2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 语法专题(2)学案 外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 语法专题(2)学案 外研版必修3 can的用法 (1)can表示惊讶,常用在否定句和疑问句中。 How could you do such a silly thing? 你怎么能做那样的蠢事呢? (2)can表示可能性,意为“可能,有时会”。 Jogging can be harmful to the health. 慢跑也可能会对健康有害。 Even experienced workers can make mistakes. 即使是有经验的工人,有时也会犯错误。 (3)can用于否定句,意为“应该不是,不可能”。 I think its all right.She cant make a mistake. 我想应该没事,她不可能犯错误。 The story cant be true.这个故事不可能是真的。 (4)cannot.too/enough无论也不过分;越越好 You cant be too careful while driving. 开车时越小心越好。 (5)cannot but do sth.不得不,只好 I couldnt but choose to go.我只好去。 may和might的用法 may和might表示“许可”“可能性”“祝愿”等意义。 (1)表示许可 两者都可以表示允许某人做某事,也可以表示征求对方的许可,还可以表示“法律、条文”的许可。 在向对方请求许可时,两者没有时间之分,只是might语气更委婉。 May I e in?我可以进来吗? Might I borrow your puter? 我可以借一下你的电脑吗? 在给予别人许可时,常用can,但有时也用may。但不能用might。 May I play basketball this afternoon? 今天下午我可以打篮球吗? No,you may not.不,不行。 机关、学校等的文书、公告里的“不得;禁止”,要用may not或mustnt。 You mustnt smoke in the classroom.教室内禁止吸烟。 (2)表示可能性 may和might表示可能性时,可以对现在、过去或将来进行推测。 对现在或未来的可能性的判断。 Might I use your bike tomorrow morning? 明天上午我可以用你的自行车吗? Yes,you may.(否定句用:No,I am afraid not.) 是的,可以。 He might be ill.他或许病了。 对可能正在发生的事情进行推测用may/might be doing sth. He might be studying in the classroom. 他可能正在教室里学习。 猜测过去可能发生但不知是否真的发生的事情用may/might have done。 He may/might have done his homework. 他可能已做完了作业。 如果是对过去可能发生而未发生的事情进行猜测用might have done。 Be careful next time.You might have hurt yourself. 下次小心点。你会伤到自己的。 may well动词原形,意为“理应,有足够的理由”。 He may well be proud of his son. 他大可以他的儿子为荣。 may (might) as well动词原形,用来建议或劝说某人采取某种行动,有时相当于had better,常译为“还不如,不妨”。 Its very late,so you may (might) as well go to bed. 夜深了,还是去睡吧。 must的用法 (1)表示义务,意为“必须”(主观意志) We must do everything step by step. 我们一切都必须循序渐进地做。 You mustnt talk to her like that.你不能那样对她说话。 在这种用法中must表示出于主观意识而必须要做某事;have to表示由于某种客观原因而不得不做某事。除此以外,have to自身有时态的变化形式。 I have to go now for Ive got a meeting 15 minutes later. 我现在必须要走了,因为15分钟后我有个会要开。 He has to be back home by five to fetch his son from kindergarten.他必须在五点钟前回家去幼儿园接他儿子。 Jenny had to tidy up the room before her mother came back. 珍妮不得不在她妈妈回家以前将房间整理好。 Well have to reconsider the whole thing. 我们将不得不重新考虑整个事情。 注意:在这种用法中,回答以must引导的问句时,若是否定回答,不可以用mustnt而需要用neednt或是dont have to,因为mustnt意为“绝不能,一定不要”,而没有“不必”的意思。 Must we hand in our exercises today? 我们今天必须交作业吗? Yes,you must.是的,必须交。 No,you neednt.(you dont have to.)不,不必今天交。 (2)表示猜测、推测 must常用于肯定句中表示猜测。对现在或未来的事进行猜测时,后接动词原形;对已经发生的事进行猜测时,后接have过去分词。 He must be ill.He looks so pale. 他准是病了。他的脸色苍白。 I didnt see you in class yesterday.You must have been absent. 我昨天上课没见着你,你肯定没有来。 (3)表示禁止(用于否定句) You must not speak ill of others.你一定不要说别人的坏话。 