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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Uint12CultureShock课时练1阅读理解提速练北师大版必修 阅读理解A(xx合肥高三教学质量检测)If you have the opportunity to visit some places in New Zealand, then the list below is our remendation.Fiordland National ParkThis park is part of the South Westland World Heritage Area and is New Zealands largest national park and one of the largest in the world. The scenery in Fiordland is nothing short of extremely beautiful, with steep mountains, wild waterfalls, and abundant rain forests. Being able to e back and forth in its deep bay attracts most of the visitors.The area has some of the worlds greatest walks including the world famous Milford Track, which was described as the finest walk in the world in the early twentieth century.Abel Tasman National ParkAbel Tasman may be New Zealands smallest national park, but the attractions are huge. Located in one of New Zealands sunniest spots, the area also has the best beaches in the country.The popular Abel Tasman Walk is a great way to see this park. It takes 35 days to plete. Sea taxis are also available and can drop you off at any number of beaches within the park.RotoruaAccessible from New Zealands biggest city, Auckland, Rotorua is famous for its volcanic activities. Rotorua is also famous for its plentiful lakes which are great for swimming and fishing. The surrounding area contains plenty of native bushes and some famous walks.Rotorua is also the best area in the country to experience and learn about Maori culture.Mt Cook National ParkMt Cook as well as the surrounding area is an alpine(高山的) park within the World Heritage listed in South Westland. The biggest peaks in all of Australasia are here. The park doesnt contain many trees or plants due to the altitude. Walks range from a twohour walk to difficult tracks suitable for experienced mountaineers only.A helicopter or plane ride gives visitors excellent views of the mountains with the option of landing at the top of Tasman Glacier, a true permanent snowcovered alpine environment. 【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了新西兰值得游玩的几个地方。1The most impressive experience in Fiordland National Park may be_Arock climbsBforest campsCwater jumps Dboat tripsD解析:推理判断题。根据Fiordland National Park部分第一段尾句“Being able to e back and forth in its deep bay attracts most of the visitors.”可知,能够在它的深海湾里来回穿梭会吸引大多数的游客;据此可以判断,在Fiordland国家公园,令人印象最深刻的经历是乘船旅行,故D项正确。2If you are interested in folk customs, you can go to visit_AFiordland National ParkBRotoruaCMt Cook National ParkDAbel Tasman National ParkB解析:细节理解题。根据Rotorua部分第二段“Rotorua is also the best area in the country to experience and learn about Maori culture.”可知,Rotorua也是全国最好的学习毛利文化的地方;如果你对民间风俗感兴趣,可以去那里,故B项正确。3If you go to visit Mt Cook National Park, you can_Aview some amazing waterfallsBenjoy some tropical fruitsCstep on the top of Tasman GlacierDtake walks in various bushesC解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,乘坐一架直升机或飞机并选择在Tasman Glacier顶部着陆,可以让游客欣赏到山区的美景,Tasman Glacier是真正的永久积雪覆盖的高山环境。据此可知,如果去Mt Cook国家公园,你可以登到Tasman Glacier顶部,故C项正确。B(xx河南实验中学模拟)The police in Taiwan are unable to judge whether to treat it as an extremely clever act of stealing or an even cleverer cheat. Either way, it could be the perfect crime, because the criminals are birdshoming pigeons!The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car: If you want the car back, pay up. Then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside. Carrying the money in a tiny bag, the pigeon flies off.There have been at least four such pigeon pickups in Changwa. What at first seemed like the work of a clever stayathome car thief, however, may in fact be the work of an even lazier and more inventive criminal mindone that avoids not only collecting money but also going out to steal the car in the first place. Police officer Chen says that the criminal probably has pulled a double trick: He gets money for things he cannot possibly return. Instead of stealing cars, he lets someone else do it and then waits for the carowner to place an ad in the newspaper asking for help.The theory is supported by the fact that, so far, none of the stolen cars have been returned. Also, the amount of money demandedunder 3,000 Taiwan dollarsseems too little for a car worth many times more.Demands for pigeondelivered money stopped as soon as the press reported the story. And even if they start again, Chen holds little hope of catching the criminal. “We have more important things to do,” he said.【解题导语】本文介绍了一种新型的犯罪行为。台湾的警察无法断定这到底是聪明的盗窃行为还是更加聪明的诈骗行为,因为罪犯是信鸽。4After the carowner received a phone call, he_Awent to a certain pigeon and put some money in the bag it carriedBgave the money to the thief and had his car back in a parkCsent some money to the thief by mailDtold the press about itA解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的Then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside.