? 爱丽丝,你去喂鸟好吗?-Yes. But I fed it yesterday.好,但我昨天喂了。 当说话人有急躁、厌烦、不高兴、愤怒等感情色彩You mind your own business, and leave this to me.你别管闭事,把此事留给我好了。 当说话人必须指明不同的事要求不同的人去做时。You go over there and sit next to Tom,while he and I stay here.你到那里坐在汤姆旁边,我和他留在这里。4、祈使句的否定祈使句的否定结构一般是在谓语动词前加do not或用dont(口语中),有时也可用never,若祈使句有主语,否定词用dont或never要置于主语之前,不可用do not。Sorry, Joe, I didnt mean to对不起,Joe。我不是故意要Dont call me “Joe”. Im Mr Parker to you, and dont you forget it! 不要叫我Joe。我是Parker先生,不要忘了。 Never be late again.别再迟到了。5、肯定祈使句的强调肯定祈使句可用助动词do加强语气,常译为“务必、一定要”。Do save me! 天那!(救救我吧)Do be careful when crossing the street.过马路时务必小心。Do give my regards to your parents.请务必代我向你的父母问好。6、“祈使句and/or陈述句”结构(1)祈使句+ and(then,and then)+陈述句e early and youll catch the first bus. 来早点,你就能赶上第一班汽车。Use your head then youll find a way.开动脑筋,那么你就会找到办法。(2)祈使句+(or,or else,otherwise)+陈述句Work hard otherwise,youll fail. 努力干,要不,你会失败的。Use your head or else you wont find a way. 开动脑筋,否则,你就找不到办法。7、祈使句的简略答语形式祈使句的简略答语,肯定或否定形式常用will或wont。-Write to me when you get home.到家时给我打电话!- I will. 我会的。-Dont forget to close the window.别忘了关窗。-No, I wont.不会忘。巩固练习:1. Stand over there _ youll be able to see it better. A. or B. while C. but D. and 2. Ive never seen anyone run so fast - _ David go. A. just watch B. just to watch C. just watching D. just having watched3. Let us pass, _? A. shant we B. shall we C. wont we D. will you 4.Letsgoandhelphim._?A.willyou B.shallwe C.dontyou D.dontwe5. Be sure to write to us, _?A. will you B. arent you C. can you D. mustnt you6. Dont smoke in the meeting-room, _?A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 7. - Alice, you feed the bird today, _? - But I fed it yesterday. A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you 语法二:连词省略结构 Eg: Although _ my opinion,the old professor didnt e up with his own.A. against B. on C. for D. in一、连词介词While _,Delia wrote a novel. 上大学时,迪莉娅写了一部小说。Once _,he forgot about all this. 一进考场,这一切他都忘了。While _,he studied the English labour movement. 在伦敦时他研究了英国的工人运动。二、连词形容词If _, let me know beforehand. 如果有必要,可在事前通知我。Though_, he stayed up late. 尽管疲惫不堪,他仍很晚才睡。Whenever _, the children play outside. 每当有可能,孩子们总在外边玩耍。三、连词现在分词He tends to get carried away when _. 他一看电视中的摔跤节目就很兴奋。四、连词过去分词He will e if _. 他如被邀就会来。When _,she confirmed that she was going to retire. 有人问她时,她肯定了她将要退休。When _ according to the instructions,the drug has no side-effects. 若按说明服用,本药无任何副作用。When _help, one often says “Thank you” or “its kind of you”. A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offeredWhen first _ to the market, these products enjoy great success.A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced五、连词不定式Smiling pleasantly,the stranger turned as if _. 那个陌生人面带愉悦的笑容,转身面向我,似乎想对我说话。总结:“连词省略结构”通常可视为一种紧缩的状语从句,即认为是省略了从句的主语(与主句主语一致)和主语后的动词 be。如:Look out for cars when(_)crossing the street. 过街时注意车辆。He acted as if(_)certain of success. 他的举止就像一定会成功似的。有时可视为省略了 it is(其中的 it 并非主句主语)。如:lf (_)possible,please let me know by this evening. 如果可能的话,请在今晚以前告诉我。Where (_)necessary,improvements will be made. 哪儿需要,就在哪儿改进。巩固练习1. Although _ before the war,the engine is still in perfect order.A. building B. built C. to be building D. to have been built2. Unless _,this law will make life difficult for farmers.A. to change B. changing C. changed D. to be changed3. If _ for this post,you will be informed within a week.A. accepting B. to accept C. accepted D. to be accepted4. Where _ necessary,improvements will be made.A. they are B. we are C. are D. 不填5. She hurried out of the room,as if _ angry.A. was B. it was C. got D. 不填6. By 1977 things were beginning to improve,_ quickly enough.A. even if not B. even not if C. if not even D. if even notModule 1-3I. 单词识记1. If you want to change your puter, you should give us your r_.2. As we grow older, we learn the _ (限度) of our abilities.3. The c_ was caught and put into prison the day before yesterday.4. Police should have enough proof before they a_ a criminal.5. We all know that China is a country which has rich natural _(收据).6. It seems that more young people are interested in u_ life rather than the life in the countryside.7. Using s_ energy is one of ways to protect the environment.8. We use a lot of c_ to build roads and bridges.9. Call him as soon as you reach the d_. 10. The bus stopped to pick up p_ at the corner.II. 完成句子1. _ a recent photograph_ (贴上) your application form, please.2. The young man makes up his mind to _ _ _(除掉) his bad habits.3. The possibility of replacing the puters remains _ _. (在考虑之中)4. There were too many people _ _ _ _(牵涉入此事)5. _ _ _ _ _(无论这工作有多难),we must do it well.6. Would you _ _ _(帮我忙) to pick up the book on the ground?III. 重要句型翻译1. 既然你已经有了这么好的工作,为什么还要找新的工作?(when)_2. 幸存者们躺在沙滩上,疲惫不堪心有余悸。_3. 要不是政府的援救,洪水受灾地区将会承受更大的损失。(but for)_4. 真倒霉!我一出门天就下雨了。(no sooner.than)_5. 我一看见他就把他认出来了。(1)_(2)_(3)_6. 一到家我就发现他已经离开了。(on+ doing)_


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