六年级英语下册 module 2 unit 1 when are you going to eat教案1 外研版.doc

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Module 2 Unit 1 When are we going to eat?教学目标:1.知识目标 1)能听说读写本课的单词: to go /duck/ pond/cloud/dry/like /look like/stay理解课文大意并能准确认读课文。2)在复习巩固be going to 句型的基础上掌握文中的重点句型:When are we going to eat? We are going to eat at half past twelve.2.能力目标1)利用图画问题信息来理解单词或句子的意思,并能掌握重点单词和句型。2)能用英语流利的介绍这个故事。3)能用be going to制定自己的旅游计划, 介绍自己的旅游计划,提高综合运用语言能力3.情感目标 1)通过设计有趣的活动,来提高学生学习的兴趣。 2)设计并介绍自己的旅游计划,体会学以致用的快乐。重点难点:教学重点: 1.掌握本单元重点单词和句子,能用英语流利的介绍这个故事。2. 制定自己的旅游计划, 能用be going to介绍自己的旅游计划。教学难点:利用图画问题信息,让学生理解单词和句子的意思。教学方法:任务型教学法,游戏比赛教学法,多种形式的练习,实践运用教具准备:PPT,IQ Board,闹钟,卡片教学过程:Step 1: Warm up:1. Review a poem . (媒体运用:出示上一节课呈现的猜一猜游戏,它是一首诗歌,特别美的一首诗歌,所以这节课让孩子们读一读,感受诗歌的魅力。)2. Sing a song : Our school will shine today.(媒体运用:制作关于学校,关于孩子们的视频,伴着好听的英文歌Our school will shine today.让孩子们回忆快乐的过去,兴趣盎然地进入学习状态,并由此引入Free Talk环节。)3. Free TalkT:Our school will shine today. What are you going to do ?(本环节设计意图:通过各种方式让孩子们体会英语的魅力。如:诗歌,歌曲。在兴趣盎然的氛围中,进行Free Talk,复习be going to)Step 2: Presentations1.Lead inT: Our school will shine today. What are you going to do? When are you going to do? 呈现重点单词when, 呈现课题:When are we going to eat? T: What time is it? Ss: .T: May be we are going to eat at seven oclock.(媒体运用:屏幕捕捉,强调重点单词when.在表上画时间,复习句型What time is it ?)2. Activity1Listen and say, then fill in the blanks.What time is it? _Simon is late for_. This time, He should eat _.(媒体运用:屏幕捕捉,强调重点单词when.在表上画时间,复习句型What time is it ?)3. Activity21) Listen and answer.Who are they? What are they going to do?(媒体运用:出示课文图片,让学生仔细观察图片,对课文有个初步印象,让学生带着好奇心进一步学习课文。)2) Listen and choose.1. What time is it? A. Its half past eleven. B. Its half past twelve.2. When are they going to eat? A. At half past eleven. B. At half past twelve.3. What are there on the pond? A. Ducks. B. Frog.4. What are there in the sky? A. Dark clouds. B. Rainbow.5. Whats happening when they are eating their picnic? A. Its going to rain. B. Its raining.C. The ducks are eating their sandwiches! 3)解析课文T: What time is it now? S: Its half past eleven.T: And when are they going to eat?S: At half past twelve.T: So, one hour to go.(跟读课文以上重点句子)插入图片T: What are there on the pond? Learn:pondS: There are some ducks. Learn:duckT: What are there in the sky? S: There are some dark clouds in the sky. Learn:dark clouds(跟读课文以上重点单词,重点句子)比较:dark,duck插入图片T: Whats happening when they are eating their picnic? S: Its raining. The ducks are eating their sandwiches. T: We know its raining now, so their food is wet. It looks like they are going to stay hungry.比较图片Its going to rain . Its raining now.T: Where are they going?S: They are going over there.T: Its dry over there.Learn:dry, look like ,stay(媒体运用:利用IQ Board的书写,批注,插入图片,转换windows模式等,对课文重点单词,句子进行学习运用,对重点句子进行比较,如比较:dark,duck比较图片Its going to rain . Its raining now.等,使孩子们掌握易混淆单词,句子)4)Review : wordsMake a chant.I say: to go Ss say: one hour to go (媒体运用:插入音乐,让孩子们进行chant)5)Read the story ,then tell the story in class.Daming, Simon and Simons Mum are going to have a picnic in a park. What time is it? Its_.They are going to eat at_. There is one hour to go.In the park, there are some _. They are _.And there are some dark _At half pat twelve, they are eating their_.But now its_. And the ducks are eating_.It looks like they are going to _.(媒体运用:出示一些提示,让孩子们复述课文内容)(此环节设计意图: 通过看课文视频,理解大概意思,通过听,对课文重点句子的答案进行选择。在分析课文时,以时间为线索,通过图画和问题信息,利用师生问答的形式对课文展开教学活动,从而让学生理解单词和句子的意思。并通过跟读,让学生掌握重点单词句子。最后,通过一些练习,巩固课文内容。)Step 4 : Practice1. 出示一些图片,让孩子们用When areis you he she going to .?进行问答练习。2. Play a game.比赛说上面的图片,看哪一组用的时间少,那一组就获胜。(媒体运用:出示图片,比赛时,出示闹钟。)3. 活动4 Write the answer.一个学生用电脑操作。(媒体运用:用键盘输入答案。)(此环节设计意图:通过多种形式的练习,使孩子们掌握重点句型,在兴趣盎然的练习中,做到举一反三。)Step 5 Summary1. 学习小秘诀2. 重点单词句子。(媒体运用:呈现以上内容)Step 6 :Production1. Enjoy some photos of my travel. (媒体运用:依次出现照片,让学生听着音乐欣赏,对旅行充满期待。)2. Make a travel plan学生把自己的旅游计划写在卡纸上,并剪喜欢的形状,贴在黑板上。(媒体运用:呈现问句的答句,插入方框,把答案圈起来,告诉孩子们,这些答案组合到一起就是我们的travel plan)3. 告诉孩子在出行前要注意天气,别忘了带一些衣服,鞋子,雨伞。(此环节设计意图:通过欣赏照片,让孩子们对旅行充满期待,再讲解如何制作自己的旅行计划,并把自己做好的旅游计划设计图案,样式,张贴在黑板上展览自信的设计,体会学以致用的快乐,体会成功的快乐。)


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