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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit2Poems单元检测新人教版选修第一部分 听力(满分30分)(略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Poetry Reviewing ContestEvery month we make a cash prize available to the reviewer that writes the most detailed and helpful poetry reviews. $100 prize for the winner of this writing contest.Deadline: Sep. 4thSummertime PoetryFor our Summertime Poetry Contest we are looking for the poems that praise the season. $100 prize for the winner of this contest.Deadline: Sep. 10thYour Favorite PoetWrite out your favorite modern poet. Give the list to us.Deadline: Sep. 10thUse These Words in a PoemThe challenge of this contest is to write a poem using the words provided in the contest announcement.Deadline: Sep. 16thPoem of the MonthEach month one poem is selected to be the Poem of the Month. A public vote determines the winner. All poems posted during the month are automatically considered. The winner of this contest will take away a $100 prize.Deadline: Sep. 16thQuatrain Poetry (四行诗)Write a quatrain poem see details, click here:Deadline: Sep. 19thFaith PoetryThe theme for this poetry contest is faith. We are looking for poems that in some way match this theme. It doesnt matter if its spiritual, political, intellectual or emotional as long as faith is clearly represented. This is a contest for poets with a $100 prize.Deadline: Sep. 25thThe Words Are the SameWrite a poem that uses the words listed in the contest announcement. $100 prize for the winner of this poetry contest.Deadline: Sep. 29thPoetic ArtThis poetry contest challenges people in our city to write a poem that describes the artwork provided. Your poem can bee part of this artwork. View the announcement to see the image. $100 prize for the winner of this poetry contest.Deadline: Oct. 3rd1.Besides writing poems, this passage also asks you to _ .A. write a poetry review and list your favorite poetB. write a poetry review or an interesting storyC. vote to determine the most famous poet in historyD. list your favorite poems and the most famous poet2.If you want to write a quatrain poem, you must hand it in by_.A. September 10thB. September 19thC. September 20thD. October 15th3. What is the theme for the poetry contest in late September?A. Feelings.B. Success.C. Courage.D. Faith.4.For whom is the advertisement written?A. Professional poets.B. The public.C. Poem amateurs.D. School students.B On Christmas Eve, 1944, my grandmother urged my uncle, then 12 years old, to slip out of the concentration camp where they were imprisoned near 15 miles east of Vienna to go to Deutsch-Wagram. People are charitable around Christmastime, Grandma Lili said to her son, Gyuri. Ask for some food. Anything they can spare. Tell them that were on the edge of starvation. Tell them that your 3-year-old sister cannot get off the bed because shes outgrown her shoes.In the dark of that night, Gyuri secretly left the camp and walked nearly four miles to Deutsch-Wagram, the closest town. He happened upon a house and knocked on the front door. A woman opened that door. She was probably alone, her man far away, fighting in the war, her children asleep in their beds. The 12-year-old pieced together in German exactly what his mother had told him to say.e back tomorrow, whispered the woman. The next day, my uncle returned. The woman opened the door with a smile. She piled his hands with bread, clothing, a pair of shoes that her child had outgrown and a pair of socks. The woman had knitted warm socks for my mother. After putting on the socks and shoes that fit, my mother got off the bed in delight. Her ragged shoes were passed on to a younger child who was also living in the camp. They shared their unexpected harvest with the entire camp. It was a quiet celebration of human kindness around Christmastime.In April 1945, my mother, uncle and grandmother were liberated. And it was those very socks and shoes that my mother wore as she walked some 28 miles over two days to Bratislava on her walk to a new life.To the unknown giver, I thank you. In the desperation of a cold and snowy land, when many hearts were closed and death was more likely than life, especially for Jews, you gave them hope and fort.5.What did Gyuri manage to do on Christmas Eve?A. Receive food and clothing.B. Get permitted to go out.C. Express what his family needed.D. Celebrate Christmas in the camp.6.Why does the author mention shoes so many times?A. To prove the truth of the story.B. To attract readers attention to the story.C. To help the development of the story.D. To make clear the background of the story.7.What feeling did the author write the text