2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating(1)教案 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating(1)教案 新人教版必修3教学重点1. Let students learn more about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition.2. Get students to learn different reading skills.教学难点1. Develop students reading ability.2. Enable students to talk about different kinds of food and balanced diet.三维目标知识目标1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part: diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, ought, bacon, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, balanced diet, ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, win. . . back.2. Let students learn the knowledge of balanced diet and nutrition.能力目标1. Develop students reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.2. Enable students to talk about different kinds of food, problems with diet and balanced diet.情感目标1. Stimulate students sense to form a healthy eating habit.2. Develop students sense of cooperative learning.教学过程Step 1 Leading-inHave a free talk with students. Ask them the following questions:1. What kind of food do we eat?We eat meat, vegetable, seafood, fruit, snacks(零食小吃), staple food (主食).2. What are the essential nutrients for us human beings to survive on the earth?They are water , sugar, fat, fibre, protein and vitamin Step 2 Warming up1. Please put these food into correct column.potato tomato pizza carrot chicken cucumber hamburger cabbage roast pork fried rice watermelon mushroom mutton kebabEnergy foodFibre food2. Ask students :What is a balanced diet?A balanced diet is the one that includes at least three dishes: energy giving foods, body-building foods and protective foods.3. to work in pairs to discuss the question: What will happen if we dont eat a balanced diet?4. Test your knowledge about healthy eating.What is the most important meal of the day? A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Supper2. How regularly should middle school students exercise? A. Once a week B. Once a month C. Once a day3. What percentage of the body is made up of water? A. 40% B. 60% C. 70%4. What does cheese mainly contain? A. Eggs. B. Meat C. Milk5. What should we not do before exercise? A. Eat B. Warm up. C. Drink waterHow many glasses of water should we usually drink every day?2-3 glasses B. 4-5 glasses C. 8-10 glasses7. Which mineral is found in a different ,less absorbable form in plant-based than animal-based foods? A. Calcium 钙 B. Copper铜 C. Iron铁8. Which of the following do we get plenty of vitamins from?Cereal 谷类 B. Meat C. Fruit and vegetables9. Oranges are good fruit because they contain a lot of . A. Vitamin A. B. Vitamin B. C. Vitamin C. 10. People who live in a cold climate need a lot of . A. Fat B. Bread C. CoffeeStep 3 Pre-reading1. Teach new words & phrases : slimming苗条的curiosity 好奇心hostess女主人raw 生的vinegar 醋discount 折扣ought to 应该winback 赢回lose weight 减肥get away with被放过,(做坏事)不被惩罚 tell a lie / tell lies说谎Step 4 Reading1. Fast readingAsk students to skim the reading passage and find out: What different places are mentioned in the text?Three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers:It happened in the two restaurants: Wang Pengs restaurant , Yong Huis restaurant and the library.2. Careful Reading -Part 11).How did Wang Peng feel at the restaurant? Why?He felt very frustrated because theres no customer in his restaurant on that morning.2).Li Chang used to eat in _ restaurant? How about now?He was going to another restaurant to eat.3).When Wang Peng thought “nothing could have been better”, he means_ A. His food and drinks were the best. B. His food and drinks were the worst. C. His food should be improved. D. He could do nothing with his food4). Choose the main idea for part 1A. Yong Hui helped Wang Peng lose weightB. Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is empty.C. He follows his friend to a new restaurant, which is very popular.D. Wang Pengs customers often bee fat Wang Peng felt worried, he does some research to win his customers back.3. Careful Reading -Part 21). What did Wang Peng see when he followed Li Chang?He saw a sign at the door of a new small restaurant.What made Wang Peng go into the new restaurant? Curiosity2). What is Wang Pengs impression(印象) on Yong Huis restaurant? A. All the customers in it were very thin. B. It was too small and too noisy. C. The food in it was very nice and better D. There was so little food but the price was much higher.3). Choose the main idea for part 2A. Yong Hui helped Wang Peng lose weightB. He follows his friend to a new restaurant, which is very popular.C. Wang Pengs customers often bee fatD. Wang Peng felt worried, he does some research to win his customers back.4. Careful Reading -Part 31). What did Wang Peng find at the library?He found his food had too much fat and Yong Huis too little.2).True or False? Correct! Wang Peng felt hopeless after going out of the library. He decided to copy Yong Huis sign. The petition between the two restaurants would begin and continue.3).Choose the main idea for part 3A. Yong Hui helped Wang Peng lose weightB. Wang Pengs customers often bee fatC. Wang Peng felt worried, he does some research to win his customers back.Step 5 . ExplanationHelp students analyze some difficult, long and plex sentences and guess the meanings of some new words. Encourage them to try to deal with the language points in the context.Summarise the main idea of textWang Peng and Yong Hui serve different _in their restaurant . The foods in Wang Pengs make people _while the foods in Yong Huis make people_.Wang Peng found out why he had lost his _and decided to win them back.Step 6 ConsolidationAsk students to talk about the problems with the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant and Yong Huis restaurant in their own words according to the text. Then let them retell the whole story.Step 6 Homework1. Copy the new words in the passage .2. Do exercises in Top English P29-30


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