2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 Unit4 Unforgettable experiences教案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 Unit4 Unforgettable experiences教案 人教大纲版考纲要求: 考纲规定的考试范围:1. 重点单词与短语scare; disaster; seize; drag; struggle; fight; shake; stair; strike; destroy; fear; opportunity; article; agent; touch; naughty; take place; on fire; pull sb. up; get on ones feet; go through; on holiday; worry about; e on; up and down2. 句型She was so surprised that she couldnt move. 结果状语从句Tree after tree went down, cut down by water, which must have been three metres deep. 过去分词作状语The next moment, the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 现在分词作状语However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. It didnt take long before the building was destroyed. before的用法Just try and you will see you can it. 祈使句+and(or)sb. will(wont)3. 语法:The Attributive Clause()1.能够用英语描述人物的行为、特征等,由who/whom/that/whose引导2.能够用英语描述事物、事件的的性质、内容等,由which/that引导 复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握scare; seize; drag; struggle; fight; shake; strike; destroy; fear; opportunity; article; touch; naughty 等重点单词及短语的用法。2. 掌握结果状语从句的用法、连词before的用法;现在分词作状语的用法;由who/whom/that/whose/which/that引导的定语从句的用法。教材知识归纳知识归纳1. There she saw a wall of water that has quickly advanced towards her.Advance的用法:派生词:advanced adj. 高等的先进的,高深的 Einstein learned advanced mathematics all by himself at 13.爱因斯坦13岁就能自学高等数学了。Few scientists could understand his advanced theory at that time.那时没几个科学家能理解他高深的理论。知识梳理:(1)vt . 向前推进或移动 The general advanced his men at night.(2)vi 前进或进步 Two months has passed and the project has advanced.两个月过去了,这项工程已有进展。(3)n. 前进,进展The mander ordered to halt the enemys advance. 司令下令阻止敌军前进。Hes always paying attention to the advances in medical science.他时刻注意着医学上的进步。 相关归纳:(1) in advance 在前头,预先,事先I was given a months salary in advance. 我提前发了一个月的工资。(2) in advance of 在前面;比进步;超过In the 800 meters race, Tom was 1 meter in advance of Jack. (3) on the advance (物价)在上涨The price has been on the advance2. Before she could move,she heard a loud noise. 她还没有来得及动弹,就听见很响的声音。However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. 但还没有回过身来,洪水便逼近了她。Before 有以下几种用法:(1)表示主句的动作或时间持续了很长时间从句的动作才发生We had sailed four days before we finally saw the land .我们一直航行了四天才看见了陆地。(2)表示主句的动作或时间持续了很短时间从句的动作就发生了We hadnt run a mile before we felt tired .我们才跑了一里的路程我们就觉得累了。(3) 还没来得及一个动作就发生了 Before I could say thanks to him , he had left in a hurry.我还没来的及向他表示,他就匆匆忙忙离开了。(4) 趁还没怎么样 去做一个动作 Before you forget it , write it down.趁你还没忘记赶快把它记下。注意以下几种句型:(1)It will be +一段时间+before 从句 再过一段时间才能怎么样It will be 5 years before we meet again.再过5年我们才能再次相见。(2) It wont +before 从句 过了不久某个事情就发生了It wont be long before we meet again.再过不久我们就能再次相见了(3) It was +一段时间+before 从句 过了一段时间某事发生了He went abroad in xx. It was 5 years before he returned .xx年他出国了。过了5年他就回国了。(4) It wasnt long +一段时间+before 从句 过了不久某个事情就发生了He went abroad in xx. It wasnt long before he returned .xx年他出国了。过了不久他就回国了。