2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Reading同步练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Reading同步练习 新人教版选修8.单项填空从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(原创)While I waited, I became _of something happening in the house.AconsciousBsensitiveCactiveDaware答案:D本题题意:我在等待的时候, 感觉到房子里发生了什么事。bee aware of 表示“发觉, 注意到”。2(原创)The announcer_the radio music to give a special piece of news.Ainterrupted Boffended Cdisturbed Dbothered 答案:A本题题意:播音员停止播放音乐,开始播发一条重要新闻。interrupt表示“暂停;中断”。3(原创)_that his family had been killed during an airraid, Hans settled down in a village fifty miles away.ASupposed BAssumingCProviding DImagined答案:B本题题意:汉斯以为他家里人在一次空袭中被炸死了,就在五十里外的一个小村里定居下来。assume表示“假定;假设;认为”。4(原创)We should _the petitive edge of our goods and services for export by ensuring good quality.AsharpenBallocateCdistributeDdeserve答案:A本题题意:我们应当坚持以质取胜,提高出口商品和服务的竞争力。sharpen表示“(使)提高,改善”。5(原创)The fine traditional cultures of ethnic minorities are being _.AstoredBpreservedCburiedDhidden答案:B本题题意:少数民族的优秀传统文化受到保护。preserve表示“使继续存活;保护;保全”。6(原创)Agriculture has developed rapidly, thus providing light industry with _raw materials.AampleBsampleCfullDenough答案:A本题题意:农业迅速发展, 从而为轻工业提供了充足的原料。ample 表示“足够的,丰裕的”。7(原创)We freely exchange opinions and ideas around here, _rank relationship.Aaccording to Bregardless of Cin addition to Din terms of答案:B本题题意:我们在这里可以自由地交换观点和想法,用不着考虑上下级关系。regardless of 表示“不管;不顾;不理会”。8(原创)The tailor _a large piece of cloth to make one shirt for me and two for my son.Acut offBcut upCcut inDcut across答案:B本题题意:裁缝把一大块布裁开给我做一件衬衣,给我儿子做两件。cut up表示“切碎”。9(原创)She _sick and tired of hearing people say that.Amust getBmust have gotCmust be gotDmust have been got答案:B本题题意:老是听人说那事她准是厌倦极了。must have done sth用于肯定句,表示对过去时间里可能发生的事情的推测,语气较强,具有“肯定;谅必”的意思。10(原创)Television keeps us _of the news of the day, instructs us in many fields of interest, and entertains us with singing, dancing and acting.AinformBinformedCto informDinforming答案:B本题题意:电视机能使我们了解一天的新闻,在许多有益的方面能对我们有所指导,那些唱歌、跳舞、表演还可使我们得到娱乐。本题考查“keep复合宾语”的用法。inform sb of/about sth表示“通知,知会某人”,动作inform与代词us之间存在逻辑上的“动宾”关系,采用过去分词形式担任宾语补足语。.完成句子根据相关的汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1我们这个周末去参观展览会吧!Lets_ _ _ _the exhibition this weekend.2由于农民们没有准备, 突然的降温使果树遭受了冷害。_ _lack of preparation by the farmers, the sudden temperature drop made the fruit trees_ _the disaster of sudden cold.3研究人员对东京的人口作了一项初步的估计。The researchers_ _ _ _ _the population of Tokyo.4我会带你到各处看看,好让你和大家见见面。Ill_ _ _so that you can meet everyone.5老朋友们一起在饭桌上聊天真是一大乐事。_ _ _ _to chat with old friends at the dinner table.6就连最厚的夹克也不足以御寒。Not even the thickest jacket was enough to_ _the cold.7真不知道他是怎样把那个秘密弄到手的。_ _ _he could manage to possess himself of that secret.8我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。I dont_ _the price,_ _ _the car is_ _ _.9他每天早晨跑三里路,因此才那么健康。He runs 3 miles every morning;_ _he is so fit.10他不顾危险地爬上了高塔。_ _danger, he climbed the tower.答案:1pay a visit to2Due to/Because of/Owing to/Thanks to; suffer from3made a tentative guess at/about/as to4show you around/round5Its a great pleasure6keep out7I wonder how8care about; so/as long as; in good condition9thats why10Regardless of.