2019-2020年高考英语 能力测试基础训练7 情态动词.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 能力测试基础训练7 情态动词情态动词是每年高考的必考语法项目之一。在高考试题中的比重一直比较稳定,每年一至两个题。但难度有逐年加大的趋势。从命题形式上看,这一考点主要有如下几种形式:(1)听力部分选择题。听句子,判断说话者的情感和语气,选出与所听到句子意义最接近的句子。或听句子,判断说话者的情感和语气,选出最佳答语来补全对话。(2)语言知识运用部分的单项选择题和完形填空题。根据所给的句子或短文,进行判断,选出最佳的一个答案来补全句子。(3)改错部分。在短文的某一行中,可能出现错用、漏用或多用情态动词的情况。.单项填空1.Is John ing by train?He should,but he _ not.He likes driving his car.A.must B.can C.need D.may2.The room is so dirty._ we clean it?Of course.A.Will B.Shall C.Would D.Do3. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.Who _ have taken it? A.should B.must C.could D.would4.I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.It _ true because there was little snow there.A.may not be B.wont be C.couldnt be D.mustnt be5. It has been announced that candidates _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A.can B.will C.may D.shall6.There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.It _ a fortable journey.A.cant be B.shouldnt beC.mustnt have been D.couldnt have been7.Did the train arrive in time?No.It _two hours ago.A.must have arrive B.ought to have arrivedC.must arrive D.ought to arrive8.I cant find my wallet.You _ it on the bus.A.must forget B.must leaveC.must have forgotten D.must have left9.Such a businessman _ be honest.He gets his money in a dishonest way.A.cant B.mustnt beC.may not D.shouldnt10.Peter _ e with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.A.must B.may C.can D.will11.The girl used to be very interested in music,_ she?A.didnt B.use C.used D.usednt to12.The old woman _ sit there for hours,recalling her good old days.A.would B.used C.used to D.could13.My watch is out of order.It needs _.A.repair B.repaired C.repairing D.to repair14.Its seven oclock.Jack _ be here at any moment.A.must B.need C.should D.can15.Its still early.You _ hurry.A.mustnt B.wouldnt C.may not D.dont have to16.Do you think the flight is delayed?It _ be,especially in such weather.A.would B.should C.might D.ought to17.Tom didnt see her in the meeting room this morning.She _ have spoken at the meeting.A.couldnt B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.neednt18.The light is still on.The student _ to switch it off.A.must forget B.must have forgottenC.might forget D.may forget19.You must be a writer,_ you?A.cant B.arent C.must D.mustnt20.You ought _ for what you are unable to do.A.not to be punished B.to not be punishedC.to not punished D.not be punished21.If you had been more careful enough,you _ have made so many mistakes.A.wont B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.wouldnt22.I hear youve got a set of valuable Australian coins._ I have a look?Yes,certainly.A.May B.Do C.Shall D.Should23.Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?_.A.Yes,you may borrow B.Yes,you couldC.Yes,go on D.Yes,help yourself24.The plant is dead.I _ it more water.A.will give B.would have givenC.must give D.should have given25.You _ return my umbrella now.You can keep it till next week if you like.A.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.may not26.Tom ought not to _ me your secret,but he meant no harm.A.have told B.tell C.be telling D.having told27.He told Sally how to get there,but perhaps he _ out for her.A.had to write it B.must have written itC.should have written it D.ought to write it28.Johnny,you _ play with the knife; you _ hurt yourself.A.wont; cant B.mustnt; mayC.shouldnt; must D.cant; shouldnt29.Its a fine day.Lets go fishing,_?A.wont we B.will we C.dont we D.shall we30.Be sure to write to us,_ you?A.will B.arent C.can D.mustnt31.Would it bother you if I talk to you for a minute?_.A.Yes,please B.No,I dontC.Yes,please dont D.Not at all32.I _ tell you what he did for fear that he should be angry with me.A.darent B.darent toC.dared not to D.dares not33.I should have put on my coat when we left.Its a pity that you _.A.didnt B.dont C.havent D.hadnt34.Arent you a football player?