可知,车主接到电话后,他会被指示去某个公园找到鸟笼,把钱系到鸟笼内鸽子的脖子上。故选A项。5The writer mentions the fact that “none of the stolen cars have been returned” to show_Ahow easily people get fooled by criminalsBwhat Chen thinks might be correctCthe thief is extremely cleverDthe money paid is too littleB解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的He gets money for things he cannot possibly return.可知,警察认为那些丢车的人根本不可能拿回他的车。故选B项。6The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to_Acriminals BpigeonsCthe stolen cars Ddemands for moneyD解析:词义猜测题。上文提到一旦报纸报道了这件事,这样的事情就没有了。由此可知they就是指代上文提到的Demands for pigeondelivered money。故选D项。7We may infer that the criminal knows how to reach the carowners because_Ahe reads the ads in the newspaperBhe lives in the same neighborhoodChe has seen the carowners in the parkDhe has trained the pigeons to follow themA解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句. waits for the carowner to place an ad in the newspaper asking for help.可知,罪犯看了报纸上的广告然后找到丢车的人。故选A项。C(xx湖南部分重点中学考前演练)Im sometimes told, “You have to make your own luck. If you dont try something, how can you succeed?” This is very true for petitions.There are people who regularly take part in all sorts of petitions with great enthusiasm. These people are nicknamed pers. The motivation for being a per is obvious:its about being a winner and being rewarded with a prize. These prizes can be small or large:from a box of chocolates to a new car, a trip of a lifetime around the world, or even a new house. Isnt that worth peting for?Of course petitions that offer money prizes attract entry from millions of people, making the odds of winning very unlikely. But one man who has been lucky is a retired lecturer from the UK. called Martin Dove. He is a serial per and has managed to bag prizes such as a yacht and a racehorse.Martin says:“Ive been a per for 40 years. Its like admitting some addiction, isnt it?” He gets respect from other pers and also admits,“Some people have called me the Master of ping, the King of ping, the Guru of ping. But its just a word, just a phrase. Its just because I frequently appeared in the media.”For many, winning remains a dream, but they continue to try their luck as theres always a small chance that they might succeed. But what if you do win? Then you have to ask:how am I going to spend all that money? Some people say that “money cant buy you happiness”. What do you think?【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,阐述了一种社会现象:有些人总是热衷于参加各种形式的比赛活动,目的就是获奖。你是否有过类似的经历呢?8What does the author mean by “This is very true for petitions.”?Apetitions bring people luck.BOne must be in a petition to win it.CTrying gets people to succeed.DPeople naturally pete with each other.B解析:推理判断题。This指的应是前面的“If you dont try something, how can you succeed?”,再结合第二段提到的人们参加比赛赢奖可知,此处指的是对于比赛来说,一个人必须先参与进去然后才有可能赢得比赛,故选B。9Who are pers?AThose always standing out in petitions.BThose addicted to entering petitions.CThose often entering petitions for prizes.DThose peting for others recognition.C解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“There are people who regularly take part in all sorts of petitions.its about being a winner and being rewarded with a prize.”可知,pers指的是那些频繁地参加比赛以获取奖品的人。故选C。10What does the underlined word “odds” probably mean?APossibility.BInvestment.CImportance. DAdvantage.A解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句“Of course petitions that offer money prizes attract entry from millions of people,making the odds of winning very unlikely.”并结合常识可知,比赛的奖金是有限的,而参赛的人越多,获奖的概率就越小。由此可知,odds的意思是“概率,可能性”。故选A。11What do Martins words suggest?AAny job can offer opportunities.BHe has attracted considerable attention.CPersistence is the key to his success.DHe has set a good example to others.B解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的最后两句及第四段的内容可知,Martin经常参加比赛,而且得到了一些大奖并赢得了其他参赛者的尊重,甚至一些人称其为“参赛大师”、“参赛大王”、“参赛专家”。由此可知,Martin得到了广泛的关注。故选B。D(xx湖北部分重点中学新高三起点考试)“Its a big hammer to crack a nut.”This is how one angry parent described the recent crackdown(严厉的打击) by London police on parents who drop their kids off at school by car. Yes,you read that correctlythe very mode of transportation that many American schools insist is the only safe way to deliver kids to school is now considered illegal in the UK.The decision to fine any vehicles seen dropping off or picking up kids within a particular zone of east London es from city councilors(议员) longterm efforts to make the area safer and less crowded. They say theyve been trying for years “to encourage reasonable parking”,but in vain. Neighborhood residents plain frequently about their driveways being blocked by illegally parked cars for 15 minutes or more,often while theyre trying to get to work,and the streets are long overcrowded.Now the rules have changed.Some parents are angry. Angie is a mother who made the “big hammer”ment and says the crackdown is “way over the top”The nearest dropoff point for her sixyearold is now a fiveminute walk from the school. Others are happy with the decision,severe though it may seem.Councilor Jason Frost said: “Traffic has been clearly reduced,and more children are now walking to school,which is a great oute.I would rather have plaints that we are slightly inconveniencing parents than hear that a child had been seriously injured because nothing was done.”I witness daily the chaos(混乱) created by these intown drivers,when I walk my own kids to school. Theres a parking lot crowded with vehicles and a slowmoving train of cars moving in circles,many filling the air with harmful smoke. Meanwhile,the conversations around overweight children and the importance of daily physical activities continue to stand out in schools.