2019-2020年高三上学期第二次月考英语试题 缺答案(II).doc

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2019-2020年高三上学期第二次月考英语试题 缺答案(II) 高三英语试题 豆晓维 马建民 班级 姓名 第卷(共80 分)一、阅读理解(每小题 2分, 共40分)Walking is good for you.Its good for your heart,for your lungs,for the muscle and bone growth of your children.Strong scientific evidence now supports the many benefits to health of regular walking.Walking is connected with reduced death rates for both older and younger adults.In other words,walkers live longer!In particular,walking has a great effect on cardiovascular disease(心血管病)Fit and active people have around half the risk of cardiovascular disease pared to unfit inactive people.Even 10minute walks can increase fitness.One study at Loughbrough University found that women walking continuously for 30 minutes 5 days a week had almost the same increases in fitness as women who divide their 30 minutes into three 10minute walks.The majority of studies of young people indicate falling participation in physical activity.Only half of 1116yearolds currently walk for ten minutes a day.Children in Britain walk 50 miles a year less than they did a decade ago.Around 20% of children can be classed as overweight.TV,puters,cultural changes and fears for childrens safety out of doors play a large part.Walking offers a great way to help kids get the active habit.If parents express excitement about the prospect of a walk in the countryside,they are more likely to pass this feeling to their children.Its important to treat the walk as an exploration or adventure and to go at the childs pace,no matter how often they want to stop and look at things; take treats to eat and plenty to drink; and head for some landmark that will attract them such as a castle,a playground,an ice cream car or a boating pond.If children experience walking as part of a fun activity they are more likely to want to go again.【语篇解读】走路对人很有好处,这一点众所周知。但到底走路对我们有哪些好处,可能很多人并不太了解吧。 1The best title for this passage is _AWalking for Weight Control of WomenBWalking Plays an Important Part in HealthCWalking for Childrens Mental Health DWalking to Regain Health after Illness 2We know from the passage that regular walking _Acan make people live longer and healthyBhas nothing to do with cardiovascular diseaseCincreases fitness only if you walk as fast as you canDwill help you put on much weight in a short time 3Why do young people walk less nowadays than before?ABecause they have more homework to do.BBecause they want to learn more knowledge on TV.CBecause their parents worry about their safety.DBecause they have fitness equipment at home. 4In the last paragraph the author suggests that _Achildren should be led by parents when they play out of doorsBparents should help their children form a habit of walkingCparents should not care about their children too muchDchildren should do more explorative and adventure activities BMy Grandmother was from a town of Michigan.Summer after summer I enjoyed staying with her as a young child.I was from the city and loved the small town they lived in.People knew everyone,their kids,their pets,and other things.Grandma was always using her hands for something exciting.Shed made beautiful quilts for each one.I remember the small thimble(顶针) she would use while doing her needle work.A few years ago when Grandma died,I lost a loving Grandmother.How quickly our lives can change.We had just had tea together a couple of months earlier,on her 91st birthday.I missed her very much.On one particular birthday when I was feeling a little low,something happened to make me feel like she was sharing that special day with me.I was arranging some colorful pillows that she had made,and suddenly I felt something inside one pillow.It was small and hard.I moved the object to a seam(接缝) that I carefully opened,and to my delight out came a tiny silver thimble!How happy I was to find something that had been a part of her.Not realizing it had fallen off her finger,I pictured her sewing it in that little pillow that I just happened to place on my bedspread that day.I carefully laid the thimble alongside the others Ive collected over the years,where I could continue to see the gift God chose to give to me.What a precious memory of a very special lady who was laughing in delight at sewing her thimble inside my pillow.I made some tea,using my best china,as Grandma always did,and enjoyed my tea and Grandmas thimble.What a wonderful birthday that was! 5The writer wrote this passage in order to _Ashow how she missed her grandma Bexpress a desire to lead a simple lifeCcall on people to care for the oldDrecall the good deeds her grandma did6The reason why the writer liked staying with her grandparents is that _Athey often bought her some birthday giftsBshe was curious about people and things thereCshe could have tea parties and eat sandwichesDshe could learn to sew something from her grandmother7Which of the following words can best describe the writer when she found the silver thimble?ASad. BProud.CLucky. DCheerful.8It can be inferred from the passage that the silver thimble _Awas the item the writer had been trying to findBwas the most treasured possession of GrandmaCwas very precious and valuable to the writerDwas a birthday gift Grandma had given to the writerCIf you want to know how to make a homemade hamburger,you will be happy to know that it is easy.The following article will tell you how to make a homemade hamburger that is delicious and easy.Add the beef,salt and pepper,sauce and the egg to a bowl.Mix with your hands to make sure that everything is pletely mixed together so that the flavor will be all throughout the