3. She looked around and saw Jeff running.感官动词 see, hear, find, notice, watch + 宾语 +宾补(1) 感官动词 + 宾语 +doing, 表示宾补的动作正在发生。We can see parrots flying along the river. 我们可以看到鹦鹉在沿着河边飞翔。I can feel my heart beating fast. 我可以感觉到我的心跳得很快。(2) 感官动词 + 宾语 +do, 表示宾补的动作已经完成。I saw him cross the street. 我看见他过了马路。I didnt notice you enter. 我没注意你进来了。(3) 感官动词 + 宾语 +done, 表示宾语和宾补之间是被动关系。I found his hands tied to a tree. 我发现他的双手被绑在树上。He saw the girl bitten by the dog. 他看到那个女孩被狗咬了。4. She struggled and struggled, and could not get on her feet.Struggle的用法(1)n.挣扎;奋斗;努力The struggle for existence生存竞争Dont give up without a struggle.不要未经努力就放弃。(2)struggle with/against向(同)作斗争He has been struggling with illness for years.他与疾病搏斗了许多年。He struggling with thief for a while.他与小偷搏斗了一会。(3)struggle for/struggle to do sth.为而奋斗,努力做He has been struggling foe success in his business.为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。She struggled to keep back the tears.她努力忍住泪水。(4)struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来。The old woman struggled to her feet and struggled along the road to her home.老太太挣扎着站起来,向家里走去。相关归纳:Get on ones feet站立起来(表动作)。Stand on ones feet站着(表状态)Rise to ones feet站起来Jump to ones feet跳起来Bring someone to his feet扶起某人Help someone to his feet帮某人站起来。5. The garden that was once so beautiful was pletely destroyed destroy的用法派生词:destruction n.摧毁,毁灭,毁坏; destructive adj.破坏性的;毁灭性的destroy vt. 彻底毁坏;摧垮The school was pletely destroyed by fire. 学校被大火彻底烧毁了。That accident destroyed her ballet career. 那次事故毁掉了她的芭蕾生涯。damage, destroy, ruin(1)damage指部分“损坏”、“损害”、“破坏”或指使用价值有所降低。通常指车辆、房屋、庄稼等无生命物体受到损伤或毁坏,但往往可以修复。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,用作名词时常与to sth.连用。The chemical rain damages trees in the forests. 酸雨损害了森林中的树木。The storm caused great damage to the crops. 这场风暴给庄稼造成了很大的损害。(2)destroy只能用作动词,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复,常作“破坏”、“毁灭”解,也可以指希望、计划等打破。(3)ruin则表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物,而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题。用作动词时,它作“使毁灭”、“使崩溃”、“弄糟”解;用作名词时,它表示“毁灭”、“瓦解”、“废墟”等抽象概念。ruin也有借喻的用法。The precious painting was ruined by spilt milk. 洒出来的牛奶毁坏了那幅珍贵的画。The heavy rain ruined our holiday.大雨把我们的假期彻底搞糟了。6. . she heard a loud noise,which grew to a terrible roar. 她听见了很响的声音,接着就变成了可怕的隆隆轰鸣声。该句中的which引导非限制性定语从句。He bought some reference books, which were all about science.他买了许多的参考资料都是有关理科的。which 作为关系代词(1)既可以引导限制性定语从句,这时that与which很多时候可以互换;The train which/that left for Beijing pulled in on time. 前往北京的火车按时进站了。(2)也可以引导非限制性定语从句,这时先行词可以是一个名词或名词短语、也可以是一个完整的句子。His dog, which was now very old, became ill and died.他的狗,现在老了,生病死了。He came late for school, which made his teacher angry他来晚了,这使老师很生气。注意:关系代词that, which和who的区别(1)在only,no,any,little,much,all之后,以及先行词带有最高级修饰语时,一般多用that不用which,但all指人时,用who不用that。例如: This is the only book that we can borrow That is the best film that I have seen so far The book contains muchlittle that is useful All who know him like him very much Say all that you know (2)that不能像which,whom那样放在介词之后,而必须将介词调到句末。