2019-2020年高一英语 Unit19《Modern agriculture》备课资料 旧人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit19Modern agriculture备课资料 旧人教版第一册一、异域风情1.Modern FarmPigs,fishponds and cropsall housed in tall buildings.This is a vision of industrial farming in the Netherlands(荷兰).In a world concerned about the environment and transport,would it not make sense to concentrate food production next to a harbor and an airport?And since humans can live in tall buildings,why not pigs and fish?The creative minds behind a government report suggest just this for a site at Rotterdam very close to mainland Europes largest port.The scale is vast:imagine 10 football fields,six floors of equal area,a total of 500 acres(亩)stretching skywards.The building,known as Deltapark,visualizes(让人想象到)300 000 pigs,1.2 million chickens,tens of thousands of fish and a giant vegetable growing area all under one roof.The pigs could enjoy more space than on an average pig farm,and end their days in the slaughterhouse downstairs.Space without daylight in the giant building could be used for cultivating mushrooms which grow well in the dark.Higher up,green houses full of tomatoes and flowers,grown in nutrient solution collected from elsewhere in the building,would profit from the light.The system is theoretically a plete farming cycle,with one activity feeding another and everything being recycled.Deltapark is to be run by managers,not farmers.It has nothing to do with agriculture as we now know it,and so far,only exists on paper.But the idea has created a heated debate(讨论)in the Netherlands and attracted attention abroad.2.Automatic FarmingCan hard work be replaced by machines in agriculture?Yes,man is trying out(试验)automatic farming.It is fun to watch a machine picking tomatoes.The strange machine sails like a ship across a sea of plants.In its front is a hole.As the machine moves forward,tomato plants are pulled into the hole.The tomatoes are gathered while the rest of the plants are thrown back onto the fields.Twelve workers sit on top of the machine.They rapidly pick out the bad fruit from the tomatoes.A red stream of ripe tomatoes is being sent into a cart that is pulled alongside the machine.One driver and twelve workers can pick in an hour ten tons of a new kind of tomato.Without the invention,it would take 60 men to do the job.Not all plants cooperate(合作)well with the farming machines.Take lettuce(莴苣)for example,seeds plants in the same field in the same time ripe at different times.The only way to tell a ripe head of lettuce is to look at it and feel it.And now there is a machine even to do that!There is a special machine to test lettuce.When it moves over one that feels right,it sends a signal back to the picking machine which goes behind.The cutting and picking is done satisfactorily by this set of machines.二、知识归纳(一)against的用法(1)作“反对”解,相当于“in opposition to”There were 20 votes for him and 12 against him.有二十票赞成他而十二票反对他。(2)作“防备;预防”解,相当于“in preparation for”。We all need some savings against a rainy day.我们都需要储蓄一些钱以备不时之需。(3)作“抵抗、抵御”解,相当于“as a defence or protection from”。We are all taking medicine against the disease.我们都在服药以抵抗疾病。(4)作“违反;犯;禁止”解。This is against the law.这是犯法的。(5)作“逆,对着”解,相当于“in an opposite direction to”。I swam against the stream.我逆流游泳。(6)作“不利于”解。The evidence is against him.证据对他不利。(7)作“衬托;相映;对照;以为背景”解,相当于“in contrast to;having as a background”。Mt.Ali is beautiful against the sky.(8)作“对比;比较”解。He was elected president of our class by a majority of forty votes against seven.他以四十票对七票之多数被选为我们的班长。(9)作“靠;依;接触”解。The ladder was placed against the wall.梯子靠着墙放着。(10)against与beat,dash,hit,push,run,strike等动词连用,作“打在,碰到”解。Rain beats against the window.雨打在窗户上。He hit against a tree.他撞到了树上。(11)against与over连用,作“面对;相对;在的正对面”解。We live over against the temple.我们住在那寺庙的正对面。(二)develop的用法(1)发展,养成,形成,培养(vt.)He developed an interest in science.他对科学感了兴趣。Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies.新鲜空气加上体育锻炼造就了健康的体魄。(2)发展,成长,形成,出现He developed into a strong leader.他成长为一位身体强健的领导人。(3)冲冼(胶卷)Lets have these pictures developed.咱们把这些照片冲洗一下吧。(4)开发,建设We must develop the natural resources of our country.我们必须开发我国的自然资源。(三)research的用法(1)作名词“研究工作”(不可数)I asked him how his research was going.我问他他的研究工作进展如何。(可作定语:research work研究工作)“一项研究工作”(可数)They are carrying out a research into(for)the causes of cancer.他们在进行一项研究癌症起因的研究工作。I tried to concentrate my attention upon my chemical researches.我尽力把注意力集中到了化学研究上。(2)作动词“研究”(vt.vi.)The scientist researched the cause of the disease.科学家研究了这种疾病的起因。用于research into/in/on研究He is researching into the reading problems of young school children.