2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3《Australia》教案5 新人教版选修9.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3Australia教案5 新人教版选修9一. 本周教学内容: Unit 3 Australia New words 1. camp vt. n. people live in tent or huts for a time 野营,宿营 They camped at the top of the mountain . They had a camp at the top of the mountain . go camping go for a camp 2. faith n. trust , strong belief , unquestioning confidence have faith in sth 相信 have faith that 相信 lose faith in 失去对的信任 eg. He had blind faith in what the man said . The poor man lost faith in God . 3. starve vi. & vt . suffer or die of hunger 饿死,使某人饿死 starvation n. 挨饿,饥饿 starving adj. 饥饿的 Eg. Many children began to cry because they were starving . starve to death die of starvation starve for sth be eager of sth starve to do sth be eager to do sth 4. argue empress disagreement argument n. 争论 argue with sb about / over sth 和某人争论某事 She argued with the taxi driver about the fare . Do as you are told . Dont argue with me . 5. round up gather The sheepdog rounded up the sheep and drove them through the gate . The teacher asked for the whole class to be rounded up . 6. a curiously shaped piece of wood (adv. ed) 结构作定语修饰名词 类似的结构有: a widely used language 一种广泛使用的语言 a carefully made policy 一项慎重制定的政策 a highly praised deed 受到高度赞扬的行为 a hastily written letter 一封匆忙写成的信 a newly discovered island 一个新近发现的岛屿 a wrongly pronounced sound 一个发错的音二. 重点、难点: L9 1. Put it out in astray . Look out ! Theres a kangaroo. put out look out set out (for) point out find out hand out /(in) die out (fire)go out give out wear out / be worn out help sb . out work out run out (of) bring / take out Ex. Choose a suitable one from the above and fill in the blank in its proper form. (1)These math problems are hard to _. (work out ) (2)The president is to _ for Europe next Monday.(set out) (3)With the help of the firefighters , we soon _ the fire .(put out) (4)Please _ a piece of paper and lets have a dictation .(take out) (5)We have _ of petrol , so we have to wait for some passing cars .(wear out) (6)The sun _ light and heat , which makes everything grow .(gives out) (7)Some kind people _ me _ when I lost my money .(helped out) (8)I wont tell you the answer . Youll have to _ for yourself .(find out) (9)A good friend is the one who can _ my mistakes .(point out) (10)If we dont do something to protect these animals , they will _.(die out) 2. We can stop here on the right beyond the tree . beyond on the further side of more than out of the limit e. g. Do you know whats beyond the mountain ? The task is beyond my ability . Her gratitude to her mother is beyond words . Put the medicine beyond the babys reach . 3. Will you help me fix up this sheet ? e. g. We have fixed a trip to Sydney next month . Lets fix a time to meet . The house is not safe to live in . Lets have it fixed . 4. Dont walk around without a sun hat . Youll get sunburnt . (1)get + p.p. get lost get burnt get used to get marriedget attacked (2)get adj. get wet get cold get hungry get old get dark get late get sick get angry get excited get ready (3)phrases get up get into get on / off get through get back get along with get together L10 5. They became experienced at finding underground spring . at show ones ability in e. g. Hes good at organizing things . Hes bad at cooking . Shes a genius at dancing . Hes quick at thinking . 6. no school lessons were held in languages rather than English . = School lessons were held only in the language of English . rather than more exactly , instead e. g. Wed better go there on weekdays rather than weekends . The parents should be blamed rather than children . It was what he did rather than what he said that made me angry . L11 7. At weekends many Australians go walking and camping in the countryside . go boating go cycling go fishing go skating go mountain-climbing go swimming go hunting go shopping go dancing go travelling 【模拟试题】 动词ing形式练习 1. _ , I went to the railway station to see my friend off . A. After eating quickly my dinner B. After my quickly eating dinner C. After eating my dinner quickly D. After eating my quickly dinner 2. The secretary worked late into the night , _ a long speech for the president . A. to prepareB. preparingC. preparedD. was preparing 3. _ a reply , he decided to write again . A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received 4. “Cant you read ? ”Mary said _ to the notice . A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing 5. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks , _ that he had enjoyed his stay here . A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added 6. European football is played in 80 countries , _ it the most popular sport in the world . A. making B. makesC. madeD. to make 7. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days . A. sailB. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed 8. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon . A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. youre calling 9. I must apologize for _ ahead of time . Thats all right . A. letting you not know B. not letting you know C. letting you know not D. letting not you know 10. You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting . Well , now I regret _ that . A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done 11. The missing boys were last seen _ near the river . A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play 12. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _ “Sorry to miss you , will call later . ” A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading 13. What did your sister want you to do ? She had me _ that job all evening . A. doing B. to do C. did D. done 14. As he entered the room , he found many books _ scattered on the floor . A. laying B. laidC. lainD. lying 15. Walking along the riverside path , _. A. I met several groups of travelers B. there were several groups of travelers C. several groups of travelers were swimming D. we met by several groups of travelers 16. _ , Tom jumped into the river and saved the drowning girl . A. Being a good swimmer B. Good swimmer as he is C. He can swim very well D. He was a good swimmer17. _ his key , he still had the money with him . A. Not having found B. Having not found C. Having found not D. Not having been found 18. _ the corner , the thief met a policeman face to face . A. TurnB. TurnedC. To turnD. Turning 19. Returning to the room , _. A. the book was lost B. I found the book missing C. the book was missing D. I found the losing book 20. He has lots of books , _ that he is still young . A. considering B. consideredC. to considerD. being considered 21. The police caught him _. A. to steal B. stealing C. stolenD. to be stolen 22. She came to visit me , _ her boyfriend with her . A. broughtB. bringingC. and bringingD. being brought 23. Her finger is hurt . She hurt her finger while _ the roses . A. pickB. pickedC. pickingD. to pick 24. _ that some guests were ing , they got the rooms ready . A. Having told B. TellingC. Having been toldD. To tell 25. He sailed for New York on Thursday , _ there on Sunday . A. arriving B. and arrivedC. arrivedD. and had arrived 26. He turned out the light and went to bed . A. Turned out the light , he went to bed . B. Turn out the light , he went to bed . C. Turning out the light , he went to bed . D. He turned out the light , went to bed . 27. She finished her shopping , and then went home . A. Having finished her shopping , she went home B. After had finished her shopping , she went home . C. After having been finished her shopping , she went home . D. Having been finished her shopping , she went home . 28. The gentleman _ over there is our headmaster . A. stoodB. standsC. is standingD. standing 29. The book _ to Mary is lost . A. belongedB. belongingC. belongsD. belong 30. The workman _ a hat is lying on the beach . A. to wear B. wearing C. woreD. worn 31. _ , we went swimming . A. Being a fine day B. It was a hot day C. The day being hot D. To be a hot day 32. Snow was falling when they went along a mountain path _ to the front . A. to leadB. ledC. leadingD. being led 33. There _ no taxi , we had to walk home . A. was B. to be C. wereD. being 34. There are five members in the family _ the servant . A. includeB. includingC. includedD. to include参考答案 1. C2. B3. C4. A5. C6. A 7. C8. C9. B10. D11. A12. D 13. A14. D15. A16. A17. A18. D 19. B20. A21. B22. B23. C24. C 25. B26. C27. A28. D29. B30. B31. C32. C33. D34. B

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