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As a young girl, I know how easy it is to lose your selfesteem(自尊). I used to, and I admit that I sometimes still_1_my opinion of myself on other peoples opinions on me. But in order to_2_anywhere in life, we must learn to have selfappreciation.When I was in middle school, I was a pretty_3_student, so when tryouts(选拔赛)came around for a tutoring programs, I_4_tried out, thinking I was suitable enough for a_5_. We went through a round of_6_, in which I had thought I did pretty well. But when the final_7_came out and my name wasnt on it, I was discouraged. Why didnt_8_it? Was there anything wrong with me? I thought over these questions for weeks_9_my mother sat down and told me plain and simple: There is_10_you can do now. Your sadness will not change anything._11_, my mother told me to look back at the interviews and find out what my faults were, and then_12_from them. I began to see what my_13_had been, and worked on them and_14_skills that I would have never learned otherwise. Whenever I e across_15_, I will focus on whats good about myself.Learn from your mistakes, and then move on! Remembering your positives_16_you to turn your attention to the_17_, instead of wallowing(场面)in the past.No one goes through life_18_experiencing one form of failure or another in their life. But what sets people_19_is how they deal with that failure. Some give up. But others grow, and from that failure, they bee stronger and more_20_for any challenges to e.文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章通过叙述作者在一次面试失败后母亲对自己的开导,悟出一个人生道理:必须正视失败,从中发现问题,吸取经验教训,为将来的挑战做好充分准备。1A.depend BbaseCbuild Dchoose答案:B此处是指“根据别人对我的评价来评价我自己”。base.on“建立在的基础上”,是固定搭配。2A.get BliveCtravel Dmake答案:A根据句意“要想在生活中取得成就,我们必须学会自我欣赏”可知,答案选A。get anywhere表示“有所进展,有所成就”。3A.clever BnaughtyCgood Dhardworking答案:C由下文内容可推知,此处表示“我在学校时是一位表现相当不错的学生”,故答案选C,其他选项与语境不符。4A.hardly BimmediatelyCfluently Dfinally答案:B考查语境理解。既然“我是一位相当不错的学生,非常适合辅导工作”,那么应当是“立即报名参加选拔赛”,因此答案选B。immediately“立即”;hardly“几乎不”;fluently“流利地”;finally“最终”;均与语境不符。5A.program BproblemCposition Dcharacter答案:Cprogram“节目,计划”;problem“问题”;position“位置,职务”;character“性格”。此处表示“我想我可以胜任一项工作”。6A.examinations BtestsCquestions Dinterviews答案:D由上文内容以及下文“to look back at the interviews”可知,答案选D。7A.paper BlistCresult Dmark答案:B此题易误选C,但只要注意到后面的“my name wasnt on it”,便知道答案为B,因为名字只能出现在名单上。8A.accept BreceiveCmake Dtake答案:Cmake it表示“成功到达;获得成功”,是固定搭配。9A.before BuntilCsince Dunless答案:B此处是指“好几周我都在考虑这些问题,直到母亲”。10A.anything BsomethingCeverything Dnothing答案:D由上文可知,作者面试失败,因此此处表示作者不能再做任何事情来改变挫败的事实。11A.Instead BFirstlyCTherefore DFinally答案:A此处意为“反而母亲告诉我可以回顾一下面试情况,从中发现问题所在”,依据前后句的关系,空格处应表示“相反”之意,因此答案选A。而不是firstly“首先”;therefore“因此”;finally“最终”。12A.learn BgrowCunderstand Drealize答案:Alearn from表示“从获得(教训)”。13A.power BstrengthsCweaknesses Dadvantages答案:C由上文“find out what my faults were, and then_12_from them”可推知,此处表示“我开始反思我的弱点”,故答案选C。power“力量”;strength“优势”;advantage“优点”;均不符合句意。14A.found BdevelopedCdiscovered Dpractised答案:Bdevelop表示“(使)成长;发展;壮大”;find“发现”;discover“发现”;practise“实践”。15A.failure BsuccessCdifficulty Dtrouble答案:A根据上下文内容,此处表示“每当遭遇失败时”。16A.asks BallowsChelps Dchanges答案:Chelp表示“改善状况;促进;促使”。17A.fate BfutureClife Dpast答案:B由“instead of wallowing(沉湎)in the past”可知,答案选B。用future与past相对应。18A.by BwithCwithout Don答案:C句意:人的一生都会经历这种或那种形式的失败。without与No one构成双重否定,表示肯定。19A.about BapartCout Doff答案:Bset about“着手”;set apart“把区别开来”;set out“动身”;set off“出发”。句意:把人们区分开来的是他们如何对待失败。20A.waited BhuntedCprepared Dhoped答案:C此处意为“他们变得更加坚强,为将来的任何挑战做好更加充分的准备”,依据句意,答案选C。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。