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2019-2020年高三英语新课Unit4(I)TheBirthofaScience人教版一. 本周教学内容:Unit 4(I)The Birth of a Science二. 知识总结与归纳:1. Until then, mostly doctors and surgeons studied herbs. Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups, but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus.直到那时为止,内科医生和外科医生大都研究过草药,另一些尝试按植物种类进行分类,但是突破性进展却来自Carl Linnaeus。mostly:大部分地,主要地More immigrants arrived, mostly Europeans.The film was made in Scotland, mostly in Glasgow.Attempts had been made是make attempts to do / at sth.的被动形式。She made an attempt to hide her distress.They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain.attempt 作为及物动词,表示:尝试,企图You are attempting a difficult task.2. In his system the identification of different species was based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.在他的分类体系中,不同种群的鉴别是以花中的雄性和雌性器官的排列为基础的。be based on:建立在基础之上His reasoning is convincing because it is based on scientific analysis.One should always base ones opinion on facts.She used her familys history as a base for her novel.3. Born into a life of privilege, Joseph Banks was the son of a wealthy family.Joseph Banks是一个富裕家庭的儿子,生来就享有特权生活。be born into / to / of 出生于Magie was born into a wealthy family.She was born of German parents.born的其他用法:He was a born musician.A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.All men are born the same and equal.4. Many young men in his position would lead a cosy life, but young Banks had an appetite for knowledge.许多像他这样有地位的年轻人过的是舒适安逸的生活,而年轻的Banks却渴求知识。position:处境;境地;地位;位置;姿势Im not sure what I should do if I were in his position.They were men of the highest position in England.have an appetite for:渴望做I have a great appetite for classical music.Dont eat the cake, or you will spoil your appetite.He lost his appetite for politics after beaten in the election.5. As astronomy was one of the most important branches of science, it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition.因为天文学是一个很重要的科学分支,所以英国政府赞助了这次考察中天文学部分所需要的设备和经费。后半句是一个强调句:被强调部分是:the British governmentExpense:花费,开支常用短语:atexpense 如:at great / no expenseHe had his book at his own expense.He finished the work at the expense of his rest.6. Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large scale, helping to develop local economies with these new imports.Banks首开先河把一个地方的作物大规模地引进到另一个地方,从而用这些新进口物资促进了当地经济的发展。 the first to move :不定式结构:be +序数词to do sth. helping :现在分词形式做结果状语。on a large scale:大规模地In order to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the pany, they are entertaining on a large scale.scale 还有“标准,等级”的意思The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 012.He is the person who is high on the social scale.7. After that Captain Cook made two more voyages around the world, but Joseph Banks never undertook another. From behind his desk, however, he was involved in enterprises such as the exploration of Africa and the settlement of Australia.在那以后,Cook船长还作过两次环球航行。但是Joseph Banks再也没有出过海。然而,他却在幕后卷入了诸如探索非洲和开拓澳洲之类的事业。behind his desk:指幕后。be involved in.:牵扯,卷入,参与。Nearly all the countries were involved in the last two world war.Dont involve yourself with those people.involve:还有“包含,难免出现;带头”等意思。Housework involves cooking, washing, sweeping and cleaning and so on.To get there involved crossing a number of mountains.8. In growing strawberries Banks went back to the abandoned practice of spreading draw under the frit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.在种植草莓时,Banks采用了早已经废弃的在果实下面铺稻草的办法来降低用水量。abandon:放弃;丢弃;George went to London to study law, but abandoned it for art.abandon oneself to:沉溺于;陷入Some young people abandoned themselves to pleasure and do nothing.【典型例题】一. 