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.,Western culture,By:吕佳鑫,.,What is “culture”?,在这个世界上,没有别的东西比文化更难捉摸。我们不能分析它,因为它的成分无穷无尽;我们不能叙述它,因为它没有固定的形状。我们想用文字来定义它,这就像要把空气抓在手里:除了不在手里,它无处不在。 余秋雨艰难的文化文化是活着的文明,而文明则是死了的文化。 斯宾格勒西方的没落,.,How about western culture?,Western culture refers to the ancient times and today is given priority to with Europes formation and development of various cultures, from its origin, is from the ancient Greek and Roman god of humanistic culture to the medieval Christian culture, and from the Renaissance and the reformation of god and humanistic harmony culture to the modern enlightenment later by rational supremacy into irrational first culture gradually.,西方文化是指自古及今以欧洲为主的各种文化的形成与发展,从其源流而言,则发自古希腊罗马的人本文化到中世纪基督教的神本文化,再从文艺复兴和宗教改革的神本和人本交错相融的文化到近现代启蒙运动以后的由理性至上逐渐转为非理性至上的文化。,.,How about western culture?,If you imitate the artistic conception of the French novelist stendhals red and black, a simple color is used to describe the development process of western culture, which is red and black. A blend of red and black; And then the big red and the purple.,若仿照法国小说家司汤达尔红与黑的意境,用一种简单的颜色来比喻西方文化这种内涵的发展历程,那就是红与黑;红黑交融;然后是大红大紫。,.,Western cultures development.,The development process can be divided into four main periods, which can be divided into four main periods.将西方文化作为一种大区域性的历史文化来加以认识,其发展进程大致可以分为四个主要时期。,.,Greek and Roman classical human culture (20BC - 5AD),1,2,The culture of Christian divinity and the communion of divinity and humanity(5AD-17AD),3,Modern rationalist culture(18AD-19AD),4,Modern irrationalism culture(20AD-),Four main periods,Western cultures development.,.,Because of the time relations,Ill not recounting more.,因时间关系不再赘述。,.,Western food , western culture,cucoloris of western culture,.,Just an example,Maybe we can try to learn western culture by understanding the culture about western food .,.,Order of serving,.,1,Antipasto and soup,2,Fish,3,Fruits,4,Meat,5,Cheese,6,Dessertcoffee,Order of serving,7,Fruits,.,British and American food habits are different.,The Way Using Knife and Fork,.,British & American,.,Western food service mode,.,British,04,Russian,02,American,03,French,01,Synthesis equation,05,buffet,06,mode,Way of serving.,.,Thinking,在我们的文化中,让我们感到骄傲的是:我们不只是有一种观念,而是有许多观念,好的观念和坏的观念;我们不只是有一种信仰,而是有许多信仰,好的信仰和坏的信仰。我们能够承受这种情况恰恰是西方文化强大力量的标志,如果西方一致同意单一的观念和单一的信仰,那就会是西方文化的末日。 (英)波普尔西方文化的生命力就在于它的兼收并蓄的开放性,在于它的博大和宽容,在于它能够容纳和融解不同派别、不同民族、不同背景的各种文化,这也是后来西方国家实行多元文化的前提和基础。” 叶胜年西方文化史鉴,.,By:吕佳鑫,

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