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2019-2020年高中英语每日一题第04周每周一测试题含解析新人教版(I)I. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The Internet brings us many advantages.With the Internet, people can send and receive emails. On the Internet, people can skim over news. Using the Telnet, the user anywhere on the Internet can log into any other machine on which he has an account. It is possible to use the FTP program to copy files from one machine on the Internet to another. But the Internet also brings us troubles.Internet use seems to cause a fall in psychological(心理的) health, according to research at Carnegie Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less often, the twoyear study showed. And it wasnt that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually seemed to cause the bad feelings.Researchers are puzzled over the results, which were pletely opposite to what they had expected. They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television, since the Net allows users to choose their information and to municate with others. The fact that Internet use reduces time used for family and friends may be the reason for the drop in health, researchers said. Faceless, bodiless virtual (虚拟的) munication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversations, and the relationships formed through it may not be so deep. Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives. But its important to remember this is not about the technology; its about how it is used,said one of the researchers. It really points to the need for considering social factors (因素) when you design new inventions.1. The writer mainly wants to tell us that _.A. the Internet can bring people many advantagesB. the Internet use may cause psychological problemsC. the Internet users are not satisfied with their livesD. we shouldnt use the Internet2. Why are the researchers puzzled over the results?A. Because the results were pletely different from what they had thought.B. Because the Net proved socially healthier than television.C. Because the Internet users were all healthier.D. Because the Internet users experienced less depression and loneliness.3. What may be the reasons why the Internet use causes a fall in psychological health?A. Internet use reduces time used for family and friends.B. Virtual munication is less psychologically satisfying than actual conversations.C. Exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.D. All of the above.4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Users anywhere on the Internet can log into any other machine.B. The twoyear study showed that using the Net seemed to cause the bad feelings.C. People who are already feeling bad spend much more time on the Internet.D. Relationships formed through the Internet are usually deep.BHumans: Its time to give up the earth or face extinction(灭绝).It could be the plot of a summer blockbuster(成功的电影), but this prediction isnt science fiction. Its a glimpse(一瞥) of the future, according to a famous British scientist Stephen Hawking. I see great dangers for the human race, he said in an interview with global forum(论坛) Big Think. There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch-and-go.Hawking, an award-winning physicist, says humans must evacuate our home planet within the next two centuries and expand into space to survive. I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space, he said. It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on our planet in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million.Hawking, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom last year, has recently voiced many concerns about the future of life on the earth. In April, he spoke about his fear of aliens in an interview for the Discovery Channel. If aliens visited us, the oute would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didnt turn out well for the Native Americans, he said. Such advanced aliens would perhaps bee invaders, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.But Hawking says he is still hopeful about the future of humanity. Im an optimist, he told Big Think. We have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. But if we want to continue in the next hundred years, our future is in space.Getting to another planet will prove a challenge, not to mention colonizing it for humanity. University of Michigan astrophysicist(天体物理学家) Katherine Freese told Big Think that the nearest star to the earth