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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module1DeepSouth演练综合提升外研版选修.单句语法填空1The first _ (give) the right answer in given time will win the prize and a free travel.【答案】to give2Dorothy stands _ in my memory as one who “bloomed” in her remote area.【答案】out3There are a lot of puters in the lab,and they need professional maintenance to make sure they can be _ a good state.【答案】in4_ (trap) in loveless marriages,many women feel that life is colorless.【答案】Trapped5The firefighters were trying to rescue those _ (trap) in the burning hotel.【答案】trapped6All the photographs in this book,unless _ (state) otherwise,date from the 1950s.【答案】stated7The airport to be pleted next year will help _ (promotion) tourism in this area.【答案】promote8Selig formally announced on Thursday his intention to retire in January xx.“It remains my great privilege _ (serve) the game I have loved throughout my life,” he said.【答案】to serve9Share prices are falling sharply,which discourages investors _ buying and selling shares.【答案】from10I havent started writing my novel yet I am still waiting for _ (inspire)【答案】inspiration.用所给短语的适当形式填空as a result,set foot on,take a risk,e up with,adapt to,break up1They still havent _ a name for their baby.【答案】e up with2It rained heavily,and _,they decided to put off the meeting.【答案】as a result3He saved my life _ of losing his own.【答案】taking a risk4Nobody has ever _ the lonely island.【答案】set foot on5Can you yourself _ the new job?【答案】adapt to6They decided to _ their partnership.【答案】break up.完成句子1直到完成作业,他才回家。Not until he finished his homework _.【答案】did he go home2船在下沉,最后消失不见了。The ship went down and at last went _.【答案】out of sight3家长不在时,孩子们便在家里玩耍。_ their parents,the children played in the house.【答案】In the absence of4安迪和鲁比非常疲倦,上气不接下气,他们是第一批到达泰山山顶的人。Tired and short of breath,Andy and Ruby were _ the top of Mount Tai.【答案】the first to reach5我是唯一一个听到这个消息的人。I am the only one _.【答案】to hear the news6志愿活动给你改变生活的机会,包括你自己的。Volunteering gives you a chance _,including your own.【答案】to change lives.单句改错1Much to regret,I must leave now._【答案】to后加上my2At that time,he was at loss for words._【答案】loss前加上a3I couldnt have gone through that bitter period not your generous help._【答案】notwithout4Look!Your room is in terrible mess._【答案】terrible前加上a5It was said that the meeting was lasted for a week._【答案】去掉lasted前的was6He deserved being locking up forever for what he had done._【答案】去掉being.微写作【写作素材】1王老师像对待朋友一样对待每一个学生。2他从不缺课,工作认真。3作为一个优秀的老师,他经常鼓励我们努力学习,教育我们遇到困难不要泄气。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_【答案】Mr.Wang befriends every student.He is never absent_from_his_classes and works hard.As an excellent teacher,he often encourages us to study hard and tells us that we will not be discouraged if we are in trouble.

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