单项选择:1. Do you know the _ for obtaining a new passport next year ? Ill go to Australia.A. processB. procedureC. proceedingD. proceedings答案:B分析:你知道明年办理新护照的手续吗?process:过程;进程;procedure:步骤;程序;proceeding:诉讼程序;proceedings:事件,一系列行动2. Children in school are _ into grades according to how much they know.A. listedB. classifiedC. binationD. described答案:B分析:在学校根据孩子们了解知识的多少被分为不同的年级。classify:分类;list:列举;bination:联合;describe:描述3. The basic causes are unknown, but certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been _.A. identifiedB. guaranteedC. notifiedD. conveyed答案:A分析:导致癌症的根本原因尚不清楚,但某些致癌因素已被证实identify :identification的动词形式:验明;鉴定。guarantee:保证;notify:通知;convey:传送;传达4. Only guests of the hotel enjoy _ bowling on the 9th floor.A. favorB. possibilityC. privilegeD. advantage答案:C分析:只有本宾馆内的客人具有到九楼打保龄球的特别待遇。privilege:特权,特别待遇;favor:恩惠;偏爱;possibility:可能性;advantage:优势5. _ energy must be released in one form, for example, an earthquake.A. GatheredB. CollectedC. AccumulatedD. Resembled答案:C分析:被积累起来的能量必须以某种形式释放出来;比如说地震。Accumulated:逐步积累起来,在此是过去分词做定语;gather;collect指一件一件地收集;resemble:相似6. The play was _ when it was discovered how much the scheme would cost.A. desertedB. resignedC. abandonedD. ignored答案:C分析:当发现该剧本将耗资巨大时就被放弃了。abandon:遗弃;desert:丢弃,抛弃(使孤立);resign:辞职;ignore:忽略7. John Kerry admitted his defeat in a phone call to president Bush in the morning, _ the xx race. A. to endB. endingC. endedD. end答案:B分析:清晨John Kerry给Bush打电话承认竞选失败,结束了总统竞选。现在分词做结果状语。二. 翻译句子:1. 我不是在指责你,我只是想弄清事故是如何发生的。(merely)2. 他通过房地产投资积累了大量的财富。(accumulate)3. 他参加了国家独立的伟大事业。(be involved in)4. 这些数字是根据市场价格的平均数得出的。(be based on)5. 他特别喜欢具有挑战性的工作。(have an appetite for)6. 我们必须委派一个委员会来处理此事。(appoint)答案:1. Im not trying to criticize you. Im merely trying to find out how the accident occurred.2. He accumulated a large fortune through housing investment.3. He was involved in the enterprise of making his country independent.4. These figures are based on average market prices.5. He has a special appetite for challenging work.6. We must appoint a mittee to deal with the matter.【模拟试题】一. 单项选择:1. There has been housing development _ since the end of last century.A. to scaleB. in consequenceC. in detailD. on a large scale2. They have _ themselves as dedicated social workers.A. praisedB. distinguishedC. stood outD. been honored3. I dont think John would _ his friends if they were in trouble. A. abandonB. accumulateC. appointD. involve4. Advertising panies are always having to think up new ways to _ products. A. designB. classifyC. promoteD. identify5. The boy has an appetite _ American country music. A. toB. onC. withD. for6. A modern city has been set in _ was a wasteland 10 years ago. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where7. They are always ready to give the vacant seat to _ es first. A. whoB. whomC. whoeverD. whomever8. Man is born _ free, yet everywhere he is _ chains. A. to be / inB. being / byC. / inD. / by9. Most children in Great Britain are educated at the publics _. A. checkB. paymentC. expenseD. charge10. _ what others say, I think hes a very nice person. A. Because ofB. Instead ofC. ExceptD. Despite二. 完型填空:Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happenings. The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of 1 is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She had a daughter, Persephone, whom she loved very much. Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the 2 of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his 3 . Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neither would he 4 it. Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without 5 . When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, heseized her and took her to the underworld. When Demeter 6 what happened to Persephone, she became so 7 that she caused all plants to 8 . People were in 9 of starving, But Demeter was determined not to let crops grow 10 her daughter, Persephone, was returned to her. 11 , still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephones 12 . She could go back to her mother if she had not 13 anything while she was in the underworld. Demeter 14 it because she did not know that Persephone had eaten several pomegranate(石榴)seeds in the underworld. When Zeus 15 this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her 16 , but he added that since she had eaten the seeds ,she must spend part of the year in the underworld. And so it 17 that when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and therefore 18 not let the crops grow. That is 19 we have winter when plants do not grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter is 20 , it is spring, and plants begin to grow again.1. A. periods B. seasons C. time D. age2. A. winner B. ruler C. advisor D. fighter3. A. wife B. lover C. partner D. daughter4. A. forbid B. forgive C. admit D. accept5. A. arrangement B. warning C. reason D. permission6. A. let out B. worked out C. thought out D. found out7. A. excited B. tired C. angry D. serious8. A. grow fast B. start growing C. stop growing D. grow slowly9. A. danger B. hope C. turn D. case10. A. since B. until C. after D. when11. A. PersephoneB. Zeus C. Demeter D. Hades12. A. return B. change C. marriage D. journey13. A. stolen B. found C. eaten D. heard14. A. understood B. refused C. doubted D. accepted15. A. discovered B. studied C. forgot D. prepared16. A. daughter B. mother C. god D. ruler17. A. works B. remains C. happens D. starts18. A. should B. can C. dare D. will19. A. where B. because C. why D. how20. A. nice B. friendly C. fresh D. happy 三. 阅读理解:There is one foreign product the Japanese are buying faster than others, and its popularity has caused an uneasy feeling among many Japanese.That product is foreign words .Gairaigo-words that e from outside have been part of the Japanese language for centuries. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers.But in the last few years the trickle(涓涓细流)of foreign words has bee a flood, and people fear the increasing use of foreign words is making it hard for the Japanese to understand each other and could lead to many people forgetting the good qualities of traditional Japanese.“ The popularity of foreign words is part of the Japanese interest in anything new, ” says university lecturer and writer Takashi Saito. “ By using a foreign word you can make a subject seem new, which makes it easier for the media to pick up.”Experts often study abroad and use English terms when they speak with people in their own fields. Those terms are then included in government white papers, said Muturo Kai, president of the National Language Research Institute. “ Foreign words find their way easily into announcements made to the general public, when they should really be explained in Japanese.”Against the flow of new words, many Japanese are turning back to the study of their own language. Saitos Japanese to Be Read Aloud is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers shelves.“We were expecting to sell the books to young people,” said the writer, “ but it turns out they are more popular with the older generation who seem uneasy about the future of Japanese.”1. What advantages do foreign words have over traditional Japanese terms? A. The idea expressed in foreign words sound new.B. Foreign words are best suited for announcements.C. Foreign words make a new subject easier to understand.D. The use of foreign words makes the media more popular.2. In the opinion of Takashi Saito, Japanese people_. A. are good at learning foreign languages B. are willing to learn about new things C. trust the media D. respect experts3. Which of the following plays an important part in the spread of foreign words? A. The media and government papers. B. Best-selling Japanese textbooks. C. The interest of young Japanese. D. Foreign products and experts.4. The book Japanese to Be Read Aloud _. A. sells very well in Japan B. is supported by the government C. is questioned by the old generation D. causes misunderstanding among the readers四. 