2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Theme parks课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Theme parks课时作业 新人教版必修4.单项填空1You can imagine what great trouble they have_the problem_.Ato solve;being talked aboutBsolving;discussingCto solve;to talk aboutDsolving;being discussed2Most members of the mittee were in favour of the suggestion;only a(n)_were against it.AmajorityBminorityCquantity Damount3Not only_the activity_public awareness of world hunger,but raised a lot of money for the poor children.A/;has increased Bis;increaseChas;increased D/;increased4Sorry,Madam.Youd better e tomorrow because its_the visiting hours.Aduring BatCbeyond Dbefore5The person who was taking photos asked the family to sit_and listen_to his order.Aclosely;close Bclose;closelyCclose;close Dclosely;closely6More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great_of goods.Avariety BmixtureCextension Dbination7Everything_life in the spring with the warm weather and long days.Aes back Bes downCes to Des along8It seems that he is_our village.He spent_of his childhood here.Anew to;most Bfamiliar with;partCsimilar to;a part Dlike;much9What about the two of us_to the newly opened theme park in our city this afternoon?Agoing Bto goCgo Dwill go10I cant say which wine is bestits a(n)_of personal taste.Aaffair BeventCmatter Dvariety11Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they differ greatly_size and shape.Aon BfromCby Din12_tomorrow,our ship will set sail for Macao.AHowever the weather is likeBHowever is the weather likeCWhatever is the weather likeDWhatever the weather is like13In October,the price of the_to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan.Apermission BadmissionCintroduction Dinstruction14Were_at the_news that Saddam was sentenced to death.Aamazing;amazed Bamaze;amazingCamazed;amazing Damazed;amazed15_by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.AAttracting BAttractedCTo be attracted DHaving attracted.完形填空(xx年东城检测)When I was a little girl,I found love in a box all because of a class assignment.On a Friday night I_1_at the dinner table,“My teacher said we have to bring a box,a special box,for our Valentines (情人节) on Monday.”Mother said,“Well see”,and she continued eating.What did “Well see” mean?I had to have that box_2_my second grade Valentines Day would be a disaster.Maybe they didnt love me enough to help me with my_3_.All Saturday I waited_4_and with Sunday arriving,my concern increased,but I_5_an enquiry about the box might_6_anger or loud voice,for in my house children only ask once.More than that _7_trouble.Late Sunday afternoon,my father called me into the kitchen.The table was covered with colorful_8_of different kinds.A(n)_9_shoebox rested on top of it._10_flooded through me when Daddy said,“Lets get started_11_your project.”In the next hour my father_12_the shoebox into an impressive valentine box.Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts_13_to what I considered all the right places.He sang while he worked.When he finished,he was so delighted that a_14_smile spread over his face.“What do you think of that?” he asked.I answered him with a hug.But inside,_15_danced all the way to my heart.It was the first time that my father devoted so much_16_to me,for his world consisted of work only.The holiday party arrived,and my classmates put cards,and presents into the valentine boxes.Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal time_17_.On the way home,I held out my valentine box for the world to_18_.The love that filled it meant more to me than all inside.The valentine box became a symbol of his love that_19_through decades of other Valentines Days.He gave me other gifts through the years,but none_20_pared with the love I felt within the limits of the old,empty shoebox.1.A.announced BappearedCserved Dsat2A.and BhoweverCor Dso3A.design BplanCidea Dproject4A.sadly BanxiouslyCdisappointedly Dpatiently5A.found BrealizedCknew Dimagined6A.start BcauseCmark Dproduce7A.invited BtookCsaved Dhad8.A.boxes BgiftsCpaper Dfood9A.new BbigCattractive Dempty10A.Relaxation BReliefCCheer DCalm11A.by BatCin Don12A.folded BpackedCchanged Dpressed13A.joined BattachedClinked Dconnected14A.slight BbriefCbroad Dconfident15A.joy BfunCinterest Damusement16A.money BtimeCsupport Dhope17A.reached BsetCspent Dcame18A.accept BrespectCadmire Drecognize19A.carried BkeptCspread Dlasted20A.ever BevenCyet Dstill.阅读理解(xx年枣庄检测)I dont know how I became a writer,but I think it was because of a certain force in me that had to write and that finally burst through and found a channel.My people were of the working class of people.My father,a stonecutter,was a man with a great respect and veneration (崇敬) for literature.He had a tremendous memory,and he loved poetry,and the poetry that he loved best was naturally of the rhetorical kind that such a man would like.Nevertheless it was good poetry,Hamlets Soliloquy,Macbeth,Mark Antonys “Funeral Oration”,Greys “Elegy”,and all the rest of it.I heard it all as a child;I memorized and learned it all.He sent me to college to the state university.The desire to write,which had been strong during all my days in high school,grew stronger still.I was editor of the college paper,the college magazine,etc.,and in my last year or two I was a member of a course in play writing which had just been established there.I wrote several little oneact plays,still thinking I would bee a lawyer or a newspaper man,never daring to believe I could seriously bee a writer.Then I went to Harvard,wrote some more plays there,became obsessed with (着迷于) the idea that I had to be a playwright,left Harvard,had my plays rejected,and finally in the autumn of 1926,how,why,or in what manner I have never exactly been able to determine.But probably because the force in me that had to write at length sought out its channel,I began to write my first book in London.I was living all alone at that time.I had two roomsa bedroom and a sitting roomin a litter square in Chelsea in which all the houses had that familiar,smoked brick and creamyellowplaster look.1We may conclude,in regard to the authors development as a writer,that his father_.Amade an important contributionBinsisted that he choose writing as a careerCopposed his being a writerDinsisted that he read Hamlet in order to learn how to be a writer2The author believes that he became a writer mostly because of_.Ahis special talentBhis fathers teaching and encouragementChis study at HarvardDa hidden urge within him3The author_.Abegan to think of being a writer at HarvardBhad always been successful in his writing careerCwent to Harvard to learn to write playsDworked as a newspaper man before being a writer4The author really started on his way to bee a writer_.Awhen he was in high schoolBwhen he was studying at HarvardCwhen he lived in LondonDafter he entered college5What can we learn about the authors life in the autumn of 1926?AHe left Harvard and got married.BHe couldnt make up his mind what to do.CHe started his dream as a writer.DHe began to think seriously what to do.短文填词An American bestseller has been popular with the students in our school recently.It is_inspiring that1._I would like to remend it to you.This book,Chicken Soup for the Soul,w_by Jack Canfield,first appeared2._ _1993 and soon became a bestseller.3._It will surely inspire readers of all_(年龄).4._It has been put into many languages,spreading love to all over the world.B_,an English version is of5._g_help to us English learners as it will help6._improve our English.It_64 yuan,but you can7._get it for 54.4 yuan through online shopping,which will_(节省) you 9.6 yuan.You can order it at 8._dangdang, ,and r_the book within 9._one week after your payment is made.For further_,please visit the website.10._.