2019年高考英语 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage课后达标复习检测(含解析)外研版选修7.doc

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2019年高考英语 Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage课后达标复习检测(含解析)外研版选修7.单项填空1. Making _ good impression on the interviewers is of _ vital importance.Aa;不填Ba;aC不填;不填 D不填; a2. (xx陕西渭南市一模)Her child was crying, but she _him and carried on with her work.Aknew Bignored Crecognized Djoined3. It has been proved _ taking exercise regularly does good to ones health. Awhether BwhenCwhat Dthat4. People all over China were shocked by what the little boy_ when his eyes were gone. Awent over Bwent throughCgot along with Dgot away5. These pictures_ us of the happy days which we spent together on campus. Aremained Breminded Cinformed Dreformed6. Although made in Tang Dynasty, this vase is well _.Adiscovered B.observedCdelivered D.preserved7. (xx天津河西区模拟)Plastic bags are provided for our convenience but they have also_the pollution of the environment.Aadapted to Bturned to Ccontributed to Dlooked forward to8. How about the result?Well, it remains _ whether weve got enough support.Aseen B.to be seenCseeing Dto see9. I tried my best to help them _ what they had done for me. Aon the basis of Bin honour ofCin return for Don condition that10. If we are all willing to make a(n) _ with each other when we are in dispute, quarrels and conflicts will be avoided and we will surely live in peace.Aacquaintance BadjustmentCcontact Dpromise11. We had a pleasant time on the beach last weekend, _ the bad weather. Abut forBthanks toCrather thanDapart from12. The pancakes of Shandong tastes delicious and is easy_. As a result, it is very popular with tourists. Ato be preserved Bpreserving Cbeing preserved Dto preserve13Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself_of his own dreams.Areminding Bto remindCreminded Dremind 14. Shenzhou launched to the space successfully in xx, _ the greater success of the spaceship project. Amarked Bto mark Cmarking Dhaving marked15. Im afraid we cant make it there on time._. Ill find another way up.AIm afraid so B.Not to worryCForget it DBy all means.阅读理解The last thing that might e to mind is that we can find antibiotics(抗菌素) on the surface of flies. Over a thousand years ago, Prophet Mohammad said: “If a fly falls down to your cup, drown it then remove it, for one of its wings has the disease and the other has the cure.” In Australia, a team from the Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, worked on the research to prove that flies have remarkable antimicrobial(抗菌的)defenses. The teams leader, Dr. Joanne Clarke proved this discovery through a number of experiments. “Our research is a small part of a global research effort for new antibiotics, but we are looking where we believe no one has looked before,” said Dr. Clarke, who presented the teams findings at the Australian Society for Microbiological Conference in Melbourne. She added, “We are now trying to identify the specific antibacterial pounds which will be chemically formed from the surface of the flies.”Another researcher from Tokyo University, Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo confirms that in the near future “people will be astonished to find that flies are being used as antibiotics in the hospitals”. He also assures that scientists are working on the flies to get a number of effective medicines for different diseases. Working on this theory, scientists found that getting the remedy from flies is strange but acceptable in science. Other researchers from the United States are trying to find antipathogenetic ways from the flies. They also note that having the cure from the flies will be something reasonably acceptable by people in the ing few years. 1. What Prophet Mohammad said means_. Aflies are harmful to usBflies carry many kinds of diseasesCpeople can eat fliesDpeople can not only infect diseases from flies but also find cures from them2. Dr. Clarke and her team have_. Abeen the first to do such an experimentBfound flies have antimicrobial defenses Cidentified the specific antibacterial pounds which are chemically formed from the surface of the fliesDreached a conclusion that doesnt agree with Prophet Mohammad3. Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo es from_. AAustraliaB.JapanC.AmericaD.Germany4. Which of the following can Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo agree with? A. Scientists will make more effective medicines using flies. BIts strange to find medicines from the flies. CIt is hard to find enough flies to make the medicine. DIts impossible that flies carry a cure for diseases. BIf youre concerned about gaining weight over the uping holiday season, consider eating more slowly and you might consume less, a study suggests. Diet experts have been promoting this advice for years, and now nutrition scientists at the University of Rhode Island have some new data to back it up.They had 30 normalweight, collegeage women e into a laboratory for lunch on two separate occasions. Each time, the women were offered a huge plate full of delicious food, plus a glass of water. They were asked to eat until the point of fortable fullness. On one occasion, they were instructed to eat as quickly as they could;on the other occasion they ate slowly and put down their spoons between bites.They did not know the food and water was weighed before and after the meal to determine the amount consumed.Findings were: When eating quickly, the women consumed 646 calories in about nine minutes. When eating more slowly, they had an average of 579 calories in about 29 minutes.