is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away. That means, if you were travelling at the speed of light the whole time, it would take 4.2 light years to get there or about 50,000 years using current rocket science.5. Which of the following is NOT a reason why humans need to give up the earth according to the passage?A. Lots of great dangers for humans have been seen.B. It will be hard for humans to avoid disasters on the earth in the future.C. The earth will be destroyed by worldwide wars before long.D. Advanced aliens may conquer and colonize the earth someday.6. The underlined word evacuate in Paragraph 3 probably means _. A. leaveB. saveC. damageD. protect7. Hawkings attitude towards the future of humans is _. A. objectiveB. positiveC. subjectiveD. negative8. How long will it take to reach Proxima Centauri by current rocket? A. About 4.2 years.B. Over 10 years.C. Less than 4xx years.D. About 50,000years.II. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I have a blind friend who lives in New York City. 1 we have never met face to face, we still 2_ each other frequently. She is a _3_ lady and has bee like a sister to me. Her _4_ and enthusiastic letters always _5 _ my spirits and the inspiring poems she shares with the world always bring a _6_ to my face. She is all the more _7_ due to the fact that she lost her _8_ halfway through her life. She had to _9_ her career and relearn to do everything that most of us take for granted. Many would have given up after such a _10_but not her. _11_, she started a glorious new life full of award winning volunteer work. Her _12_are full of teaching English to new immigrants, giving fort to _13_ hearts, writing, serving her religious munity, and helping others in _14_ way she can.The light of my friends example is a beacon (灯塔) that I try to _15_ as well. Whenever I feel too _16_ in my own life I look at the challenges that she has _17_ in hers. She may have lost her sight but she _18_ lost her soul. She knows that the eyes that really see are the eyes of the heart, and she does her best every day to follow the _19_ vision that they give to her. I am sure too that their eyes of the angels watching over her are always filled with tears of 20_ and that their faces are always full of shining smile.1. A. When B. As C. Since D. Although2. A. call B. write C. email D. encourage3. A. remarkable B. humorous C. funny D. considerate4. A. constant B. brief C. optimistic D. beautiful5. A. attract B. reach C. improve D. lift6. A. smile B. cloud C. puzzle D. look7. A. helpful B. amazingC. sensitive D. disappointing8. A. way B. parents C. sight D. heart9. A. put off B. depend onC. keep on D. give up10. A. loss B. failure C. break D. challenge11. A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. Then12. A. plans B. days C. ideas D. thoughts13. A. feeling B. touching C. breaking D. hurting14. A. every B. some C. no D. possible15. A. examine B. copy C. follow D. plete16. A. cheated B. bored C. nervous D. challenged17. A. controlled B. overe C. passed D. overlooked18. A. never B. still C. also D. already19. A. lasting B. caring C. loving D. continuing20. A. pity B. joy C. sorrow D. surpriseIII. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出修改后的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Here are the information about Manchester University. It is about 200 miles far away from London, and it has the very big schoolyard. You can live in the school or near the school. They have all sorts of course. Im sure you will find one you like it. I know you are interesting in human rights. So I will see that there is anything on their website. Ill send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport when you arrived. You met him a few years ago, but he had changed a lot since then. Both your aunt or I look forward to seeing you again.IV. 语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(xx新课标全国卷III)She looks like any other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. Sarah Thomas is looking forward to the challenge of her new A-level course. But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term 1 (rest). Instead, she is earning 6500 a day as 2 model in New York. Sarah 3 (tell) that she could be Britains new supermodel earning a million dollars in the next year. Her father Peter, 44, wants her to give up school to model full-time. But Sarah, 4 has taken part in shows along with top models, wants 5 (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. She is determined to carry on with her _6_ (educate).She has turned down several 7 (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. After school she plans to take a year off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree 8 engineering or architecture. Sarah says, My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school 9 (e) first. I dont want to get too absorbed in modeling. It is 10 (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. I dont want to have nothing else to fall back on when I cant model any more.I. 