with?A. Desperation.B. Gratefulness.C. Excitement.D. Sorrow.CI could feel the judging eyes of my family burning a hole into the back of my head as I picked up my phone. All of a sudden, the chattering in the living room died and all I could hear was the sound of the turkey sizzling(发出咝咝声) in the oven.Look at her! Shes been on her phone all day long! Its all your fault! Children will never respect elders if they are not taught how to behave! my grandmother shouted.I was very shocked and angry! I opened my mouth to say something, but words failed me and I just sat down quietly on the chair like a mouse in its trap. I thought Here we go again. I truly love my family and I would do anything for them. I also know that should the need arise they would do anything for me as well. However, there are moments that make me feel like they are just stuck with me. They all agree on one thing: technology is ruining me.If I am going to be treated like a child or pletely ignored, I will most likely not enjoy your pany, and I feel like this applies to the majority of the people. So I sometimes simply shut myself in my room and listened to the voices ing from the living room, thinking: They all grew up in a world so different than mine that it amazes me how they have actually gotten this far. They did not have phones or any type of advanced technology, which is both good and bad. Bad because they had almost no type of fast munication, and good because they were forced to interact with one another, which is something todays society is deprived of. However, maybe if they made an effort to be aware of how things work nowadays, they would not be so against everything.zx&xk8.What happened when the author picked up her smartphone?A. Her family glared at her.B. There was an extreme silence.C. She felt like having headache.D. She smelt something burning.9.How did the author response to her grandmothers plaint?A. Choose to ignore it deliberately.B. Talk back to her immediately.C. Try to control herself gradually.D. Begin to explain to her patiently.10.We can infer from the passage that the author felt it hard_.A.to do something to please her familyB.to satisfy her familys high expectationC.to get along with her family in some wayD.to move out or break away from her family11.The author uses the last paragraph to show that _.A.it is hard for the older people to accept the advanced technologyB.it is necessary to municate well with each other in the familyC.it is important to strengthen understanding among the familyD.it is her duty to provide her family with a happier life in the futureDE-money, or electronic money, is money that you exchange electronically, as opposed to actual notes and coin. Generally, you conduct e-money or e-currency transactions (交易) over the Internet, or with smart cards that are linked to a bank account. More and more people are also using mobile phones to make such transactions.E-money can be used anytime and anywhere. It is probably the best form of money to use for international transactions, as there are no hassles (麻烦) of currency exchange. It is more reliable, faster than paper checks and drafts (汇票), and has low costs of transactions. Today, with e-money being more popular, banks are peting to reduce transfer costs and provide account holders with good deals. If you send someone a check, it will take a few days to clear. But with an online money transaction, the money reaches the other persons account almost instantly. These transactions can be made after the bank has closed, and even on holidays.When you carry a large amount of money, there is always a chance of it being lost or stolen. E-money is safer than currency in this regard. Every transaction requires you to provide a personal identification number (PIN) for the payment to be pleted. Electronic funds transfers can be more secure than cash or check transactions. All you have to do is take some simple precautions to make sure that your card or online account is not misused.Each and every transaction made with electronic money is recorded in the banks and the users online records. These records have all the essential information about the transaction: the name of the payer, the name of the receiver, and the date, place and time it took place. This makes it more dependable, and users can access their record of transactions at any time of the day.12.How many means of e-money transactions are mentioned in the passage?A.1B.2C.3D.413.What does a payer have to provide to plete an e-money transaction?A. The receivers bank account.B. The payers mobile phone number.C. The name of the receiver.D. The personal identification number.14.Whats the writers purpose of writing this passage?A. To explain how to use e-money.B. To show how popular e-money is.C. To introduce the advantages of e-money.D. To persuade more people to use e-money.15.How does the author introduce the features of e-money?A. By using statistics.B. By making parisons.C. By giving examples.D. By listing categories.