2019-2020年高三部分 3-4双基演练课堂 大纲人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高三部分 3-4双基演练课堂 大纲人教版 .单项填空1In Australia there are over 140 species of snakes,_ extremely dangerous.Amany of them are Bmany of which Cof them many are Dof which many are解析:此处是定语从句,故引导词要用which;of which many亦可说many of which。答案:D2At weekends many westerners take a journey to the countryside or to the sea to _ from their daily life in the city.Akeep away Btake away Cput away Dget away解析:get away from their daily life in the city躲离开城市的日常生活。答案:D3SARS,a terrible disease,_ in China and southeast Asia in xx,causing many deaths.Abroke out Bturned out Cworked out Dmade out解析:“灾害、疾病、战争等爆发”用break out。答案:A4Australia is a very large country,whose climate varies greatly _ on the area.Adepended Bto be depended Cto depend Ddepending解析:depending on.在此是现在分词作状语,相当于according to。答案:D5He also looked out for new economic species: plants _ to produce crops that could be sold.Acould be grown Bgrowing Cthat could be grown Dto be growing解析:plants后是定语,可用定语从句或过去分词。答案:C6_ to their delight,the voyage turned out to be _ great success.AMuch;不填 BMuch;a CGreat;不填 DGreat;a解析:much/greatly to ones delight或to ones great delight是固定说法;success表示一件成功的事或一个成功的人时是可数名词。答案:B7His experiments were designed to support the ideas concerning the influence _ environment _ plantsAon;in Bof;upon Cfor;towards Dat;against解析:influence of environment upon plants“环境对植物的影响”。答案:B8They recognized each other at first sight,though _ for more than 10 years.Abeing separated Bhaving separated Chad been separated Dseparated解析:though separated相当于though they had been separated。答案:D9He has arranged everything for his family,no expense _.Aspared Bto spare Csparing Dspare解析:“他不惜任何代价为家人安排好了一切。”因为spare与expense之间是被动关系,故此处用过去分词形式,组成独立主格结构。答案:A10Differences in habitat could _ different species in birds as well as in plants.Abring back Be up Ccarry out Dlead to解析:栖息地的不同导致了鸟类和植物的种类亦不同。答案:D.完形填空I was pleased to receive your letter,asking what advice I would give to members of your club.In my opinion, _1_ field offers greater _2_ than newspaper work for young people with _3_ in writing.Of course Im not speaking of _4_ rewards.Anyone who wants to get rich should choose some other _5_.I cant even promise you excitement.A newspaper reporter might have to _6_ the same duties day after day.But journalism pays a living wage,and it often makes a reporter feel more _7_ than a bank president.Who can say that he is not?You have asked me _8_ to bee a journalist.First,learn how to _9_ a puter.This is one thing you must be able to do.You can either learn the _10_ in school or buy a book that _11_ how to teach yourself.At school you should learn how to read and write your own _12_ well.You should also learn history,government,mathematics and _13_.Foreign languages are also good to know.The things that _14_ every day are not simple,and a journalist has to know _15_ in order to understand them.If your school has a _16_,you should write for it.Editors like young people who have had experience _17_ for school papers.There are many things you can do to prepare _18_ for a newspaper job.Read everything you can, _19_ newspapers and magazines.Discuss what you read and _20_ your own opinions.If the members of your club have any questions that havent been answered by this letter,please write again.1A.this Bno Cevery Deach解析:出than提示,我们可以判断这是一个比较状语从句。在作者眼里,没有哪一个职业比从事新闻事业对青年人回报更高。其它三个选项无法表达此意。 答案:B2A.awards Brewards Creturns Dadvantage 解析:award(something given officially)奖品;reward (return for work or service) 报酬,回报;比较上述两词在上下文中的意义,应排除A选项。选B表示职业对人的回报更高。 答案:B3A.an interest Bexcitement Ccuriosity Da love 解析:由后面的.in writing 提示,应选用与之搭配的词an interest ,意识是“对写作有兴趣的年青人”。C选项curiosity常与about 搭配使用,因此排除。答案:A4A.spiritual Bindividual Ccollective Dmaterial 解析:由下文“Anyone who wants to get rich should choose some other occupation” 判断,作者谈论的不是物质回报(material rewards)而是精神的、心理的回报。 答案:D5A.position Bschool Coccupation Dbusiness 解析:occupation (job ;employment)指职业;position 主要指(人)的地位;(在社会中的)等级。