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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module2TheRenaissanceMyNewTeachers高效演练稳达标外研版必修. 单句语法填空1. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise; _ (similar), our minds are developed by learning. 2. You should correct them _ (immediate)you find some mistakes. 【知识拓展】表示“一就”的词或短语(1)连词: as soon as(2)副词转化为连词: instantly/directly(3)名词转化为连词: the moment/the minute/the instant(4)固定搭配: hardly. . . when; no sooner. . . than(5)介词: on/upon3. I would rather you _ (tell)me the way of solving the problem now. 4. We avoided _ (stick)in traffic jam in rush hours. 5. The girl _ (admit)into a key university is studying advanced mathematics. 6. On hearing that he was ill, his friends gave their _ (respect)to him. 7. I appreciate _ if you would turn music down when I am reading. 8. He had _ little knowledge that he cant teach _ little children. 9. The girl sat there with her eyes _ (fix)on the vase on the table. 10. Its up _ you. Thats to say, you decide if well go to the meeting. 答案:1. similarly 2. immediately 3. told 4. being stuck 5. admitted 6. respect 7. it 8. so such 9. fixed 10. to . 单句改错1. He admitted cheat in the important examination. _【知识拓展】只能接v. -ing形式作宾语的动词和短语考虑建议盼原谅(consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse/pardon)承认推迟没得想(admit, delay/put off, fancy)避免错过继续练(avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practise)否认完成停欣赏(deny, finish, quit, enjoy/appreciate)不禁介意准逃亡(cant help, mind, allow/permit, escape)不准冒险凭想象(forbid, risk, imagine)2. We must follow the law and be strict with performing our official duties. _3. Our teacher always helps us get out of difficulties with patiently. _4. He didnt obey the law. As the result, he was sent to prison. _5. I have such many questions to ask that I dont know how to start. _6. He prefers to do housework rather than to go shopping with his wife. _7. The boy has made great progresses in the past three months. _8. Mother went out with the door opened. _9. I looked through my homework to be sure that nothing had been missed. _10. His new book came out and it achieved immediately success. _答案:1. cheat改为cheating 2. with改为in 3. 去掉with或patiently改为patience 4. 第二个the改为a 5.such改为so 6. 去掉第二个to7. progresses改为progress 8. opened改为open 9. be改为make10. immediately改为immediate【教材变形题组】. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Ill introduce my three teachers. Mrs Li is my English teacher, my first impression of 1. _was that she was nervous and shy. But now the class 2. _ (real)likes working with her because she is kind and patient. She explains everything so 3. _ (clear)that everyone can understand her. I feel I can make progress with her 4. _ (teach)me. Mrs Chen is very strict and serious 5. _most of us appreciate her because she makes her teaching so well 6. _ (organise)and clear. The students who keep ing to class late are always 7. _time for her class. During scientific 8. _ (experiment), she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. Mr Wu is very popular. He enjoys teaching Chinese literature. He has got so much 9. _ (energetic)and talks loudly and fast. He tells jokes when he thinks we are getting 10. _ (bore). 答案:1. whom 2. really 3. clearly 4. teaching 5. but6. organised 7. on 8. experiments 9. energy 10. bored. 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。It is interesting to look at difference between schools in different countries. In many Europe countries, the relationship between teachers and students are quite formal. This is true of France, Germany and Spain, which discipline and respect for the teacher is considered as very important. In northern European countries, the relationship between teachers and students is much friendly and more relaxed. In Britain, relationships are quite relaxed, and teachers can have big problems with discipline. Another important difference is if schools are state schools or private schools. State schools are paid for by the government, but in private schools, the parents pay the education of their children. In mostly countries there are state schools and private schools. 答案: 1. 第一句中的differencedifferences2. 第二句中的EuropeEuropean3. 第二句中的areis4. 第三句中的whichwhere5. 去掉第三句considered后的as6. 第四句中的friendlyfriendlier7. 第五句中的andbut8. 第六句中的ifwhether9. 在第七句中pay后加for10. 第八句中的mostlymost. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. Our English teacher is_. 我们的英语老师是一位精力充沛且有耐心的人。2. He is very_. 他在学习上对我们要求很严格。3. His teaching_. _, we can understand him easily. 他的课富有条理。因此我们都容易听懂。4. To_we are interested in his teaching, he sometimes_ in class. 为了确保我们对他的课感兴趣, 他有时讲笑话以避免我们上课睡觉。5. We have_. 在他的教授下, 我们取得了很大的进步。答案:1. an energetic and patient person 2. strict with us in our studies 3. is well organised;As a result4. make sure;tells jokes to avoid us falling asleep 5. made much progress with him teaching us组篇公式: 将句3改为so. . . that从句_【参考范文】Our English teacher is an energetic and patient person. But he is very strict with us in our studies. His teaching is so well organised that we can understand him easily. To make sure we are interested in his teaching, he sometimes tells jokes to avoid us falling asleep in class. In my opinion, we have made much progress with him teaching us.


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