单项填空1D句意为:你可以想像他们费多大事来解决正在讨论的问题。考查固定短语have trouble (in) doing sth.的变形及分词作定语的用法。being discussed“正在被讨论的”在句中作定语。2B对应于前面的“most members” (大多数成员赞成这个建议),only引导的应该是“少部分人反对”,所以用minority (少数)。majority指“大多数”;quantity和amount都表示“数量”,但与后面的谓语不相符。3C当not only置于句首时,前一个分句要倒装,后一分句不倒装。句意为:这项活动不但提高了公众的世界饥荒意识,而且也为贫穷孩子筹集了很多钱。4Cduring在期间;before在之前;at在某一时间点。beyond超过;比晚。句意为:对不起,夫人。你最好明天再来,因为探视时间已经过了。5B句意为:那个正在拍照的人要求那家人坐近些认真听他的命令。close作副词表示位置近;closely作副词意思是“仔细地”。6Aa variety of.各种各样的,great作定语修饰名词variety。7C句意为:春天万物复苏,气候温暖,白天变长。8Bbe familiar with对熟悉,该句意为:“好像他对我们村子很熟悉。”“他在这里度过了他的部分童年时光。”9Awhat about后接动词ing形式,在这里是复合结构,the two of us为going的逻辑主语。10C本题考查固定词组。句意为:我说不上哪种酒最好,这是个人口味的问题。a matter.of意为“一个的问题”,如a matter of opinion看法不同的问题。11D句意为:在各种各样的树上都可看到树叶,但是他们大小不同,形状各异。考查动词与介词的搭配。differ常用搭配:differ from与不同;differ in在某方面不同,故选D。12D考查疑问词ever引导的让步状语从句。whatever和however都可以引导状语从句,但在本句中介词like后缺宾语,所以用whatever,故排除A、B两项;状语从句需要用陈述语序,故排除C项,因此D项正确。13Bpermission意为“允许”;admission意为“入场费”;introduction意为“引入,介绍”;instruction意为“指导”。根据the price (价格),以及to the Mount Tai判断,此处指到泰山的“门票;入场费”,所以选admission。14C本题考查情绪、情感动词的分词形式。过去分词形式表达人的内心活动,现在分词形式表达事物的性质特点。be amazed at 意为“对惊讶”;the amazing news意为“令人惊讶的消息”。15B句子的主语the girl与attract是被动关系,所以应用过去分词短语作状语。.完形填空【语篇解读】这是一个情感故事,讲述了一位父亲帮助女儿完成情人节作业制作情人节盒子的故事,体现了浓浓的亲情。1A从上下文可知,我在饭桌上向家人宣布了(announce)老师要求交的作业。appear表示“出现”;serve表示“服务”;sit表示“坐”,都与语意不符。2C从上下文语句知,我必须要有情人节盒子,否则(or)这个情人节将会是一场灾难。此处表示转折,用or。3D下文11空格后的project有暗示,表示“作业”。4B从下文my concern increased可以推断出,我当时的心情焦急不安(waited anxiously),但是,我知道(know)我父母的脾气,在我家,小孩子只能问一次,过多的询问可能会使(cause)父母生气。5C语意参见4题解析。find表示“发现”,realize表示“意识到”,imagine表示“想像”,都不符合语意。6B语意参见4题解析。start表示“开始”;mark表示“标记”;produce表示“生产”,都不符合语意。cause表示“导致”。7Ainvite trouble是固定词组,表示“招灾惹祸”。8C从第六段中的“Colorful paper covered.”知,当时桌上堆满了各式各样的彩纸(colorful paper),同时在上面还放着一只空鞋盒(empty shoebox)。9D语意参见8题解析。文章结尾的empty shoebox有暗示。10B看到彩纸和盒子,听到父亲说要帮助自己做情人节盒子,我大感解脱(relief)。relief表示“解脱”;relaxation表示“放松”;cheer表示“振作,欢呼”;calm表示“冷静”。11D此时父亲说“让我们开始做你的作业吧”。此处get started on sth.是固定词组,表示“开始做”。12C此处表示“父亲用一个小时把鞋盒变成了(change)令人印象深刻的情人节盒子”。change.into.表示“把变成”。13B固定词组attach to表示“依附于,附属于”。14C父亲边做边唱,非常高兴,当他做完后,脸上露出了开朗的笑容(broad smile)。slight表示“轻微的”;brief表示“简要的”;confident表示“自信的”都不符合语境。15A我看到那做好的漂亮的盒子,心花怒放,选用joy“高兴,快乐”。fun表示“乐趣”;interest表示“兴趣”;amusement表示“娱乐,消遣”都不符合语境。16B我高兴,因为这是父亲第一次把这么多的时间(time)花在我身上,他的世界原本只有工作。17D从上下文知,最后,放学的时间到了(e)。18C回家的路上,我拿出那盒子想让全世界的人都来欣赏(admire)它。accept表示“接受”;respect表示“尊敬”;recognize表示“辨认”都不符合语境。19D那个情人节盒子成了父爱的象征,一直持续了(last)几十年,这些年,父亲给过我很多其他礼物,但从来没有一样能比得上那包含在破旧的空鞋盒里面的关爱。last在此表示“持续”。20A语意参见19题解析。ever意为“在任何时候,从来”,符合语意。.阅读理解【语篇解读】从小受父亲的影响,作者酷爱文学创作,大学的写作经历培养了信心;虽然也有过挫折和迷茫,但最终内心写作的梦想变成了现实。1A考查细节理解。参照第一段的相关内容“My father,.with a great respect and veneration for literature.He had a tremendous memory,and he loved poetry.I heard it all as a child,I memorized and learned it all.”可知答案。2D考查推理判断。参照第一段中“but I think it was because of a certain force in me that had to write and that finally burst through and found a channel.”可知答案。3A考查推理判断。参照第二段中“.had my plays rejected”可排除B项;文章无C项相关内容;参考第二段中“I was editor of the college paper,the college magazine,ect,.”可推测“作者仅是大学报刊杂志的编辑”,所以排除D项;参考第二段中“Then I went to Harvard,wrote some more plays there,became obsessed with the idea that I had to be a playwright,”可推测A项正确。4D考查推理判断。参照第二段中“The desire to write,which had been strong during all my days in high school,grew stronger still.”可知答案。5B考查句子理解。参考第二段中“and finally in the autumn of 1926,how,why,or in what manner I have never exactly been able to determine.”可知答案。.短文填词1so2.written3.in4.ages5.Besides6.great7.costs/is8.save9.receive10information


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