meat.Make the meat into six equal size balls.Roll them out in your hands and then press them down on a plate to a half inch to threequarterinch thickness.You can go thicker if you like,but they will take much longer to cook thoroughly.Cover the meat pie with plastic wrap and put the plate into the refrigerator for at least thirty minutes.This will help the meat stick together when they are cooking.When the meat is warm from your hands,it tends to fall apart.The next part of how to make a homemade hamburger is cooking them.You can bake them on medium(中等的) heat for six minutes per side.Another great way to make a homemade hamburger is to pan fry it,although if you are using lean ground beef,you will need to add oil or butter to the pan.Prepare toppings(配料)Traditional toppings are lettuce,tomato,and onions,but you can put anything on it that you like.Put it all on the bread,add the meat and enjoy!Now that you know how to make a homemade hamburger,spice(加香料) it up a little.Try adding cheeses or other types of things into the meat to make your own style hamburger. 9The best title for this passage is _AThe History And Development of HamburgerBHow to Keep Proper Table MannersCHow to Make a Homemade HamburgerDA Kind of Healthy FoodsHamburger10The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to _Ameat balls BhamburgersCtoppings Dcheeses 11Why should you put the plate of meat pie into the refrigerator?ATo make sure that everything is pletely mixed together.BTo make it easier to be baked on medium heat.CTo make it more delicious and more beautiful.DTo help the meat stick together when they are cooking.12 The text is most probably taken from _ Aa newspaper report Ba library guideCa cooking book Da science report DAccording to the scientists the mystery of disappeared ships and airplanes in the region called “The Bermuda Triangle” has been solved.The “Triangle” simply suffers from a serious case of gas.Natural gas,specifically methane(甲烷),is the criminal behind the mysterious disappearances and loss of ships and airplanes.Researchers hypothesized that large methane bubbles(泡沫) rising from the ocean floor might account for many of the mysterious disappearances of ships and airplanes at specific locales around the world.Oceanographic surveyors of the sea floor in the area of the Bermuda Triangle and the North Sea region between continental Europe and Great Britain have discovered significant quantities of methane hydrates and older eruption sites.Because of the correlations and existing data,scientists imagined what would happen when methane bubbles explode from natural fissures on the seafloor.The methane can bee dislodged and transform into gaseous bubbles expanding as they explode upwards.When these bubbles reach the surface of the water they rise into the air,still expanding upwards and outwards.Any ships caught within the methane bubbles immediately lose all buoyancy(浮力) and sink to the bottom of the ocean.If the bubbles are big enough and possess a high enough density they can also knock airplanes out of the sky with little or no warning.Using the latest puter modeling,scientists tested their theory.To provide a check on the accuracy of their hypothesis,scientists built a large tank,filled it with water to simulate the regions of the earth where ships and planes have reportedly disappeared over the last century,and launched large methane gas bubbles from the bottom of the tank towards a toy ship floating on the surface of the water.The results were impressive and the physical tests mirrored the puter model.Scientists found that the ship sank if it was between the middle of a bubble and its outer edges.If the ship was far away from the edge of the bubble the ship would sail on safely.Despite not sinking,however,if the methane bubble was big enough and the ship was positioned at or near the center of the bubble when it surfaced,every one on the ship could be asphyxiated(窒息)This would account for several famous cases where ships were found in the Triangle with everyone aboard dead without a scratch.13The region “The Bermuda Triangle” is dangerous for ships and airplanes because _Athere are large methane bubbles rising from the ocean floor in this regionBvolcanoes in this area often erupt more fiercely than those of other regionsCthe weather of this region is always changing sharply from time to timeDthe gravity of this region is larger than that of other regions of the world14It can be known from the passage that when ships meet with methane bubbles _Athey will be pushed upwards by the explosion of methane bubblesBthey will be covered with dust produced by the explosion of methane bubblesCthey will be exploded along with the explosion of methane bubblesDtheir buoyancy will lose and they will sink to the bottom of the ocean15When people on the ship died without any injury,the ship might be _Aaround the outer edges of the bubbleBat or near the center of the bubbleCfar away from the edge of the bubbleDout of control of the bubble第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to relieve your interview tensionFor most of us,interviewing is terrifying.You have to highlight your strengths; massage your past into a narrative for future success; and develop a connection with various interviewersall while trying to decide if you would enjoy the pany._16_ Here are top three tips:1Know your interviewersInterviews are between people,not panies.And while people hire based on skills and knowledge,they also hire individuals with whom they feel a connection.To help make this connection,know who you will be interviewing with and understand their