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 【解析】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Improve Brain FunctionHaving a functional brain and a strong memory is good for our emotional well-being, as having difficulties with our brain or memory tends to increase our stress and frustration levels. 16 Get enough mental exercise.The brain is like a muscle. 17 Therefore, you can exercise your brain power by memorizing a new song, poem or passage.Read often, do math, and do puzzles such as crosswords and sudoku, as a way to increase brain function and improve memory. 18 Do tasks that involve using your fingers, such as crafts, sewing, painting, and finger string games; anything that primarily involves finger movements to acplish the task will increase your brain memory.Avoid smoking. 19 Smoking speeds up this thinning, which is associated with brain power decline.MeditationMeditating for half an hour a day, for eight weeks, has been shown to grow grey matter. 20 A. This may improve memory and learning.B. Get your hands busy.C. To improve brain function and memory, you can try these natural ways.D. Do more tasks.E. The surface layer of the brain naturally thins as we age.F. If you dont use it, it will weaken over time and decrease memory function.G. Proper exercise strengthens both your brain and your muscles.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) In February of xx, Phil Belfiore was teaching one of Robert Frosts poems Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. He liked it that he recorded it on his home answering machine, which would lead to one of the most unusual21of his life. When Phil returned from Easter vacation, he listened to his voice22. One gentleman caller23for dialing the wrong number. But, he added, hed really24the poem. Phil laughed and thought nothing more of it25the phone rang a few days later. Phil26Johns hollow voice immediately, who said sorry to27, but he was calling to hear the28again. The two men talked. It turned out that his brothers phone number was29from Phils by one digit(数字), thus the wrong number. Before hanging up, Phil told John to30anytime, whether to hear the poem or just to have a chat. That was 11 years ago. Theyve spoken on the phone a few times a month ever since. It is John who is31the starter of most calls. However, Phil will ring if a long while has passed. Not32, John has been in poor health. His special voice is just the33of some heart trouble. They seem to always34when theres been a big sports event. The men like to discuss35most. John will also36Phil about his life. Slowly, their conversations have grown much more37. When asked what drew them together, Phil38that they were told friends. They planned to meet twice, but circumstances went39them. Their friendship is based on the simple act of picking up the phone. My best friend is someone Ive not yet met40, says John. Its as simple as that. 21.A. receptionsB. considerationsC. conversationsD. friendships22.A. newsB. messagesC. informationD. reports23.A. apologizedB. plainedC. greetedD. asked24.A. preferredB. noticedC. enjoyedD. heard25.A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. until26.A. heardB. knewC. answeredD. recognized27.A. phoneB. botherC. eD. express28.A. voiceB. songC. poemD. ring29.A. broken awayB. differentC. kept awayD. far30.A. call backB. call offC. call onD. call for31.A. stillB. evenC. everD. never32.A. angrilyB. surprisinglyC. excitedlyD. proudly33.A. contributionB. expectationC. instructionD. situation34.A. arriveB. get togetherC. connectD. e around35.A. changesB. friendsC. interestD. football36.A. teachB. updateC. visitD. interview37.A. formalB. specialC. unusualD. personal38.A. saidB. informedC. decidedD. announced39.A. withB. forC. againstD. on40.A. by accidentB. on businessC. in personD. for convenience第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It was the day of the poetry festival, and I was41(excite). At my old school, I had won the poetry ribbon every year. I do write good poetry. When Mrs. Baker called on me, I stood up. I didnt even bother to look at my paper. Id spent so much time42(perfect) the rhymes, and counting the 43 (beat), that I knew the poem by heart. I had just started the third verse when I noticed Mrs. Baker was glaring at me. Linda, you44(suppose) to be reading an original work, a poem you made up yourself, not