六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1《I want a hot dogplease》导学案 外研版.doc

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六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1《I want a hot dogplease》导学案 外研版.doc_第1页
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六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1《I want a hot dogplease》导学案 外研版.doc_第3页
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Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.一、目标和重难点学习目标1.词汇 To grasp words: hamburger cola dollar cent enjoy2.句型 lean to use “what do you want ? I want ”“How much is it ?”Its /What do you want to +动词原形?I want ”freely.3.Be active in class and enjoy your study.学习重点、难点1.复习巩固句式;Is it ?及其回答:Yes, it is.(No, it isnt)/Can I help you?/Here you are.2.学习掌握句型;What do you want? I want/How much is it ?its/what do you want to eat(drink)?I want3.描述购物过程。二、预习学案Step 1.Write down the words on blackboard (from group 1) :Hamburger 汉堡 复数hamburgers two hamburgers 同类事物sandwich 三明治 Hot dog 热狗 bread 面包 cola 可乐 dollar美元 复数dollars cent美分 复数cents enjoy 享用。Step 2 listen to the text and underline the words.Step 3 Group workLearn the words in group 1. read the words correctly.2. Whats the meaning?3 . Make sentences. 4. say something about the words.Step 4 listing and practice三、导学案Stap1初读课文,整体感知Find out new words and sentences and then write them on your excise bookStap2 .listen to the text and find out these questions Where are Daming Simon and Simons Dad?Is a hot really a dog?What does Simon want eat?What does Simons dad want to eat?What does Daming want to eat?How much is the meal?Stap3 Work in groupAsk the answer the questions in groupExplain “dollar and cent” “1dollar is 100 cents”Practice them with your partner.Stap4 深读课文,整体感知Read text in groupRead the text and translate it . Read it fluently and emotionally. (流利的、有感情的朗读课文并翻译。)2. Then try to act the text in roles . (然后尝试分角色表演课文。)四、课堂检测 Practice 1. Now lets make a fast food restaurant .You can buy something that you want. (Ss put their food on the teachers desk.)2. Do the activity in their groups.3. Then choose one group come to the front. 根据课文内容完成下列短文Daming simon and simons dad are they are in a fast food ,Daming A hot dog .It really a hot dog and it looks ,simon wants a and simons dad want too.They want three to drink .T he is thirteen and twenty-five . 单项选择1.What you want ? A hot dog ,pleaseA do B does C is 2.What Simon want ?A hot dog. A do B does C is3.A hot dog good A look B looking C looks4.He drinks milk for breakfast every morning. A many B are C is5.How much the ?ten yuan. A be B are C is6.Its one and five . A dollars cent B dollar cens C dollar cent7.Can you help ? A she B he C him五、课后作业Collect more western food.六、板书设计 Module 1Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.What do you want? I want a hot dog/ hamburger/ cola /, please. How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty five cents.


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