根据上下文,只有occupation一词符合句子意思。 答案:C6A.face Bperform Ccarry Dtake 解析:duty一词常与perform,carry out ,take on 等连用,构成短语perform ones duty/carry out ones duty 和 take ones duty 表示“承担责任;做自己的工作”。从搭配上来看,只有B选项可选。 答案:B7. A.wealthy Bexcited Cimportant Dburdened 解析:从语境入手便能轻松突破此题。新闻工作对社会责任重大,他们拿工资,不可能富有,但他们常常揭露社会的黑暗,帮助若是群体,所以他们会觉得他们比银行行长还重要。A选项wealthy(rich) 与文章主旨相悖答案:C8A.how Bwhether Cwhen Dwhere 解析:上下文提示,信中询问:怎样成为新闻工作者?其它三个选项在意义上不符合要求。 答案:A9A.fix Bfind Cuse Dget 解析:根据意思应用use一词,表示学习使用计算机,而不是维修(fix)或获得(get)。 答案:C10A.subject Bability Cknowledge Dskill 解析:相对记者而言,知道使用计算机(强调操作技能(skill);而不是知识(如设计软件等)就足够了。C选项干扰较大,是因没能结合语境区别C和D两项。 答案:D11A.writes Breads Cintroduces Dexplains 解析:这种技能可从学校也可从书本上获得。这本书一定会详细讲解每一步的具体操作步骤。受汉语影响,容易误选A或C。选A,其正确结构应为:.a book that is written about.;C选项用词不当。 答案:D12A.book Blanguage Chomework Dnotes 解析:与上下文中所提到的学科:历史、管理、数学和理科相对应的应该是语言。 答案:B13A.physics Bscience CEnglish Dbiology 解析:西方国家的science科目包括物理、化学和生物。因此,A、D两个选项应排除。C项属语言类,上文且已提到,所以不可取。 答案:B14A.happen Bexist Cshow Dappear 解析:每天所发生的事情虽小,但并不简单。选D项appear(bee visible),出用词不当之嫌。 答案:A15A.a lot Bmany Cplenty of Dlittle 解析:many 不能直接用作宾语。要表达“知道很多或很少”应用.know a lot /much 或.know little .答案:A16A.club Btextbook Cnewspaper Dlibrary 解析:上下文提示了答案,即:如果学校办报纸,因应该为其投稿(视为一种锻炼,为其后从事新闻工作获得经验)。 答案:C17A.editing Bprinting Cpaying Dworking 解析:常识告诉我们,往往有工作经历(working for papers)的人容易被雇佣。 此处指:曾经为校报工作过的人。A项editing编辑,B项printing印刷,都属于working for papers 的范畴。 答案:D18A.yourself Bourselves Cthemselves Ditself 解析:根据句子结构,应选用反身代词yourself构成.you can do to prepare yourself for.表示“使(你自己)为作准备”。 答案:A19A.namely Bcertainly Cespecially Dspecially 解析:要做的准备是:读你所能够找到的东西,尤其是(especially)报纸和杂志。答案:C20A.organized Bchange Cform Dmake 解析:读完后应与人讨论,以其形成自己的观点。From (develop,given shape)意思是“形成,构成”。A项表示“安排,筹划”,这与上下文不符。答案:C.阅读理解Hotel ReservationsWele to the Kampala Beach Hotel Reservations(预定)System.You can reserve a room or package one of three ways: (a) online,(b) by phone,and (c) by email.Did you know? You can take advantage of special savings by booking direct with us online.AOnline ReservationsEnter your travel dates and the number of guests below to book your room online now.Click here to check on an existing online reservation.If you are searching for a specific package,please make sure your checkin and checkout dates allowing for the minimum number of nights in the package.You may make reservations for a maximum of 4 guests per room.For requests of 10 rooms or more,please refer to Group Acmodations.BReservations By PhoneIf you prefer to reserve by phone,please call:Toll Free from the USA,Canada,and Hawaii: 18002628450Worldwide Direct: 18086610011Hours (Hawaii Standard Time):Monday to Friday: 6 am.to 6 pm.Saturday: 7 am.to 5 pm.Sunday: 7 am.to 4 pm.CReservations By EmailIf you prefer to submit(提交)an email reservations request,click here.Submitting an email request does not guarantee a reservation.For immediate confirmation and booking,please use online reservations engine above.1.What is the purpose of writing the passage?ATo attract more tourists to the hotel. BTo introduce a new hotel.CTo show the importance of science. DTo make the trip for tourists easier.解析:意图推理题。本篇主要宣传该旅馆各种方便快捷的预定方式以吸引更多顾客。答案:A2If you want an immediate booking,youd better use “_”AOnline Reservations BReservations By PhoneCReservations By Email DDid you know?解析:细节理解题。从文章最后一句“For immediate confirmation and booking,please use online reservations engine above.”可知答案。答案:A3From the passage we may infer the hotel is in_.ACanada Bmainland America CFrench DHawaii解析:推理判断题。从第二种预订方式“电话预定”中电话预约时间“Hawaii Standard Time(夏威夷标准时间)”可以看出答案为D。答案:D4If you want to book a package you have to_.Asubmit an email reservations requestBmake sure of your checkin and checkout datesCrefer to Group AcmodationsDwait for further notice解析:细节理解题。从“网上预订”方式中“If you are searching for a specific package,please make sure your checkin and checkout dates allowing for the minimum number of nights in the package.”可知答案。答案:B


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