阅读理解A【语篇解读】本文是说明文。网络给我们带来许多好处,但是使用网络也会产生一些问题,可能会有损心理健康。1. B 【解析】主旨大意题。文章虽然谈论了网络的优点,但从其篇幅和重点来看,文章侧重于谈论由于使用网络而产生的一些问题,主题句在第四段。作者其实是想提醒我们使用网络可能有损心理健康。2. A 【解析】细节理解题。由第五段第一句Researchers are puzzled over the results, which were pletely opposite to what they had expected.可知令研究人员疑惑的是研究结果与他们期盼的完全相反。3. D 【解析】细节理解题。从第六段可知A、B、C三项都为原因。4. B 【解析】细节理解题。由第二段第三句Using the Telnet, the user anywhere on the Internet can log into any other machine on which he has an account.可知A项的成立是必须有前提的;由第四段第三句And it wasnt that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually seemed to cause the bad feelings.可知C项错;由第六段.and the relationships formed through it may not be so deep.可知D项是错的。B【语篇解读】本文是一篇报道,介绍了科学家霍金认为人类应该放弃地球到别的宇宙空间生存。 6. A 【解析】词义猜测题。根据第一段中的Its time to give up the earth or face extinction(灭绝)及画线词后的expand into space to survive可知,霍金认为人类应该放弃地球到别的宇宙空间去生存,由此可见画线词词义为离开。故A项正确。7. B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段中的But Hawking says he is still hopeful about the future of humanity.可知,霍金对人类的未来抱有积极乐观的态度。故B项正确。8. D 【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的or about 50,000 years using current rocket science.可知,人类运用目前的航天科学技术到达比邻星需要大约50,000年的时间。故D项正确。II. 完形填空【语篇解读】本文讲述自己的一位盲人朋友,虽然她眼睛看不见,但是心里是明亮的。乐观热情的心态让她克服挑战,开创了全新的生活。1. D 句意:尽管我们从来没有面对面见过,我们仍然经常互相写信。根据句意可知,选D。2. B A. call打电话;B. write写信;C. email发邮件;D. encourage鼓励。根据下文enthusiastic letters可知,这里表示我们经常给对方写信。 7. B A. helpful乐于助人的;B. amazing令人惊讶的;C. sensitive敏感的;D. disappointing失望的,沮丧的。句意:由于她中途失去视力的事实,她的乐观热情更是令人惊讶的。根据语境可知,选B。8. C A. way方法,路;B. parents父母;C. sight视力;D. heart心。根据文章第一句可知,她是我的一位盲人朋友,故她失去的是视力。故选C。9. D A. put off脱去,延期;B. depend on依赖;C. keep on继续;D. give up放弃。句意:她不得不放弃她的职业,重新学习去做我们大部分人认为理所当然的事情。根据句意可知,选D。10. A A. loss损失;B. failure失败;C. break破坏,中断;D. challenge挑战。句意:在受到这样的损失(失去视力)之后,很多人可能就放弃了,但是她不是这样的。故选A。11. C 前一句提到受到这样的损失后,很多人可能就放弃了,但是她不是这样的;空后的意思是她开始了全新的值得称道的志愿工作。所以两句之间用Instead(相反,代替),故选C。12. B A. plans计划;B. days日子,天;C. ideas想法,观点;D. thoughts 想法。句意:她整天都忙着教新移民英语。故选B。13. D 考查A. feeling敏感的,富有情感的;B. touching感人的,动人的;C. breaking中断,破坏(名词,动词);D. hurting(身体上)受伤的;(感情上)受伤的。giving fort to hurting hearts安慰受伤的心灵。故选D。14. A A. every每一;B. some一些;C. no不,没有;D. possible可能的。以每种她能做到的方法去帮助别人。故选A。15. C A. examine检查;B. copy复制;C. follow跟随,模仿;D. plete完成。句意:我朋友的光芒也成为我尽力追寻的灯塔。根据句意可知,选C。16. D A. cheated被欺骗的;B. bored感到厌烦的;C. nervous紧张的;D. challenged受到挑战的。句意:在我的生活中无论何时我感到挑战太大,我就会看看她所战胜的挑战。故选D。17. B A. controlled控制;B. overe克服;C. passed通过;D. overlooked。经历了失去视力之后,她开始了新的生活,所以这里她战胜生活中的挑战,故选B。 20. B A. pity可怜,同情;B. joy快乐;C. sorrow伤心;D. surprise惊讶。句意:我也非常确定天使的眼睛正充满快乐的泪水脸上带着微笑在看护着她。故选B。III. 短文改错Here the information about Manchester University. It is about 200 miles far away from London, and it has very big schoolyard. You can live in the school or near the school. They have all sorts of . Im sure you will find one you like . I know you are in human rights. So I will see there is anything on their website. Ill send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport when you . You met him a few years ago, but he changed a lot since then. Both your aunt I look forward to seeing you again.第一处:areis 主语是information,是不可数名词,故谓语动词应该用单数。第二处:thea schoolyard是第一次提到,不能用the,而应该用a。第三处:coursecourses 前面有all sort of修饰,故后面的名词要用复数。第四处:it去掉 like的逻辑宾语是前面的one,不需要再有宾语。第五处:interestinginterested be interested in意为对感兴趣。第六处:thatwhether/if 句意:因此我会看在他们的网站上是否有任何的东西。根据宾语从句中的anything及句意确定,要把that改为whether或if。第七处:Charlie后面加to send sb. to do sth. 派人做某事。第八处:arrivedarrive 本句是由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时,时间状语从句要用一般现在时,故把arrived改为arrive。第九处:hadhas 根据句中时间状语since then,句子应该用现在完成时,故把had改为has。第十处:orand both.and.是固定句型,意为两个都,既又。IV. 语法填空【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了Sarah Thomas在学业和诱人的职业面前所作出的选择,她认为在青少年时期要把学业放在首位。 5. to prove 考查非谓语动词。want to do sth. 想要做某事。6. education 考查词形转换。形容词性物主代词后面应该接名词形式。7. invitations 考查名词单复数。several修饰可数名词复数形式,故填invitations。8. in 考查介词。in表示在某方面,获得某项学位get a degree in。9. es 考查动词。根据语境可知Sarah认为当下应该是学业第一,说明现在的情况应该用一般现在时。10. certainly 考查副词。修饰动词应该用副词形式,故填certainly。

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