短文改错:At first I was not quite willing to sit down andwatched the 90-minute football match. Usually I just1. _checked the results because I thought that was dull2. _to watch a game in which players kicked a ball each3. _other. Therefore, my father loves football. During the4. _World Cup in xx, my dad stays up late just to watch5. _his favorite sport. Seeing his strong interest in this6. _game of 22 men run after a ball, I decided to sit down7. _to watch the game. I found the game excited, and my8. _dad explained for the rules. We shared our joy. Football9. _is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad! 10. _ 参考答案/一. 单项选择:1. D自上个世纪末住房出现了大规模地发展。on a large scale:大规模地2. Bdistinguish oneself ;因擅长而引人注目。他们因致力于社会工作而引人注目。3. A我认为John在朋友遇到困难时会抛弃朋友。4. C广告公司总是努力进行新的创意来促销产品。promote product:促销产品5. D这个男孩喜爱美国乡村音乐。have an appetite for.:渴望喜爱6. Awhat was a wasteland 10 years ago作为名词性从句做介词in 的宾语。7. Cwhoever es first做介词to 的宾语。他们为任何先到的人预留了空座。8. Cbe born +形容词:天生是(如果接名词,前面有介词:in ; into )be in chains:被囚禁。9. C大多数英国儿童都是由公众出资接受教育。at ones expense:由支付费用。10. D不管别人说什么,我认为他是个好人。despite后面接名词性从句what others say二. 完型填空:本文通过一个希腊神话,揭示主题句(文章首句)所述的内容:从古时候流传下来的一些神话传说,能解释一些自然现象。1. B 根据主题句和下文,可以推知,这里是讲一个关于为什么会有季节变化的希腊神话。 2. B 根据上下文我们知道Hades和Demeter都是god,但它们做事情需要征询另一个god,即Zeus的同意,由此判断Zeus一定是掌管或控制诸神的神。3. A 根据上下文的love,fell in love with,和marriage这些词很容易得知此处表示“Hades请求Zeus把Persephone赐给自己为妻。”其他项不符合文意。4. A 根据上下文推知本句意思是“Zeus说他不会同意这桩婚姻,但也不会阻止”5. D without permission意思是未经允许,没有征求许可。根据文意,此处表示由于Zeus对这件事既不同意,也不阻止,所以Hades决定不再征询许可就把Persephone带走。所以选D。6. D 此处表示“当Demeter得知(或了解、发现)Persephone。被Hades带走了这件事情时”,四个选项中只有find out有“了解、弄清、查明(事情的真相)”之意,故选D。7. C 当得知自己的女儿被别人强行带走了,母亲自然会很生气,所以选C。8. C 根据故事情景,由于Demeter是the goddess of the harvest。掌管着。庄稼的收获,她是想用caused all plants to stop growing来惩罚Hades,故选C符合文意。 9. A in danger of是一习惯搭配,表示“面临的危险”,符合上下文语境。其他项虽然也能构成正确搭配,但不符合文意。10. B本句意为“Demeter决定不让庄稼生长,直到Hades把她女儿送回来为止。”B符合题意。 11. B根据上文,在此事情上有决定权的是Zeusthe ruler of the gods,所以选B12. A按照上下文,此处表示Zeus为Persephone的去留问题设制了一个条件:当她在underworld(阴间,地下)时,如果不吃任何东西,她就可以回到她母亲身边,所以选A。13. C根据上题的分析选C,另外下文14空后的一句“eaten the seeds”中有提示。14. D根据上文Demeter很爱自己的女儿,她当然想让女儿回到身边,所以无论Zeus提出什么条件她都会答应。故选D。15. A该处文意是:当Zeus了解到这一情况时,他同意Persephone跟她母亲在一起度过一年中的部分时间,Demeter(接受了条件)但是他又说由于她吃了些石榴籽,她必须在underworld(阴间,地下)也要度过一部分时间。于是就有了季节变化(so it happens季节变化就是这样出现的)16. B根据上题的分析选B。17. C全文就是在讲季节变化的来历,此处是点题之处。该句表示“季节变化就是这样出现的,当Persephone在阴间时,Demeter很难过,因此她就不让那里的庄稼生长。这就是为什么我们有了冬天,那时候任何plants都不生长。当Persephone回来时,Demeter很高兴,那时候是春天,植物又开始生长了。So it happens意为“季节变化就是这样发生的(出现的)”,它是形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的从句。18. Dwill表示愿意,符合文意。19. C全文是讲季节变化的原因(cause),所以why合适。20. D根据17题的分析,选D。 三. 阅读理解:语篇解读:本篇文字难度适中,主要介绍日本的本族语越来越受到其他语言的影响,及一些日本人为此做出的努力。题材属于语言文化类,文字本身简单易懂,题目设计直接,干扰项不多,但文章中有一些句子结构稍难,需认真分析。1. A“By using a foreign word you can make a subject seem new”是重要信息句。2. B“The popularity of foreign words is part of the Japanese interest in anything new” 是重要信息句。 3. A由倒数第三段开头“Experts often study abroad and use English terms when they speak with people in their own fields . Those terms are then included in government white papers”可知答案为A。 4. A信息句:Saitos Japanese to Be Read Aloud is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers shelves。四. 短文改错:1. watchedwatch2.thatit3. ball后加to4. ThereforeHowever5. staysstayed6. 7. runrunning8. excitedexciting9. 去掉for10. badlybad

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