例如: The man thatwho you talked with yesterday is my uncle或The man with whom you talked yesterday is my uncle This is the cage in which Polly lives或This is the cage thatwhich Polly lives in (3)人和物并列作先行词时,在the same,the very,the last和序数词之后时,常用that,一般不用which或who。例如: She was the firstthe last students that came this morning He made a speech on the men and things that he had seen in Canada Looking at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street This is the same pen that I lost yesterday This is the very book that I have been looking for (4)前面有who,which,what等疑问代词时,定语从句的关系代词应用that,不用who或which。例如: Who is the man that is standing by the door? Who that has such a home does not love it? Which is the dog that you lost yesterday? What that you say does not interest him? 7. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three metres deep.洪水想必深达三米,树一棵接一棵地倒下,被洪水冲断了。must可以用于对肯定或有把握的事情或情况表示推测,意思是“必定,准是”。有以下四种结构:(1) must + do表示对现在情况的推测。He entered the room just now. He must be here.他刚刚进屋,他一定在这里。Im sorry he isnt here. He must have left already.抱歉,他不在这儿。他准是走了。(2) must + have done表示对过去情况的推测。He must have stayed up last night, for he is a little tired in the morning.他昨晚一定熬夜了,因为他早晨就有点疲惫。Tom graduated from college at a very young age.汤姆很年轻就大学毕业了。Oh, he must have been a very smart boy then.那么,他一定是一个很聪明的小伙子。(3) must + be doing表示对正在发生的动作或将要发生的动作的推测。There will be an English test tomorrow. He must be preparing for it now.明天要考英语,他现在一定在准备考试。(4)must have been doing表示对过去某个时候或某段时间正在发生的动作的推测。I must have been sleeping when you telephoned me last night.当你昨晚给我打电话的时候我一定正在睡觉。注意:can/could, may/might 亦有以上四种结构但是要注意的是(1) can/could 用于疑问句和否定句中表示推测。That cant be our class teacher. He has gone to Beijing.那一定不是我们的班主任,他已经去北京了。You cant have met our class teacher. He has gone to Beijing.你刚才不可能见到班主任了,他已经去北京了。(2) may/might用于肯定句和否定句中表示推测。(3)在肯定句中表示推测时must的语气比may/might强。(4)在否定句中表示推测时can/could的语气比may/might强。(5)情态动词can/could,must和may/might表示推测时,其反意疑问句不能用情态动词,必须去掉情态动词之后在句子本来意义的基础上进行反问。He must have seen the film.可以理解为He has seen the film.,所以反意疑问句用hasnt he?He must have seen the film yesterday.可以理解为He saw the film yesterday.,所以反意疑问句用didnt he?8. Flora ,whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started to crying. whose+ 名词=of which + the + n.= the + n.(1) (用作关系代词)那个人的,那些人的;他(她)们;他(她)们的Chopin, whose works are world-famous, posed some of his music in this room.肖邦的音乐作品举世闻名,其中的一部分就是在这间屋子里创作的。The woman whose umbrella you took is very angry about it.你拿了那女士的伞,她为此很生气。(2) (用作关系代词)它的;它们的The word, whose meaning escapes me, probably derives from Latin.那个词可能源自拉丁文,其意思我想不起来了。9. Another wave struck the house.strike 的用法vt. vi. (struck, struck/stricken)(1) 打,击,砍,敲He was so angry that he struck the table with his fist. 他气得用拳头砸桌子。(2) 打中,击中;撞,触礁A snow ball struck/hit him on the back of the head. 一个雪球打中了他的后脑勺。Then my shovel struck against something metallic. 然后我的铲子碰到了一件像金属的东西。