2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship陈述句、疑问句的直接引语变间接引语同步练习 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship陈述句、疑问句的直接引语变间接引语同步练习 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship陈述句、疑问句的直接引语变间接引语同步练习 新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship陈述句、疑问句的直接引语变间接引语同步练习 新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship陈述句、疑问句的直接引语变间接引语同步练习 新人教版必修1I. 请选出正确的答案:1. “Youve already got well, havent you?” she asked.She asked _.A. if I have already got well, hadnt youB. whether I had already got wellC. have I already got well D. had I already got well.2. He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a League member?”He asked me _.A. am I a Party member or a League memberB. was I a Party member or a League memberC. if I was a Party member or a League memberD. whether was I a Party member or a League member.3. He asked, “How are you getting along?” He asked _.A. how am I getting alongB. how are you getting alongC. how I was getting alongD. how was I getting along4. He asked me _ with me.A. what the matter is B. what the mater wasC. whats the matter D. what was the matter5. He said, “Dont do that again.” He _ me _ that again.A. said to me; not to do B. said to me; dont doC. told me; dont do D. told me; not to do6. Can you make sure _?A. that he will e here today B. when he will e here todayC. will he e here today D. whether will he e here today*7. Do you happen to know _?A. where is her address B. in which place is her addressC. what her address is D. the place her address is8. Excuse me, but can you tell me _?A. where can I get to the library B. where I can get to the libraryC. how can I get to the library D. how I can get to the library9. John asked me _ to visit his uncles farm with him.A. how would I like B. if or not would I likeC. whether I would like D. which I would like*10. Id like to know _ Chinese.A. when he began to learn B. when did he begin to learnC. when did he begin learning D. for how long he began to learn II. 将下列句子变为间接引语: 1. “You should be more careful next time,” his father said to him.2. Mr. Wang said, “I will leave for Shanghai on business next month, children”3. “I havent heard from my parents these days,” said Mary.4. The geography teacher said to us, “The moon moves around the earth and the earth goes round the sun.”5. She said to him, “Its time that you left here.”*III. 阅读理解:MONTREAL (Reuters) Crossing the US-Canada border(边界)to go to church on a Sunday cost a US citizen $10,000 for breaking Washingtons strict new security(安全) rules.The expensive trip to church was a surprise for Richard Albert, who lives right on the Canadian border. Like the other half-dozen people of Township 15, crossing the border is a daily occurrence for Albert. The nearby Quebec village of St. Pamphile is where they shop, eat and go to church.There are many such situations in these areas along the largely unguarded 5, 530-mile border between Canada and the US-which in some cases actually runs down the middle of streets or through buildings.As a result, Albert says he did not expect any problems three weeks ago when he returned home to the US after attending church in Canada, as usual. The US customs(海关) station in this area is closed on Sundays, so he just drove around the locked gate, as he had done every weekend since the gate appeared last May, following a tightening of border security. Two days later, Albert was told to go the customs office, where an officer told him he had been caught on camera crossing the border illegally(非法).Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May. That forces the people to a 200-mile detour along hilly roads to get home through another border checkpoint.Albert has requested that the customs office change their decisions on the fine, but he has not attended a Sunday church since. “I feel like Im living in a prison,” he said.1. We learn from the text that Richard Albert is .A. an American living in Township 15B. a Canadian living in a Quebec villageC. a Canadian working in a customs stationD. an American working in a Canadian church2. Albert was fined because he .A. failed to obey traffic rulesB. broke the American security rulesC. worked in St. Pamphile without a passD. damaged the gate of the customs office3. The underlined word “detour” in Paragraph 5 means .A. a drive through the townB. a race across the fieldsC. a roundabout way of travelingD. a journey in the mountain area4. What would be the best title for the text?A. A Cross-country TripB. A Special Border PassC. An Unguarded BorderD. An Expensive Church Visit【试题答案】I. 15 B C C D D 610 A C D C AII. 1. His father told him that he should be more careful the next time.2. Mr. Wang told the children that he would leave for Shanghai on business the next month.3. Mary said that she hadnt heard from her parents those days.4. The geography teacher told us that the moon moves around the earth and the earth goes round the sun.5. She told him that it was time that he left there.III. 14 A B C D


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