_.A.Yes,Im not B.Yes,I wasC.Oh,I used to be D.Oh,I used be35.If you really want yourself to be healthier,you must _ always _ so much.A.not; be smoking B.not; have smokedC.not; to smoke D.be not; smoking36.A puter _ think for itself.It must be told what to do.A.cant B.couldnt C.may not D.might not37.When can I e for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.They _ be ready by 12:00.A.can B.should C.might D.need38.I didnt hear the phone.I _ asleep.A.must be B.must have beenC.should be D.should have been39.He _ you more help,even though he was very busy.A.might have given B.might giveC.may have given D.may give40.Shall I turn on the television?No,I _ watch it now.I want to go to bed.A.shouldnt B.couldntC.would rather not D.might not41. _ you make so much noise?Sorry.Ill take care not to.A.Can B.Must C.May D.Would42. Will you stay for lunch?Sorry,_.My brother is ing to see me.A.I mustnt B.I cant C.I neednt D.I wont43.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out.A.had to B.wouldC.was able to D.could44.I was really anxious about you.You _ home without a word.A.mustnt leave B.shouldnt have leftC.couldnt have left D.neednt leave45.I thought you _ like something to read,so I have brought you some books.A.may B.might C.could D.must46.Sara has just e back from New York and she looks very happy.She _ her trip very much.A.might enjoy B.should have enjoyedC.might have enjoyed D.must enjoy47.You are doing in a wrong way.It _ this way.A.used to do B.is used to doingC.used to be done D.was used to doing48._Mary get disappointed if we tell her the news?I think she _.A.Will; may B.Will; shall C.Shall; will D.Shall; need49.Are you ing to Jeffs party?Im not sure.I _ go to the concert instead.A.must B.would C.should D.might50.There was plenty of time.She _.A.mustnt have hurried B.couldnt have hurriedC.must not hurried D.neednt have hurried.完形填空1.My friend John _ to smoke,but now he doesnt.2.You _ drive carefully.The road is too narrow.3.He _ live in the countryside,so he was _ hard work,but I am not used to.4.Could I borrow your dictionary?Oh,of course you _.5.She _ bring me little presents when she came to our house.6.Mother asked Tom to help cook,but he _.7.You must have seen the movie Titanic,_ you?8.You must have done your homework yesterday evening,_ you?9.If you want help,let me know,_ you?10.You _ go to Beijing by air or by train.11.I _ say it would be better to try it again.12._ you have a good dream tonight.13.Shall I tell John about it?No,you _.Ive told him already.14.My mother _ have called me this morning.But she didnt,so I was late for school and was blamed by my teacher.15.Excuse me,_ I speak to your headmaster?16.You look happy.You _ (have) a good time at the party.17.He _help speaking English when we arrived in Britain.18 I _ (do) so,but I dont remember.19.Must we sweep the floor now?No,you _ not.20.I stayed at a hotel while in New York.Oh,did you? You _(stay) with Barbara.21._ such a woman be loved by so good a man?22.You _ smoke here.The sign says “No smoking.”23.You are in uniform.You must be a policeman,_you?24.No matter how heavy the rain was,she _ give up attending his lecture.25.It _ sound funny,but it is true.26.He announced that he _ walk home.And soon he disappeared.27.You naughty boy! You _ get what you deserve.28.At that time they thought the story _ be true.29.You _ get the book as soon as I have read it.30.Theres a lot of noise from the bedroom.It _ John.He _ (dance).Tell him to stop.【答案】.单项填空15 DBCCD 610 DBDAB1115 AACCD1620 CABBA2125 DADDC2630 ACBDA3135 DAACA 3640 ABBAC4145 BBCBB 4650 CCADD 【部分解析】1.may表推测。2.shall在这里用来征求意见。3.在疑问句中表推测一般用can或could。4.在否定句中表推测一般也用can或could。5.shall在这里指“规定、命令”。7.ought to加完成式表示某事“应该(已经)”。11.used to的反义部分既可用usednt,也可用didnt。12.would表示“(过去)常”。13.need在这里用作实义动词,表“需要”之意,后跟v.-ing的主动形式,或动词不定式的被动式。15.dont have to表“不必”。18.must加完成式表示“(过去)一定”。21.wouldnt在这里表示虚拟的语气。26.全句意为“汤姆本不应该告诉我你的秘密,但他并无恶意”。29.Lets的反意问句用shall we? Let us的反意问句用will you?32.dare在本句中是情态动词。35.must与进行式连用表示“厌倦、不耐烦”的语气。43.was able to 表示“(过去)成功地或设法做了某事”。50.neednt加完成式表示“(过去)没有必要”。.完形填空1.used2.had better3.used to,used to4.can5.would6.wouldnt7.havent8.didnt9.will10.may / can11.dare12.May13.neednt14.should15.may/ can16.must have had17.couldnt18.may have done /might have done19.need20.could have stayed21.Can22.mustnt23.arent24.would not25.may / might26.would27.shall28.might29.shall30.must be,must be dancing

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