(3)(某种想法)忽然出现;使(某人)突然意识到The funny side of the affair suddenly struck her. 她突然意识到了事情可笑的一面。We were struck by the generosity of even the poorest citizens.使我们深受感动的是,甚至最贫穷的市民也慷慨大方。(4) 给某人某种印象-How did it strike you? 你觉得它如何?-It struck me as strange at the time. 我当时觉得它很古怪。(5)(钟)敲响The church clock began to strike twelve. 教堂的钟开始敲12点。(6)=hit 指疾病、火灾、自然灾害等突然袭击 I fear an earthquake will strike this area again. 我担心地震会再次发生在这一地区。(7) 罢工 (也可用做名词)Im sure the bus drivers will strike/ go on strike. 我确信公共汽车司机会罢工。注意: strike, beat, hit, tap, knock(1)strike 常表示用力打或敲(2)hit有“撞击,袭击”之意,比strike稍弱一些,指一次性的打击或击中 The ship hit a rock and wrecked.船触礁撞毁了。(3)beat: 连续有节奏地打;敲The rain heat against the window. (心)跳动 His heart had stopped beating. (鸟翼) 扑动 The bird beat its wings rapidly as it flew on. 打败;打赢;取胜 Our champion can beat all runners in the country.(4)tap 指轻拍He tapped me on the shoulder.她轻轻地拍拍我的肩。He tapped the ashes out of his pipe.他轻轻地将烟斗里的烟灰敲出来。 (5)knock 指敲打并伴有响声,还可表示打倒、撞翻 He knocked at the door and entered.他敲了敲门便走进去了。10. A terrible noise went through the house. go through的用法:(1) 经历,经受 He would go through fire and water for his county.他愿为国家赴汤蹈火。(2) 仔细检查,审查They went through our luggage at the customs.海关人员仔细的检查了我们的行李(3) 浏览We spent several days going through all related reference materials.我们花好几天时间查了相关的参考资料(4) 通过,穿过Can the table go through the door?这张桌子能过得了那扇门吗?(5) 花完,用掉How long will it take you to go through the book?看完这本书你的用多长时间?11. The childs small body shook with fear.fear的用法派生词:fearful adj. 可怕的,严重的;惧怕的,胆怯的;担心的,忧虑的 fearless adj. 不怕的,大胆的,勇敢的,无畏的知识梳理: (1) n. 恐惧 (多作不可数名词) His face was growing pale with fear. 忧虑;担心的事(可数) There is no reason for your fears. (2) v. 恐惧;害怕,接 n. / pron. Cats fear big dogs. 恐惧;害怕,接to do Dont fear to tell the truth. 恐怕;担心,接从句 She feared that she might not find him in his room.相关归纳:(1)be in fear (of) (为而)提心吊胆The thief was in fear of the police.(2) for fear of 因为怕;以免,怕的是He left an hour earlier for fear of missing his train.(3) for fear that-clause 生怕;为了防止(某事发生)She worried for fear that the child would be hurt.(4) have a fear that-clause 担心怕(发生某事)(5) with fear 吓得,怕得(表示原因)His face went pale with faer.(6) fear (vi.) for. 担心忧虑12. Just try and youll see you can do it.只要尽力你会发现你能做。祈使句+and(or)sb. will(wont)是个固定句型,祈使句在此表示条件.假设,而后面部分陈述相应可能出现的结果。可以替换由条件状语从句加主句构成的复合句型。Study hard and you will succeed努力学习,你会成功的。Hurry up or step and I will kill you.再走一步我就杀死你。注意:(1)陈述部分要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。(2)表示条件的可以用祈使句,也可以用名词短语。(3)会把祈使句与条件状语从句、以及分词之间相互转换。One more word and I will kill you.再说另外一句话,我就把你杀死。Study hard and you will succeed=If you study hard , you will succeed.=Studying hard, you will succeed. 努力学习,你会成功的。13. get it 明白了get it 常用于口语中,问与答都适用,it没有实际意义。有一些句子中,it虽然没有明确的意义,但用法已经固定下来,并成为人们日常的习惯用语。相关归纳:(1)I cant help it 我没有办法。(2)Thats it.这就对了!(3)Get with it !振作精神!(4)Keep at it !坚持下去!(5)Go it while you are young.趁你还年轻就努力干吧。(6)Make it 按时到达某处,办事成功;约定时间;及时赶上(火车,轮船等)(7)kick it 戒掉(8)like it/hate it that/when喜欢/讨厌(9)see to it that确保(10)depend on it that依靠(11)answer for it that对负责(12)have had it受够了;吃尽了苦头;无法忍受;生命没救概念提示重点/热点1:used to (1) used to do sth. 