journey. _17_ But,dont overdo this.2Practice your answersThis may sound like mon sense,but know the key points you want to municate._18_ You cant predict the exact questions,but there are basics that all panies will want to know:what youve done in the past,what you hope to do in the future,and how you will add value at the pany.So practice.Answer briefly.Dont be afraid of silence._19_ It shows youre thoughtful,a clear thinker,and can prioritize.Its also important to ask clarifying questions if there are multiple ways to interpret a question or if youre unsureit shows youre listening and engaged.3Follow your passionOnly interview for positions that youre truly passionate aboutyoull do your best work at these panies.You can show your passion in the questions you ask and the examples you provide._20_ At some point,the person interviewing you was sitting in your chair.Employees want to work alongside people that energize them and share their love for what they do.Its the hardest thing to fake and the easiest way to stand out.ALook for a job that inspires you.BEveryone loves to work with passionate people.CThink about your answers and provide crisp responses.DInterviewing is all about selling yourself and success.EBefore you interview,think about what they might ask you.FFind your connection points and bring them up naturally in the conversation.GThe key is to show you worked through the challenge by finding a creative way around it.二、完形填空(每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My teeth screamed.I couldnt_21_ them any longer.I finally ignored my_22_ of dentists and decided to get them fixed.But how? I was a college student and_23_ supported myself with parttime jobs.I_24_ the first dentist within walking distance.The receptionist told me to e right over.As I hurried across the campus,I forgot the pain in_25_ how I would pay the bill.In a few minutes I was in a chair being_26_ by a dentist who said,“Hmm!” as he surveyed the broken parts in my_27_“Your teeth are in bad shape.But dont worry,Im going to_28_ them.” “No,youre not.I cant_29_ to pay you.” I started climbing out of the chair.“Dont_30_!” he said,“I know you are a student and have no money,but you can pay me_31_ you graduate and get a good job with a mouthful beautiful_32_” Then he calmly picked up his_33_ and fixed the aching teeth.From that day on,I saw him every week until my teeth were in good_34_And he kept them that way with regular checkups.After_35_,I got a job and settled his_36_ in a few months.In the 40 years following,there are strangers who appear out of nowhere when I need_37_Theyve_38_ and given me money,materials or equipment; theyve taught me_39_ and helped me organize groups; sometimes theyve_40_ me from danger or making a big mistake.So,dentist dear,wherever you are,bless you and thank you again! 21A.beat Bneglect Cfight Ddefend22A.fear Barrangement Ceffect Dfailure23A.easily Bgently Chorribly Dbarely24A.called Bvisited Cgreeted Dentered25A.making out Bsetting aside Cworrying about Dmaking up 26A.wondered Bexamined Cwarned Dsuggested 27A.head Bstomach Cchest Dmouth28A.remove Bpull Cfix Ddamage29A.afford Bovere Cresist Dsupply 30A.assist Bmove Cadjust Dparticipate 31A.unless Bbefore Cwhile Dafter 32A.teeth Bfood Cwater Dtongue33A.money Bmercy Ctools Dcuriosity 34A.shape Bsize Cmanner Dquality35A.operation Bdecoration Cgraduation Dinvestigation 36A.problem Battempt Cbill Devaluation 37A.wealth Bpossession Cevidence Dhelp38A.borrowed Blent Cgained Dearned 39A.skills Brewards Cpolicies Dsenses40A.prevented Brescued Cpromoted Dapplied 第卷(共70 分)三语法填空。(每小题 2分, 共20分)Just when I thought there could be no way to fort my two children,Robbie and Krista,only hours after burying their father,there was a special gift just for us.The morning was 41_ (cloud) with light drizzles(细雨) at times.The only _42_ (think) that came to my mind was how to fort my children.My home was _43_ (fill) with friends.My father had taken the children to play in the backyard to make them calm.As my _44_ (friend) would leave,I would walk them to the front door to see them _45_We found the most amazing sight _46_ we walked out the front door:The end of a rainbow was clearly in our front yard,_47_ made all of us astonished.Before I could catch my breath,my father and the children were calling me from the backyard _48_ (excite) to e and look at the beautiful rainbow in the backyard.I ran to the backyard to see it.I looked over the house to see the most perfect rainbow _49_ (shoot) its colors directly over our house.There were no words to describe the _50_ (warm) in my heart for what we were seeing:a true gift from God.It was a sign to me that he was still with us.I couldnt help but cry.re than 18 million holidays taken there each year.四短文改错(20分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号()并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Climbing is my favorite sport.I am very fond it,especially in later autumn.One day early in the morning,my friends and I put on their sports shoes and start off.After climbing for half an hour,we got at the top of the mountain.There we have a good view around.To the north,a big river crossed the city.There were many ships sailed busily.A lot of beautiful trees were there,too.The sun started to go down,for it was time for us to go back.In the way back,we were laughing and talking all the time.We had a good time on that day.五书面表达( 共30分)众所周知,海洋对我们的日常生活具有重大的影响。但人类活动却在破坏着海洋的生态平衡。请根据以下要点说明人类应该如何保护海洋。1阻止工厂向河流排放废水;2不向河流乱扔垃圾;3告知游客海洋的重要性。要求:1.100词左右;2不要逐条翻译;3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

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