五年级英语下册 unit5 what’s the weather like toaday pb教案 陕旅版.doc

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五年级英语下册 unit5 what’s the weather like toaday pb教案 陕旅版.doc_第1页
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五年级英语下册 unit5 what’s the weather like toaday pb教案 陕旅版.doc_第2页
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Unit5 Whats the Weather like Toaday? 1. Teaching aimsl Learn to listen、speak 、read and write the new words;l Let the students talk about the weather and give suggestions;l Make the students to love the nature and protect the environment;2. Teaching contentsl New words: tomorrow、fine、will、moon、stat、weather report、say、wear your coatl Sentences: I can see./ How is the weather tomorrow? It will be/ Youd better3. Teaching importance and difficultyl Importance: can master the new words and sentences;l Difficulty: can use the sentences in communication;4. Teaching toolsl Word cards、 PPT、some magic wand5. Teaching proceduresl Warm-upa) T: One, two, three, you and me.(伸出手做数字1 、2、3,然后指学生和自己) One, two, three, we , we , we.(伸出手做数字1、 2 、3,然后双手交叉散开) One, two, three, lets begin.(伸出手做数字1 、2、3,然后一手握拳向上举三下)Ss follow the teacher to chant and do.Purpose:to attract the Ss to take an active part in the class.b) T draws four moons and three suns and says:The sun ups, the sun downs, the moon appears, Its today!The sun ups, the sun downs, the moon appears, Its tomorrow!Whats the meaning of today and tomorrow?(请学生根据图来猜today和tomorrow的意思)Yes, today we are divided into two groups: Group Today and Group Tomorrow. Purpose:to attract the Ss to take an active part in the class.l Reviewa) T shows one house which has six windows and open the windows, then says:What are they? Yes, they are the moon and stars. I can see the moon and stars in the sky. What can you see?The Ss say I can see.quickly according to the pictures.b) T ask the Ss one question: Whats the weather like? The Ss answer it with the sentence:ItsPurpose:review the words and sentences we learned before.l New knowledgea) T says: Look! Its cloudy and cool today. Do you know how is the weather tomorrow? T let the Ss use the sentence that It will be. to predict the weather of tomorrow according to the PPT;b) T picks up the cards and then ask one student to come to the blackboard. He turn the cards and ask the question: How is the weather tomorrow? The other students answer: It will be.c) T uses the PPT to let the Ss to guess the words: weather report. T shows the PPT and says: The weather report says it will be. Youd better. Ss read the sentences quickly according to the pictures.d) Lucky box T says: The weather report says it will be rainy tomorrow. Then ask one student to give advise. If he is right ,he can come to the blackboard and pick up one card from the lucky box. e) Role-play Let the Ss read the passage by roles.f) Sublimation themeT: As we all know, there are good weather and bad weather in our earth. Our bad behaviors make bad weather. So keep good behaviors to protect our earth.g) HomeworkWatch the weather report of tomorrow and write down one report.l Blackboard

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