过去常常(现在已不如此) We used to grow beautiful roses. 注意:否定句和疑问句有两种 You usednt to make that mistake. She didnt use(d) to do it, did she? You used to smoke a pipe, didnt you? / use(d) nt you? (2) be / get / bee used to + n. / doing 习惯于 I have always been used to hard work. He got used to living in the country. (3) be used to do 被用来做This knife is used to cut bread. 表示“过去常常”时,used to与would区别: (1) would 只强调“过去常常”,used to 说明现在不是如此。 The old woman would sit there for hours doing nothing. (2) would 只接行为动词,used to 可接行为动词和表状态的词。如:be, like, know, have。There used to be a temple at the foot of the mountain.易混易错点1:howeverhowever主要有三个义项:(1)然而,可是;仍然adv.。 作此意时,其显著特点是与逗号连用。He was feeling bad. He went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.他感觉不舒服,但他仍然去上班,并且努力集中精神工作。Its raining hard. However, I think we should go to school on time.(=But I think we should go to school on time.)雨很大,然而我想我们还是应该按时去上学。(2)无论多么;不管多么。通常与形容词或副词连用,引导让步状语从句,相当于该形容词或副词+ever引导的状语从句。即:however +adj./adv. +主语+ 谓语=no matter how + adj./adv.However hard its raining, we should go to school on time.=No matter how hard its raining, we should go to school on time.无论雨下得多大,我们还是应该按时去上学。She has the window open, however cold it is outside.不管外面多冷,她都开着窗户。However carefully I explained, she still didnt understand.无论我解释得多么仔细,她还是没弄懂。(3)不管以何种方式;以任何方式You may dress however you wish.你可以以你喜欢的任一方式穿衣服。易混易错点2:删去讲题组课内题例与课后题:课内题例1. _ I could get a word in, the person went off in a hurry.A. Before B. When C. While D. after 变式1. strike the iron _it is hot. A. Before B. When C. While D. after 变式2. I t will be 5 years _ we meet again.A. Before B. When C. While D. after变式3. I t wont long before we _ another party.A. hold B. are to hold C. will hold D. has held解析:1. 考查before 的其中一个用法-还没来得及一个动作就发生了。答案:B变式1. before 与 while 都有趁的含义。但是要注意的是:before后接的从句中的动词是非延续性的;而while后接的从句中的动词是延续性的。答案:C变式2 固定句型。答案:A变式3. before后接的从句中的动词要用一般现在时代替一般将来是。答案:A总结:before引导的时间状语从句的各种用法都很重要,命题时常常把before和相关连词的用法一起考查,大大增加了试题的难度。2. Im thinking of losing weight these days .You _ be out of mind . You are thin enough . A. will B. should C. must D .may 变式1Whats that terrible smell?Oh ,I forgot about the chicken! Look , it !Amay be burntBought to be boilingCcan be cookingDmust be burning变式2. The temperature in our city _ fall to 13 below freezing in winter.A. shall B. can C. must D. should变式3. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _ during the day.A. may have doneB. would have doneC. should have doneD. must have done变式4. Look ! The clouds are gathering . Yes .Im afraid it be pouring down soon .Acan Bmust CshouldDmight 变式5. He cant have attended the party last night, because I didnt see him at that time,_?A. can he B. did he C. has he D .was he 变式6.-Why! I couldnt get you on the phone yesterday afternoon?- We _ kites in the yard when you phoned. A. could be flying B. might have fliedC. must have been flying D. should be flying解析:2.