六年级英语下册 Unit 1《Great cities in Asia》教案 牛津上海版.doc

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Unit 1 Great cities in Asia Period 3:Reading :Great cities in Asia 栏目一:Teaching objectives(教学目标) Knowledge objectives (知识目标) After learning this part students can know about some basic information about several capital cities (了解几个首都城市的基本信息) know about different culture of different places (了解不同地区的不同文化) Ability objectives(技能目标) Listening:Listen for specific information (能捕捉细节信息) Speaking:Maintain an interaction by answering questions (通过回答问题保持互动) Reading:Read written language in meaningful chunks (根据译群读文章,掌握停顿) Writing:Write out a piece of work when a framework is provided (能根据框架写出一篇文章) Emotional goals Inspiring love of the cities (激发对城市的热爱)栏目二:Teaching contents Vocabulary: 单词部分有链接,点击进入单词部分capital, tourist, Phrase :love/enjoy/like doing Sentence pattern(Grammar) there be 句型的运用 栏目三:Teaching process ReviewComplete the dialogue according to the Chinese.A:How Far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?B: (大约1400公里远)A:How can we travel to Beijing?B:we can travel to train.A: (坐火车从北京到上海要多长时间呢?)B:It takes about 10 hours答案:It is about 1,400 kilometers. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train?Lead-in 图片部分做链接,点击链接进入相应介绍部分Beijing Tokyo Bangkok Do you want to know more?Yes, of course.Reading N 做链接,点击进入城市介绍文档Beijing Tokyo同上 上海 W E Bangkok同上, S More exploration点击进入拓展练习,见素材more exploration文档 配音频及翻译: 北京是中国的首都,它位于上海的北方。在这里,你可以找到博物馆,宫殿和公园。很多游客喜欢参观这些地方。他们经常参观长城。有1500万人在北京居住。他们喜欢吃饺子 Beijing is the capital of China. It is north of shanghai.you can find museums, palaces and parks there. Many tourists like visiting those places. They always visit the great wall.there are more than 15 million people in Beijing.they enjoy eating dumplings. Practice 1:Find the key points : 此部分是针对本段文字展开的活动。Practice 1:做一个按钮,点击逐一显示3个关键点。 the capital of China it has many view large amount of population Practice 2:Retell the general idea according to key points. 同上 东京是日本的首都。它位于上海的西北方。在这里,你可以看到很多高大的建筑,大型的百货公司和著名的旅馆。游客经常去东京购物。在这座城市大约生活着1200万人。他们喜欢吃寿司Tokyo is the capital of japan. It is north-east of shanghai.you can see a lot of tall buildings, huge department stores and famous hotels there.tourists usually go shopping in Tokyo. There are about 12 million people in this city. They love eating sushi. Practice 1同上: Find the key points : the capital of Japan big modernized city busy business Practice 2:Retell the general idea according to key points. 同上 曼谷是泰国的首都。它位于上海的西南方。这里有很多的寺庙和沙滩。很多游客喜欢在海里游泳。有大约800万人居住在曼谷。他们喜欢吃水果,他们也喜欢吃辛辣的食物。Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. It is south-west of Shanghai. There are many temples and beaches in Bangkok. A lot of tourists enjoy swimming in the sea at these beautiful beaches. There are about 8 million people in Bangkok. They love eating fruit. They also love eating spicy food. Practice 1: Find the key points : the capital of Thailand typical tropical view many kinds of foodsPractice 2:Retell the general idea according to key points.栏目四:Summary .is the capital of .:某地是哪个地方的首都/首府 It is south-west/north-east. of .:它位于某地的西南/东北 等等 .love/enjoy/like doing . 某人或某物喜欢做某事 Eg: London is the capital of the UK, it is north-west of Shanghai. 伦敦是英国的首都,它位于上海的西北方。 He loves/likes/enjoys reading. 他喜欢阅读。 A quiz1. How Far is it from Shanghai to Beijing? It is about 200 2,900 1,400 kilometers.2. How far is it from Shanghai to Tokyo? It is about 2,300 1,100 9,200kilometers.3. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Bangkok by ship? It takes about 4 3.5 3days4. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Tokyo by ship? It takes about 3 4 2.5days5. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train? It takes about 10 20 40hours6. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Bangkok by plane? It takes about 3 4 2.5hours 栏目五:Homework 1.复习本课知识,用本文所学短语,句型,单词造句 2.识记本课所学单词,短语,句型 3.预习下一课

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