reciting something you learned. I opened my mouth to explain, but no words came out. You will leave the room and will not return until you are ready45(apologize), said Mrs. Baker. Now. Go! I turned and left the room. Id been standing outside for about half an hour when Joseph, another school teacher, came over to ask me why. Now, as Joseph waited46me to answer, he looked so kind and sympathetic47I poured out the whole story, trying not to cry. Linda, accepting defeat, when you should stand up for48(you), can bee a very dangerous habit. You know you are the only Linda Brown in the whole world.49eyes smiling into mine, I took a deep breath and50(knock) on the classroom door, ready to face Mrs. Baker ready to recite my poem.zx%xk第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Smiling is an universal language which give us courage and confidence. I still remember what upset I was when I recited a poem before class. Feeling shy and nervously, I forget almost everything. I intended to give up it, but all my classmate and the teacher kept smiling at me encouragingly. Their smile warmed me too much that I eventually made it.In my opinion, smiling not only gives us happiness but help us build up our confidence, making a difference to our life. Only when you smile to the world will the world smile back us. Keeping smiling to the world. My fellows!第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你经常和笔友Jack写信,交流学习心得。近来你读了一本英文诗集,对英语诗歌产生了浓厚的兴趣。你写信给Jack谈谈你对诗歌的感想。要点:1.诗歌的语言节奏感强,押韵,听起来非常优美;2.诗歌语言简洁,激发想象力,能描绘美好的事物,还能记录历史事件;3.诗歌是表达情感的很好的语言形式;4.随信附上你写的一首小诗给他看看。要求:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加内容,以使行文连贯;3.格式与结尾已结出,不计入总词数。Dear Jack,Its been some weeks since I last wrote you. How have you been?_Looking forward to your next letter.Yours sincerely,Li Hua第二部分 阅读理解第一节A 【文章大意】本文是一篇广告类应用文,是有关九个诗歌比赛的相关信息。时间要求Deadline: Sep. 19th可知B项正确。3.D 【解析】细节理解题。Faith Poetry比赛的截止时间是9月下旬,根据The theme for this poetry contest is faith. We are looking for poems that in some way match this theme.可知其要求的主题。故选D。4.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据Poetic Art中的第一句This poetry contest challenges people in our city to write a poem that describes the artwork provided.可知,参赛对象是全市公众。故选B。B 【文章大意】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述的是圣诞节期间,一位犹太男孩从纳粹集中营里溜出来求助,一个好心的女人送给了他一些珍贵的礼物。Christmastime可知,作者的舅舅从好心人那里得到食物和衣服以及在集中营庆祝圣诞节是圣诞节当天的事情,故A项和D项错误。6.C【解析】考查推理判断。Gyuri的妹妹没有合脚的鞋穿是他逃出集中营求助的原因之一,可能也是这位好心女人帮助Gyuri的原因之一,Gyuri的妹妹有了合脚的鞋后,小了的鞋就被送给了集中营里的一个比她小的孩子,而Gyuri的妹妹正是穿着这双鞋迎来了自由,走向她的新生活,故作者多次提到鞋的原因是鞋有助于故事的发展和文章主题的升华。7.B 【解析】考查推理判断。解答本题需要基于全文的主旨善心,作者的舅舅从集中营溜出来向人乞讨东西,恰巧碰上了一位慷慨、好心的女人,她给了作者的舅舅很多东西。因此,作者是对这位好心人充满感激之情的,文章的字里行间均洋溢着这种感激之情。且最后一段的首句亦是关键提示。故选B。 C 【文章大意】这是一篇夹叙夹议文,每当作者拿起手机,都会引来她家人的一番指责。两代人之间对手机或者任何形式的先进技术的不同看法,引起了作者的深思。8.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的.the chattering in the living room died and all I could hear was the sound of the turkey sizzling(发出咝咝声) in the oven可推断出当时只听到炉子上发出的声音,而没有说话的声音,所以选B项。9.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的I opened my mouth to say something, but words failed me and I just sat down quietly on the chair like a mouse in its trap可知选项C。10.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的I thoughtHere we go again.和However, there are moments that make me feel like they are just stuck with me可推断,作者突然觉得与家人难相处,所以选C项。11.C【解析】写作意图题。根据文章最后一段中的They all grew up in a world so different than mine.Bad because they had almost.good because.maybe if they made an effort to be aware of how things work nowadays, they would not be so against everything可知,祖父辈的成长背景与自己是完全不同的,所以作者不仅希望自己能理解家人,而且也希望家人能理解并接受现时的情况,故选项C。D 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,从电子货币交易手段、转账快捷性、交易安全性、转账记录保持四个方面介绍了电子货币的优越性。12.C【解析】考查细节理解。文章第一段中提到了over the Internet, with smart cards和using mobile phones三种电子货币交易方式。15.B 【解析】考查写作方法。文章第二段、第三段在说明电子货币交易方便快捷、经济合算和安全性高的特点时均与银行交易和传统货币进行了对比,故本文采用了对比的说明方法来介绍电子货币的功能。第二节 【文章大意】文章介绍了几种改善大脑功能的自然方法。这有助于提高记忆力和学习。16.C【解析】根据下文的小标题:Get enough mental exercise.(得到足够的精神的锻炼)。可知这里是:为了提高大脑的功能和记忆,你可以尝试这些自然的方法。故选C。17.F【解析】根据上文的句子The brain is like a muscle.(大脑就像肌肉一样),可知这里是:如果你不使用它,过一段时间它就会变弱并减少记忆功能。故选F。18.B 【解析】根据下文的句子Do tasks that involve using your fingers, such as crafts, sewing, painting, and finger string games;(做和用手有关的任务,如手工,缝纫,画画和翻绳游戏)。可知这里是:让你的手忙起来。故选B。19.E 【解析】根据下文的句子Smoking speeds up this thinning, which is associated with brain power decline.可知这里是:随着年纪变老,大脑表面层自然地変薄。故选E。20.A 【解析】根据上文的句子Meditating for half an hour a day, for eight weeks, has been shown to grow grey matter.(一天冥想半小时,一共8周,这可以增加灰质层)可知这里是:这可以提高记忆力和学习。故选A。第三部分语言知识运用 第一节 完形填空 【文章大意】文章介绍Phil和John通过一首诗歌结识,只是通过电话交流的特殊友谊。21.D【解析】根据下文My best friend

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