根据语境可以确定是表示对现在状态的有把握的推测。“你一定疯了”。答案:C变式1. 根据语境可以确定是表示对现在正发生的动作的极其有把握的推测.答案:D变式2. can用在肯定句中表示推测是指有时可能会怎么样。答案:B变式3. “不管我们白天可能做了什么事情”可知是表示对已经发生的事情的把握不太大的推测。答案:A变式4. may/might/could 用于肯定句中表示对现在或将来把我不大的推测。答案:D变式5. 因为有表过去的具体时间状语,所以要用did这一助动词。答案:B变式6. must have been doing表示对过去某个时候或某段时间正在发生的动作的推测。答案:C3. He is very young; , he know a lot. A. however B. though C. still D. yet变式1. He is very young; he know a lot, A. however B. though C. still D. yet变式2. You can travel _ you like. It is all the same to me. A. however B. though C. whatever D. yet变式3. _ much it may take, I will buy the book.A. however B. though C. whatever D. yet解析:3. however然而,可是;仍然adv., 作此意时,其显著特点是与逗号连用。答案:A变式1. though 用在adv.译为“然而,可是;仍然”要用在句子最后边。答案:B变式2. 不管以何种方式;以任何方式。答案:A变式3. 无论多么;不管多么。通常与形容词或副词连用,引导让步状语从句,相当于该形容词或副词+ever引导的状语从句。答案:D4. An earthquake _ the area on a cold night.A. struck B. hit on C. seized D. attack变式1. A good idea _ Tom, when he was wandering in the room. A. struck B. hit on C. seized D. attack解析:4.考查“strike”的其中一个重要用法。指疾病、火灾、自然灾害等突然袭击答案:A.变式1.想起”注意”的三个典型表述方法: (1) sth. strike sb. (2)sb. hit on/ upon (3) It occurred to sb that从句。5. This is the desk, _desk is broken.A. whose B. of which C. which D. that变式1. This is the desk, _the desk is broken.A. whose B. of which C. which D. that解析:5. 分析可知定语从句中的“desk”缺少定语。所以答案A: 变式1. whose+ 名词=of which + the n. 答案:b6. Get up early _ you will catch the early bus. A. or B. and C. so D. because变式1. One more step _ you will fall into the river. A. or B. and C. so D. because变式. Start out right away,_youll miss the first train.A.and B.but C. or D.while变式._ , you will pass the exam. A. Study hard B. Studying hard C. To study hard D. Studied hard解析:6. 此题考查“祈使句+and /or +句子”这一句型。这一句型在高考中经常考察,要特别注意祈使句省略动词的情况 :(Walk)one more step, and the little boy will fall into the well.所以答案选B变式1. 在“祈使句+and /or +句子”这一句型中,除了用祈使句表示条件外也可以用名词短语表示条件,名词短语相当于祈使句的省略。在该题中One more step=Walk one more step所以答案选B变式2.该句意思是“立刻出发否则你会赶不上火车的”。否则可以用or/or else/otherwise变式3.该题考查现在分词做状语表示条件的用法。选A的话应该加and.所以答案选B课后题:1. He _ have pleted his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside.A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant1 2. We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _ it. It might be valuable.A. hold on to B. keep C. turn to D. look after3. Im thinking of losing weight these days .You _ be out of mind . You are thin enough . A. will B. should C. must D .may 4_ better understanding of physics is necessary for this _ course. A. The ; advanced B. A ; advancedC. The ; advance DA ; advancing5. The worker could not help _ by the beautiful scenery of Guilin. A. striking B. to be struck C. being stuck D. to strike解析:1. 对过去情况的肯定推测,用must have done。2. hold on to意为“留着不卖,不放弃”。3. 答语意思为“你一定是疯了,你已经够瘦了。”用must在肯定句中表示语气非常肯定的推测。答案:C4. 这里的understanding表示泛指意义,故用不定冠词;advanced做形容词表示“高级的”答案:B5. 由句意可知could not help为禁不住的意义,应接doing结构。由题意得知用被动语态所以答案为:C

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