Smoking must not be allowed in the office. 严禁在办公室吸烟。 (4)表示“偏执,固执” If you must,I can tell you the truth. 如果你一定要,我可以告诉你真相。 shall的用法 (1)用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。 Shall we begin our class?我们开始上课好吗? (2)用于第二、第三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。 I promised he shall get a present for his birthday. 我许诺给他一件生日礼物。 You shall not get my support if you do such a thing. 假如你做那种事,我就不支持你。 will和would的用法 作情态动词的will,would与作助动词的will,would的各种形式相同。 (1)表示自愿做或主动提出做什么,如意志、愿望或决心等。would用于过去的情况。 Can someone fetch some water?谁能去取点水来? I will.我去。 (2)与you连用表示请求或要求:用wont you强调邀请的语气。 would比will更客气、委婉。 Would you mind opening the window for me? 请你给我打开窗户好吗? (3)will表示规律性的“注定会”。 You will regret forever if you lose the chance. 如果失去这个机会你会后悔一辈子的。 need和dare的用法 need和dare既可用做情态动词,也可用做实义动词。用做情态动词时,主要用于否定句和疑问句。用做实义动词时,可用于各种句式。 (1)用做情态动词 Need I e?我需要来吗? Yes,you must.是的,需要。 You neednt telephone him now.你现在不必打电话给他。 She dare not go out alone at night. 她晚上不敢一个人出去。 Not one of them dared mention this. 他们谁也不敢提这件事。 (2)用做实义动词 You dont need to do it yourself.你不必亲自做这件事。 We need to tell them the news. 我们需要把这消息告诉他们。 The table needs painting(to be painted) 桌子需要油漆一下。 We should dare to give our own opinion. 我们要敢于提出自己的观点。 He did not dare to look up.他不敢抬头看。 used to和would (1)表示过去重复、习惯性动作时,used to可用would代替。 He would sit at the door waiting for his son ing back. 他老是坐在门口等儿子回来。 (2)used to强调过去与现在对比,would则不。 He used to get up early. 他以前常常起得很早。(他现在不早起了) (3)表示过去的状态,只能用used to,不可以用would。 There used to be a tree in my yard.以前,我家院里有一棵树。 情态动词have done的用法 (1)must完成式 此结构常用在肯定句中,表示对过去发生的行为的推测,意为“一定,肯定”。其否定或疑问形式用cant,而不用mustnt。 He must have been drunk to say that. 他准是喝醉了才那样说的。 (2)should完成式 表示本应该做而实际上没有做,其否定式“shouldnt have done”表示某种行为不该发生却发生了。 I think he should have tried to get some more qualifications before applying for the job.我认为他在申请这份工作之前应首先努力取得更多的资格证明。 (3)can (could)完成式 肯定式表示本来可以做而实际上未能做某事,疑问或否定形式表示对过去发生的行为怀疑或不肯定。 You could have told me you were going to be late. 你应当早告诉我你会晚到的。 (4)may(might)完成式 表示对过去(将来)发生的行为的推测,表示可能干了某事。 Who knows what will happen?You may even have married by then.谁知道会发生什么呢?到那时你甚至可能已经结婚了。 (5)ought to+完成式 表示过去应做某事而实际未做,其否定式是“ought not to不定式完成式”,此时ought to可与should换用。 What you ought to have done is call the police. 你早该报警了。 (6)neednt完成式 表示本来不必做某事而实际上做了某事。 Terence has done so little work,he neednt have bothered to e to school today. 特伦斯几乎没做什么功课,他今天其实就不用来学校。 1(xx年辽宁卷)The traffic is heavy these days.I_arrive a bit late,so could you save me a place? Acan Bmust Cneed Dmight 【解析】句意为:最近这些天交通拥挤。我有可能迟到一会儿,因此请你给我留个位子好吗?might表示可能性,往往指较小的可能性,符合句意。can能,会;must必须,一定;need需要。 【答案】D 2(xx年全国卷)What do you mean,there are only ten tickets?There_be twelve. Ashould Bwould Cwill Dshall 【解析】句意为:这儿只有10张票,是什么意思?