【解题导语】本文讲述伦敦自实行在学校门口严禁停车这一做法以来的变化。12Why is Angie opposed to the new rule?AShe is often fined by London police.BShe will lose her job as a school driver.CShe has adapted to the American practice.DShe thinks it adds inconvenience to her kid.D解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The nearest dropoff point for her sixyearold is now a fiveminute walk from the school.”可知,对于她6岁的孩子来说,最近的下车点离学校有五分钟的步行路程,据此可推知,Angie认为不能在校门口停车给孩子带来不便。所以选项D正确。13Why has the new rule been made according to Jason Frost?AOn account of many plaints.BBecause of studentshealth problem.COwing to safety concern.DDue to air pollution.C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“longterm efforts to make the area safer and less crowded”以及第四段最后一句可知,选项C的表述“Owing to safety concern.”是正确的。14What can be seen after the crackdown is carried out?ALess daily chaos.BSupport from all people.CMore overweight children.Dplaints from neighbors.A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Traffic has been clearly reduced,and more children are now walking to school,which is a great oute.”可知,车辆已经明显减少,许多孩子正在步行上学,日常混乱的场景越来越少,这是最大的结果,所以选项A正确。15What is the main idea of the text?AParents attempt to resist a school rule.BLondon police cause widespread anger.CAmerican schools care more about kidssafety.DDifferent voices are heard on a new traffic policy.D解析:主旨大意题。根据全文可知,伦敦学校门口家长停车造成安全事故和交通堵塞,因此议员提议对这一现象进行制止,由此引发家长的议论。因此选项D符合题意。 七选五(xx南昌模拟)Your first step toward healthy living is to get a handle on your health status right now. Heres your todo list:Assess your activity. How much physical activity do you get in a typical week? 1._? How much variety do you get in your activity, and how much do you enjoy it? The CDC remends that adults get at least two and a half hours per week of moderateintensity aerobic activity or one hour and 15 minutes per week of vigorousintensity aerobic activity, plus musclestrengthening activity at least two days per week.Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat for a dayand no fair skipping the items youre embarrassed about. “2._,” says Kathianne Sellers Williams, MEd, RD, a nutritionist, wellness coach, and personal trainer with Cafe Physique in Atlanta. “You cant change what youre not aware of or dont acknowledge.”Check your mood and energy. Healthy living includes emotional wellness and adequate rest. How has your mood been lately? 3._? Do you usually sleep well for seven to eight hours a night?4_. How strong are your connections with family and friends? Are you plugged into social or spiritual groups that enrich your life? “People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships,” C. Nathan DeWall, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, tells WebMD.If youre not thrilled with the answers to some of those questions, remember that the point is to figure out where you are today so you can set your healthy living goals. Its not about being “good” or “bad”,“right”or“wrong”. 5._.AHow intense is that activityBConsider your social networkCThe idea is to write it down without judgmentDIts time to learn something about the social appsEIts OK if you leave out some items in your food diaryFIt is the awareness of your own state of health that mattersGAre you experiencing any symptoms of depression or anxiety【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了掌握自身健康状况的方法。1A解析:根据该段主题句“Assess your activity.”以及关键词activity可知A项与此处匹配。A项与“How much physical activity do you get in a typical week?”及“How much variety do you get in your activity, and how much do you enjoy it?”为并列问句。2C解析:根据空前的“Write down everything you eat for a dayand no fair skipping the items youre embarrassed about.”可知,空处应讲的是不做评判地记下一天要吃的食物。所以C项正确。3G解析:空前一句“How has your mood been lately?”中的关键词mood与G项中的“any symptoms of depression or anxiety”相呼应;G项与空后的“Do you usually sleep well for seven to eight hours a night?”为并列问句。4B解析:根据空后的“How strong are your connections with family and friends? Are you plugged into social or spiritual groups that enrich your life?”和“People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships”可知,本段主要讲述的是要有社交活动,B项中的“social network”与此呼应。所以选B。5F解析:根据空前的“Its not about being goodorbad,rightorwrong”可知,选F项“意识到你自身的健康状况是很重要的”。

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