三年级英语上册 Unit 2 Friends and Colours lesson 7 my friend同步练习 冀教版.doc

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Lesson 7 My Friend 一、看图,写出相应图片所对应的字母大小写。1. 2. 3. 4. 二、字母a、b、c、d迷路了,请你把它们带回家。1. 2. 3. 4. 三、火眼金睛孙悟空。1. She is a _.A. boyB. girlC. girls2. You _ my teacher.A. amB. isC. are3. Wang Hong and Jenny are good _.A. a friendB. friendsC. friend4. This is _ apple. A. anB. aC. /5. His name is Lin Lin. _ is my teacher.A. SheB. HerC. He四、连一连。 Whats this? Her name is Li Li. Hello, Jenny. Im fine. Whats her name? I have four. How many books do you have? Its a cat. How are you? Hi, Wang Hong.五、看图,补全短文。(只填序号)1. _ is my friend. She is a _._ name is Wang Yun.2. _ is a boy. _ name is Lin Lin.We are good _.A. girlB. HeC. HisD. HerE. ThisF. friends 六、排一排。Nice to meet you. Hello, Li Mei. Shes my friend. Nice to meet you, too. Hi, Fang Fang. Li Mei, this is Fang Fang.七、情景交际。() 1. 初次相识的朋友对你说“Nice to meet you”,你应该说:_A. Nice to meet you, too.B. How are you?() 2. 向新朋友介绍这是王蕾,你应该说:_A. It is Wang Lei. B. This is Wang Lei.() 3. 你想表达“这是一个苹果”,你应该说:_A. This is a apple. B. This is an apple.() 4. 向大家介绍“李梅是我的朋友”,你应该说:_A. This is Li Mei. B. Li Mei is my friend.() 5. 你想让别人给你展示字母D,你应该说:_A. This is D. B. Show me D.答案:一、1. 2. 3.4.二、1. d2. b3. a4. c三、1. B2. C3. B (两个人是朋友,应用复数friends)4. A (apple 是以元音音素开头的单词,表示一个应用an)5. C (His name 表明性别为男,所以要用He)四、1D2E3A4C5B五、1. E A D2. B C F六、5 4 2 6 3 1七、1. A2. B3. B4. B5. B


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