“They ate 67 calories more in nine minutes than they did in 29 minutes,” says lead researcher Kathleen Melans.“If you add that up over three meals a day, thats a big difference in calories.”“Upon pletion of the meal and an hour afterward, the women were less satisfied and hungrier when eating quickly pared with when they ate slowly,” she says. They said they enjoyed the meal more when they were taking their time. Not surprisingly, the women drank more water when they ate more slowly, and researchers are doing a followup study on whether that factor contributed to their feeling fullness.One way to help control calories intake during Thanksgiving is “to slow down and savor(尽情享受) and enjoy your food more,” she says.5. The best title of the passage could be _.A. Taking Your Time Caused FullnessBEating Quickly Means Less CaloriesCEating Slowly Leads to Eating LessDEnjoying Your Food in Holiday6What is the difference between the two occasions on which these women had their lunch?A. They reached different points of fullness.BThey were provided with different amount of food.CThey ate their lunch at different speeds.DThey were offered different kinds of foods.7The aim of the study is to find whether speed influences_ people eat.Ahow wellB.how muchCwhat Dthe way8According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. These women didnt know the weight of the food until they finished the meal.BThe food and water wasnt weighted until the end of the meal.CThe amount of food consumed had little to do with the eating speed.DThe more quickly they ate, the more calories they consumed.选修7Module 6课后达标检测42.单项填空1解析:选A。考查冠词用法。句意:给面试者留下好的印象是至关重要的。make a(n) .impression on sb.意为“给某人留下印象”; of vital importance意为“至关重要的”。2解析:选B。句意:她的孩子一直在哭,但她置之不理继续她的工作。根据句意可知B项ignore(忽略;忽视)正确。3解析:选D。It is/was/has been过去分词thatclause是固定句型。其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。4解析:选B。句意:全中国人都对这个双眼被挖去的小男孩所经历的事情感到震惊。go through经历,符合句意。go over复习;get along with相处,进展;get away离开。5解析:选B。句意:这些照片使我们想起了在校园里一起度过的那些快乐的时光。remind sb.of sth. “使某人想起某物”是固定搭配。remain“保持”;inform“通知”;reform“改革”, 均不合句意。6解析:选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:花瓶尽管是唐朝制造的,但依然保存完好。preserve “保存”; discover “发现”; observe “观察”; deliver“传送,引渡”。故选D。7解析:选C。句意:塑料袋给我们提供了方便,但是也导致了环境污染。contribute to“有助于,促成,导致”符合句意。adapt to“适应”;turn to“转向,求助于”;look forward to“盼望”。8解析:选B。考查非谓语动词作宾语。答语意为:我们是否能得到足够的支持,这一点有待弄清楚。表示将来的被动的动作应用动词不定式的被动式。9解析:选C。句意:我尽最大努力帮助他们,来报答他们为我所做的一切。on the basis of在的基础上;in honour of为了向表示尊敬;in return for作为对的回报;on condition that条件是。根据句意可知选C项。10解析:选D。句意:如果我们遇到争端时相互妥协,争吵和分歧都会避免,我们肯定会生活在和平之中。make a promise with“与妥协”。11解析:选D。句意:上周末我们在海滩上玩得非常愉快,就是天气不好。apart from除之外,符合句意。but for要不是;thanks to多亏,由于;rather than而不是, 这三者均不符合句意。12解析:选D。考查“主语 be 形容词 to do”句型。句意:山东煎饼口感很好,而且容易保存,因此颇受游客欢迎。不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。13解析:选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:Michael把姚明的图片张贴在床边是为了提醒自己要实现自己的梦想。 remind sb.of sth.表示“ 提醒某人某事”, himself与remind之间是动宾关系, 故用动词的过去分词形式。14解析:选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:在xx神舟十号成功地发射到太空,标志着航天工程更大的成功。现在分词作结果状语表示一种自然而然的结果,而不定式作结果状语,则表示“出人预料的结果”。根据句意可知选C。如选A,则其前面应加and。15解析:选B。考查交际用语。Im afraid so意为“恐怕是这样”; not to worry意为“不必担心”; forget it意为“不必在意,休想”; by all means意为“可以,当然行”,表示同意或答应对方提出的要求。根据答语后一句子“我会找到另一条路上去”可知应用“Not to worry”。.阅读理解A解题导语本文主要讲述了苍蝇虽然身上携带着致病菌,但是科学家希望通过科学研究从苍蝇身上能找到有效的抗菌药。1. 解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段Prophet Mohammad说的话中的for one of its wings has the disease and the other has the cure可知,苍蝇不仅携带疾病也可以治愈疾病。故选D。2. 解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二、三、四段可知,Dr. Clarke和她的研究小组已经证明了苍蝇有抗菌素。故选B。3. 解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第五段的Tokyo University可知Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo来自日本。4. 解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第五段和第六段可知,Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo认为科学家们会在苍蝇身上找到一些有效的药物。故选A。B解题导语科学家经过研究找到了一种不必担心身体体重增加的好方法,那就是:吃得慢,吃得少,易饱。5解析:选C。主旨大意题。整篇文章说明科学家经过研究发现,吃得慢,吃得少,易饱,因而不用担心体重增加。6解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句话可知她们吃饭的速度不一样。故选C项。7解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章的第一句If youre concerned about gaining weight over the uping holiday season, consider eating more slowly and you might consume less.可知选B项。8解析:选D。 推理判断题。根据第三段的第一句话可知A、B两项是错误的;根据第三段第二、三句话可知C项错误,故选D项。


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