As more Americans go to mainland China to take jobs, more Chinese and Americans are working side by side. These crosscultural partnerships, while beneficial in many ways, are also highlighting tensions that expose differences in work experience, pay levels and munication.In the last few years, a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s have been heading to China for employment, attracted by its fastergrowing economy and lower jobless rate. Their Chinese coworkers are often around the same age. But the two groups were raised differently. The Americans have had more exposure to freemarket principles. “Young Americans were brought up in a mercial environment,” said Neng Zhao, 28, a senior associate at Blue Oak Capital, a private firm based in Beijing. “We werent. So the workplace is a unique learning process for my generation.”Managers hiring workers in China appear to be paying for Western experience. Foreigners tend to earn 10 to 15 percent more than their Chinese counterparts(persons working in similar positions), said Michael Norman, senior vice president at Sibson Consulting, an American firm. That imbalance does not go unnoticed by Chinese workers. “There is definitely the belief that Americans get paid more for the same work,”said Ting Wang, 25, an associate at WildChina, a travel pany based in Beijing. On the other hand, Chinese workers have a deeper understanding of the influences, like Confucianism and munism, which play a part in their countrys culture and economy.It is important and necessary for Americans working in China to adjust, said Mr Norman, who works on management and work force issues for multinational panies operating in Asia.“In the West, there is such a bonus on getting things done quickly, but when you e to work in China, you need to work on listening and being more patient and understanding of local ways of doing business,”he said.文章大意:更多美国人到中国工作,中美两国人一起工作既有好处,也暴露出一些差异。1More Americans go to China to take jobs because_.Athey want to experience different culturesBChinese workers are easier to cooperateCthey cant find proper jobs in AmericaDthe economy of China is developing rapidly答案:D细节理解题。从第二段第一句中“attracted by its fastergrowing economy and lower jobless rate.”可知答案为D。2What is mainly talked about in the passage?ACrosscultural conflicts.BCrosscultural partnerships.CMultinational panies in China.DDifferent pays for the same work.答案:B主旨大意题。第一段最后一句揭示了文章的主旨,即跨文化的工作伙伴。3What can we learn from the passage?AAmericans benefit more from working in China.BChinese and American employees have the same experience.CYoung Chinese can benefit from crosscultural partnerships.DMore Americans working in China cause higher jobless rate.答案:C细节理解题。从第二段最后的“We werent. So the workplace is a unique learning process for my generation.”可知答案选C。4What does the underlined word“imbalance”in Paragraph 3 refer to?AUnfair pay levels.BDifferent working experience.CUnequal ooportunities.DDifferent upbringing environment.答案:A猜测词义题。从第三段第二句“Foreigners tend to earn 10 to 15 percent more than their Chinese counterparts”可知。5We can infer from the last paragraph that_.AAmericans working in China adjust very wellBways of doing business in different countries differCdoing business in China takes money and patienceDinternational panies need to understand each other答案:B推理判断题。从最后一段引号中的内容可推知,不同国家的人们做事情的方式是不同的。

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