2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(话题导入)教案 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(话题导入)教案 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(话题导入)教案 外研版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3My First Ride on a Train(话题导入)教案 外研版必修1对于人类来说,地球显得越来越小;人与人的距离是那样的近,这得益于科学技术的发展,一代又一代高速、舒适的交通工具走进我们的生活中,使我们的行动更加轻松便捷背景知识磁悬浮列车用电磁力将列车浮起而取消轮轨,采用长定子同步直流电机将电供至地面线圈,驱动列车高速行驶。磁悬浮列车主要依靠电磁力来实现传统铁路中的支承、导向、牵引和制动功能。列车在运行过程中,与轨道保持一厘米左右距离,处于一种“若即若离”的状态。由于避免了与轨道的直接接触,行驶速度也大大提高,其正常的运营速度可以达到每小时430千米。世界上第一列磁悬浮列车小型模型1969年在德国出现,日本是三年后研制成功的。仅仅十年后的1979年,磁悬浮列车技术就创造了517千米小时的速度记录。引入型阅读Train:In China,railway has been one of the most important transportation methods since 100 years ago.With the speed of 140 km/h now,railway net has spread throughout China.Many people choose railway when they travel outside,because the speed is fast while the cost is paratively low.Classes on Chinese trains include hard seat,soft seat,hard sleeper,soft sleeper and private box.Train tickets are pre-sold within 7 days before departure.Fast expresses are operated between main cities,with few stops in between.Ship:Between sea-side cities,ship is a popular way for the publics trip.It presents you another kind of wonderful sea-view feeling,though the speed is lower than train.Along the main waterwaythe great Yangtse River and the Yellow River,ship transport is right busy,too.Ship classes include D,C,B,A,with the standard ranking higher.Bus: Long-distance bus travel can be a fortable and economical means of transport in China.About 50 percent of people choose bus when they travel among the distance of 100 km.With the fast developing of highway construction between main cities,buses are taking more and more important role in public transportation.Bus type varies mon,sleeper bus,air-conditioning bus,etc.Metro:Metro (underground) is a modern transport vehicle in Chinese metropolis,such as Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou.With fast speed (highest:80 km/h,average: 40 km/h) and fortable condition,metro has brought the metropolis citizens great convenience.Metro tickets fee: from CNY 2 to CNY 8.Taxi:Taxi also brings great convenience for citizens,especially for office workers.Standard services provided by taxi panies surely make travellers satisfied.Road conditions in China,especially in the cities,are usually fine,and the construction of highways and expressways has done much to improve the efficiency and fort of driving,especially for taxi driving.Taxi fee: CNY 10 for first 3 km,and CNY 2/km for extra distance. Bicycle:China is a “kingdom of bicycle”.Travel bike is popular around China,about 80 percent of Chinese people can ride bicycle.When you stroll around any city in China,you would see groups of bicyclists.Large cities have wide bike lanes that are separate from regular traffic,which makes bike riding more convenient and safer.In some cities,bikes can be rented just about everywhere.People usually ride bicycle to their offices,or to have a camp-trip to the suburb.1.This passage talks of _ kinds of different means of travelling.A.fiveB.fourC.sixD.seven2.Which makes buses more and more popular?A.The cheaper and cheaper tickets.B.The growing speed of the buses.C.The express high ways.D.The growing size of the buses.3.From the passage we can see that _.A.most of the Chinese are able to ride bicyclesB.most of the Chinese like to take metrosC.most of the Chinese dont like to take planesD.train will play the most important role in China答案:1.C2.C3.A

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