应该有12张票的。根据句意,表按理来说,用should,故选A。 【答案】A 3(xx年全国卷)I cant leave.She told me that I_stay here until she es back. Acan Bmust Cwill Dmay 【解析】 句意为:我不能离开。她告诉我,我必须在这里等,直到她回来。can能够;must必须;will将要;may可能。本题I cant leave.提示我们“必须”等。 【答案】B 4(xx年北京卷)One of the few things you_say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather. Aneed Bmust Cshould Dcan 【解析】句意为:关于英国人我们拿捏较准的几件事之一是他们经常谈论天气。此题考查情态动词。can表示客观的可能性。 【答案】D 5(xx年江苏卷)He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he_it differently. Acould express Bwould express Ccould have expressed Dmust have expressed 【解析】句意为:他不后悔说了他做了什么,而认为他本能够用不同的方式表达。could express能够表达;would express要表达;could have expressed本来能够表达;must have expressed(表推测)肯定已经表达。 【答案】C 6(xx年安徽卷)Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they_ just be quiet people. Amust Bmay Cshould Dwould 【解析】句意为:言语不多的人未必就是害羞。他们或许就是安静的人。must肯定是;may或许是;should应该是;would想必是。 【答案】B 7(xx年湖南卷)Its the office!So you_know eating is not allowed here. Oh,sorry. Amust Bwill Cmay Dneed 【解析】句意为:这是办公室!所以你必须知道这里不许吃东西。噢,对不起。must“必须”,在此处语气最强烈。 【答案】A 8(xx年上海卷)It_have been Tom that parked the car here,as he is the only one with a car. Amay Bcan Cmust Dshould 【解析】 句意为:一定是汤姆把车停在这里的,因为只有他有车。此句为强调句型,谓语动词为must have been,用must表示语气肯定的推测。must have done表示“(过去)一定做了某事”。 【答案】C 9(xx年重庆卷)Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is? She_in the classroom.I saw her there just now. Ashall be Bshould have been Cmust be Dmight have been 【解析】句意为:嗨,Tom,你知道Jane在哪儿吗?她肯定在教室里。我刚才在那儿看到她了。从对话中可以看出该空是对现在情况的肯定的猜测。 【答案】C 10(xx年四川卷)I dont care what people think. Well,you_. Acould Bwould Cshould Dmight 【解析】句意为:我不在乎人们想什么。不对,你应该在乎。根据语境,后半句中省略了一些与前句相同的内容。该题目实际上考查了情态动词的用法。should用以表示义务或责任,如:You shouldnt drink and drive.你不应该喝酒后开车。 【答案】C 1(xx届湖南长沙一中第三次月考)I bet someone stole my backpack. Well,you_have kept an eye on it. Amay Bcan Cwould Dshould 【解析】should have done表示“本应该做某事却没做”,即你本应该看好自己的背包的。keep an eye on意为“留心,注意”。 【答案】D 2(xx届江苏泰兴调研测试)I_have been more than six years old when the accident happened. Ashouldnt Bcouldnt Cmustnt Dneednt 【解析】考查情态动词。must表示推测时,只能用于肯定句,否定句中用can或could代替。shouldnt have done表示“本来不该做某事,而实际上却做了”。neednt have done表示“本来不必做某事,而实际上却做了”。根据语意“当事故发生时我不可能超过6岁”可知,答案为B。 【答案】B 3(xx届山西大同学情调研)I think Ill give Bob a ring. You_.You havent been in touch with him for a long time. Ashould Bwill Cmay Dhave to 【解析】考查情态动词。答语的后一句中提到“你很久没有与他联系了”,由此可知对方认为说话人“应该”给Bob打一个电话。 【答案】A 4(xx届江苏扬州中学月考)I didnt take notes at yesterdays meeting because I had left my pen at home. You_mine.I_it. Amust have borrowed;wasnt using Bmay have borrowed;wasnt using Cshould have borrowed;hadnt used Dcould have borrowed;wasnt using 【解析】第一空的could have done表示“本可以做某事而实际上却没做”,即你本可以借用我的钢笔。