他在研究小学生的阅读问题。三、词语辨析(一)special(ly),especial(ly),particular(ly)(1)special(ly),指非一般,非正常,非广泛的人或事物,主要含义为“专门”“特殊”。I came here specially to ask for your advice.我是专门来向你征求建议的。The desk has a special lock.那张桌子有把专门的锁。(2)especial(ly)指的是非普通、非寻常的事物或人,主要解释为“尤其”,一般不能与special(ly)混用。I think this is a matter of especial importance.我认为这是一件尤其重要的事情。The weather has been especially cold lately.最近,天气尤其冷。special(ly)和especial(ly)在数量、程度等方面表示“例外,格外,过分”的意思时,一般可互换。I enjoyed the evening,but the meal wasnt specially good.整个晚上我过得很高兴,但那顿饭不怎么样。(3)particular(ly)表示“尤其,特别,格外”,通常指以不同寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独特之处,它常与especial(ly)通用,但它更强调“与众不同”。The town of Altolf was particularly troublesome.阿尔托夫城是尤其麻烦。These books will be particularly helpful to those who wish to improve their English.这些书对于那些想要提高外语的人们特别地有用。(二)produce,product,production,produce,product,production是同根词,它们译成汉语时往往都有生产、产品等意思,但他们之间有区别。(1)produce作动词是生产、制造的意思,作名词用是产品、产物的意思,主要用于指农产品,为不可数名词。We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.我们必须增产粮食,以减少粮食进口。The factory hasnt begun to produce yet.工厂还没有开始生产。Things produced on a farm,such as milk,potatoes,and wool,are produce.农场里生产的东西,如牛奶、土豆、羊毛,都是农产品。(2)product是产品、产物的意思,是最普通的用语,可指天然的或人造的,多指工业产品,也可指农产品,还可指脑力劳动、意志力、环境等的产物。Important products of South Africa are fruit and gold.南非的重要产物是金子和水果。These are the products of our factory.这些是我们厂的产品。Criminals are sometimes the product of bad home.犯罪分子有时是不幸家庭的产物。(3)production是“生产、产量”的意思。指生产时,是指生产行为,指产品时,侧重产量,也可指文学艺术作品。The production of cloth by hand has been replaced by production of it by machine.布料的手工生产已被机器生产所取代。The production of eggs has increased in the last few weeks.我们的蛋产量近几个星期上升了。This book on political history is the writers latest production.这本行政改革的书是作者的最新作品。(三)nearly,almost(1)almost=very nearly都表示“几乎,差不多”,常可通用。Its almost/nearly two oclock.差不多两点了。He fell off a tree and almost/nearly died.他从树上摔下,险些儿丧命。(2)almost和nearly可以互换的场合:a.在肯定句中I am almost/nearly 90 years old.我快九十岁了。She fell and almost/nearly broke her neck.他跌倒了,颈骨险些骨折。b.修饰all,every,always等时I almost/nearly always go to bed at eleven.我差不多总是11点钟上床睡觉。c.在行为动词的否定式前He almost/nearly didnt hear what I said.他几乎未听见我讲了些什么。(3)只能使用almost的场合:a.修饰no,none,never,any以及no和any的合成词I have almost nothing to do today.我今天没什么事做。There is almost none left.几乎没剩下什么东西。almost与否定词连用时,可与hardly,scarecely换用。b.修饰表示感觉或心境的动词和形容词You could almost imagine you were in Switzerland.你几乎可以设想你在瑞士。I almost think youre right.我还不完全相信你是对的。c.修饰more than和tooThats almost too mcuh.那简直太过份了。(4)只能用nearly的场合:a.被very,not,pretty所修饰时Im not nearly ready.我还没有准备好。b.表示快要做什么事但后来“没有做”或“避开不做”时We nearly called to see you last Saturday.我们上星期六差点来看你。四、能力训练(一)完形填空China is a large country of agriculture.As you know,there are more than 800 million 1 in China.China started to 2 the science of agriculture much earlier 3 other countries in the world.4 the people in Europe and America were trying to 5 wild animals and birds for food,farmers in China were 6 the science of agriculture.For example,Jia Sixie, 7 lived in the Northern Wei period(386534AD).8 one of the farmning pioneers.After he finished his work in the government,he 9 home and spent his time on research into agriculture.He 10 information,did experiments and learnt 11 the experiences of farmers.He wrote a book called Qi Min Yao Shu.The book, 12 has 110 000 characters,is about both farming and gardening.This book is 13 to be an important summary of the knowledge of farming.1.A.workersB.farmersC.pioneersD.scientists2.A.developB.growC.chooseD.collect3.A.toB.tillC.thenD.than4.A.WhereB.ForC.WhileD.Because5.A.makeB.lookC.collectD.shoot6.A.tryingB.workingC.studyingD.growing7.A.whoB.whenC.whichD.he8.A.wereB.wasC.cameD.considered9.A.leftB.builtC.returnedD.destroyed10.A.advisedB.improvedC.collectedD.planted11.A.withB.toC.fromD.for12.A.whoB.whomC.itD.which13.A.madeB.consideredC.keptD.studiedAnswers:1.B2.A3.D4.C5.D 6.C7.A8.B9.C10.C11.C 12.D13.B(二)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的同根词填空:1.我认为这不是一个明智的决定。I dont think that was a _(wisdom)decision.答案:wise2.那个箱子大,可以放得下那些书。That_(contain)is large enough to hold all the books.答案:container3.这个星期他脾气不好,离他远点。His temper has been_(change)this week,so keep away from him.答案:changeable4.在这个城市你能看到一个接一个的古代或者现代建筑物。In this part of the city,you can see ancient and _(modernize)buildings next to each other.答案:modern5.多吃营养丰富的食物。Eat more good_(nutrient)food.答案:nutritious6.听说,这个公司缺人手。It is heard that the pany is_(shortage)for men.答案:short7.他指导他的学生学数学。He_(instruction)his students in mathematics.答案:instructs(instructed)


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