第二空用过去进行时表示“当时没有用钢笔”。 【答案】D 5(xx届安徽合肥高校附中联考)I wonder why Susan looks worried today. Im not sure,but she_a small accident driving here. Acould have Bmight have Cmight have had Dmust have had 【解析】考查情态动词表推测。句意为“但是,她开车来时或许出过小事故”。既然是Im not sure“不确信”,应该用might来表达推测,后面给出的时间状语是driving here开车来时,所以用might have had。 【答案】C 6(xx届临川一中期中考)Can I tell my best friend about it? No.Its just between you and me.You_tell anyone else. Amustnt Bmay not Cneednt Ddont have to 【解析】考查情态动词。根据答语的前半部分可知此处表示的是禁止,所以用mustnt。C、D两项的意思相同,表示“不必”。 【答案】A 7(xx届郑州重点中学联考)James didnt turn up last night,did he? No.He_.We had changed our plan. Ashouldt have e Bneednt have e Cdidnt need to e Dneednt e 【解析】考查情态动词。他没有来是因为我们的计划改变了,所以他实际上也不必来。用C项描述过去的实际情况,符合语意。A项表示“本不该做而做了”,B项表示“本来没必要做而做了”,D项表示现在的实际情况,三项均不符合语意。 【答案】C 8(xx届广西南宁地区联考)Nowadays,a graduate with a masters degree_fail to find a highpaid job,which discourages a lot of college students. Ashall Bcan Cwill Dmust 【解析】考查情态动词。这里用can表示“有时会,可能会”。句意为:如今有硕士学位的毕业生也可能会找不到高薪工作。 【答案】B 9(xx年郑州一模)I dreamed of some animals running on the moon. It_be.There is no air or water on the moon,you know. Acant Bmay not Cshouldnt Dmustnt 【解析】考查情态动词。答语中后面一句话的意思是“你知道的,月球上没有空气和水”,因此A项正确。cant表示理论上的不可能,符合语意。 【答案】A 10(xx年长春第一次调研)Has Tim started?He said he would join in the party. He_.He is a man of his word. Acould have left Bmust have left Ccant e Dwont be ing 【解析】考查情态动词。根据“He is a man of his word”可知他是一个守信的人,因此推测他肯定已经启程了。 【答案】B 11(xx年西安检测)The welldressed lady was caught stealing in the fashion shop.Strangely enough,she_have done such a thing. Awould Bmust Cshould Dmight 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。根据题干中的Strangely enough可知,这里应该用should,表示惊讶,可译为“竟然”。 【答案】C 12(xx年潍坊检测)Her English position is much too perfect.She_it herself,I bet. Amight have written Bcant have written Ccant write Dmust have written 【解析】考查情态动词。句意为:她的英语作文太好了。我打睹一定不是她写的。因为write是过去的动作,表示对过去事情的否定推测用canthave done。 【答案】B 13(xx年皖南八校第二次联考)When shall we meet your cousin at the station? His plane took off 2 hours ago,and it_reach at 5 pm. Ashould Bcould Cmust Dcan 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。should的意思是“应该会,可能”,在这里表示对将来的推测,预期会。 【答案】A 14(xx年青岛一模)Has Mr Tom White arrived? Yes,already._he wait outside or just e in? AShall BMay CCould DMust 【解析】该题考查情态动词的用法。shall放在疑问句中常用来表示征求对方的意见或请求允许。此处意为“他是进来还是在外面等”。 【答案】A 15(xx年金华模拟)What does the sign over there read? No person_smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area. Amust Bmay Cshall Dwill 【解析】考查情态动词。句意为:在这个地方任何人不得吸烟或拿着点燃的烟卷、雪茄或烟斗。shall放在第二、三人称后面表示“允诺,命令,威胁”等语气。 【答案】C


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