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一,二,三,四,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1.Shakespeare takes a(n) (独特的)place in English literature. 2.It was a (高尚的) act that he saved a drowning child. 3.That singer has an (普通的) voice,but she is still very successful. 4.Their creative ideas are often misunderstood by their own (一代人). 5.I read the whole book without (跳过) a page. 6.Can you help me decide which (种类) of computer to buy?,unique,noble,ordinary,generation,skipping,type/kind,一,二,三,四,二、从课文中找出下列短语并翻译 e from 2.from one generation to another 3.on special occasions 4.be dressed in 5.back and forth 6.dance to music,来自,一代又一代,在特殊的场合,穿着,往返,来回,跟着音乐跳舞,一,二,三,四,三、阅读课文,选择正确答案 1.When we speak of a kind of dance telling a story,we refer to . A.ballet B.folk dances C.social dances D.ballroom dances 2.Folk dances are usually danced . A.in singles B.in couples C.in groups D.in America,A,C,一,二,三,四,3.What happened to social dancing in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? A.It was introduced to North America. B.It became more popular. C.It was held in palaces or the homes of noble families. D.It began in the noble families. 4.Which type(s) of dancing came into being in the USA? A.Ballet and folk dances. B.The waltz and the Tango. C.Tap dancing. D.The Cha-Cha and rock n roll dances.,B,C,一,二,三,四,5.How is the last paragraph developed? A.By space. B.By comparison. C.By analysis. D.By time.,D,一,二,三,四,四、阅读课文,判断下列句子正误 1.Folk dances are usually popular for only a short time. 2.The United States is the home to the Tango. 3.Ballet can date back to the 15th century in Russia and France. 4.Folk dances exist only in China. 5.Social dances werent popular with the common people in Europe until the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 6.Folk dances came from social dances. 7.The waltz is a kind of popular dance. 8.Ballet uses music and actions to express feelings.,F,F,F,F,T,F,F,T,1,2,3,4,1.Folk dances are traditional styles of dancing that come from ordinary people. 民族舞蹈是来自普通民众的、传统的舞蹈形式。 剖析 that引导定语从句,修饰先行词styles of dancing。 考点 ordinary adj. 普通的;平常的 【高考典句】(2015陕西卷)However,we cannot always be intolerant of tardiness,for ordinary living requires some tolerance. 然而,我们不能总是感觉迟到一事不能容忍,正常的生活需要一些忍耐力。 We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her ordinary clothes. 我们都盛装赴会,而她却依然日常装扮。,1,2,3,4,Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time;a man of talent tries to use it. 普通人只想如何度过时间,有才能的人努力利用时间。,1)常用搭配: in the ordinary way 一般地,通常地 out of the ordinary不寻常,特殊 In the ordinary way,shes not a nervous person. 一般而言,她是个不爱紧张的人。 His behaviour is nothing out of the ordinary. 他的行为没有任何反常之处。,1,2,3,4,2)反义词:extraordinary adj.不平常的,非凡的;意想不到的 His behaviour that morning was quite extraordinary. 他那天上午的行为很反常。 Its extraordinary that he made exactly the same mistake again. 真想不到,他居然又犯了完全一样的错误。 3)派生词:ordinarily adv.普通地,平常地;一般而言 Ordinarily,he didnt like to go to the movies. 他一般不喜欢看电影。,1,2,3,4,活学活用 完成句子 1)在这个国家,公费医疗既包括普通疾病,也包括精神疾病。 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as . 2)这次展出很出色这是一次巨大的成功。 The show it was a huge success. 3)我没有注意到有什么特别。 Ive noticed . 4)爷爷退休后过着普通的生活。 Grandpa after retirement.,ordinary sickness,was extraordinary,nothing out of the ordinary,lives an ordinary life,1,2,3,4,2.China is famous for many different types of folk dances,including the dragon dance and the lion dance,which are performed during the Spring Festival. 中国的民间舞形式多样,举世闻名,包括春节期间表演的龙舞和狮子舞。 剖析 介词短语including the dragon dance and the lion dance作伴随状语,起补充说明的作用;which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰the dragon dance and the lion dance。,1,2,3,4,考点 type n. 类型,种类 【高考典句】(2016全国乙卷)There are three main types of cryptography. 主要有三种类型的加密技术。 【高考典句】(2015浙江卷)This type of graph is most commonly used to show how something changes over time. 这类图表最经常用来表示事物随时间的变化。 While we cant change the body type we are born with,we cant blame our genes for making us fat. 虽然我们不能改变我们天生的体质类型,我们也不能指责让我们发胖的基因。 This type of new car will be on show next month. 这种新型的车将在下个月展出。,1,2,3,4,There is a new type of machine which can produce colour copies. 有一种新型机器可以生产出彩色复印件。 Certain types of plants grow all over the stones and their roots go down into the holes among the stones. 某些种类的植物可以长满整个石块,并将根扎进石块间的缝隙里。 Scientists continue to develop new types of crops which produce better harvest. 科学家们不断培育新的更加多产的作物品种。,1,2,3,4,type可指整个群体或类别中最有代表性的特例或典型。 He is not the type to be unfaithful. 他不是那种背信弃义的人。 Men of his type are not be trusted. 像他那种类型的人不可信赖。,1,2,3,4,活学活用 语法填空 (1)(2016浙江卷改编)A year ago,when I was awaiting to hear the results of my college applications,I often went to websites for some type insider look on what college would be like. 翻译句子 (2)That machine is (of) the latest type. (3)(2016浙江卷)Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie.,of,那部机器是最新型的。,最糟糕的八卦类型可能是纯粹的胡编乱造。,1,2,3,4,3.They are dressed in beautiful costumes,skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums. 他们身着漂亮的传统服装,和着响亮的鼓点儿来回跳跃。 考点 back and forth 往返,来回 (2016四川卷)When it cried,she rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting pats. 小熊猫哭的时候,熊猫妈妈会前后轻轻晃动它并且轻轻拍抚它。 We travel back and forth all the time between Canada and England. 我们一直往返于加拿大和英国之间。,1,2,3,4,活学活用 语法填空 1)In China,brides are often (dress) in red as it is a symbol of good fortune. 2)He was very worried about his daughter and paced back and in the room. 单句改错 3)The mother dressed on her child.,dressed,forth,去掉on,1,2,3,4,4.People like to watch performances of this unique folk dance.人们喜欢观看这种独特的民间舞蹈表演。 考点 unique adj. 独特的,唯一的 The LongPen produces a unique signature each time because it copies the movement of the author in real time. 每次LongPen都产生出一个独特的签名,因为它实时复制了作者的动作。 They have a totally unique approach to staff training. 他们有一个非常独特的培训员工的方法。 Each persons fingerprints are unique. 每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。,1,2,3,4,The koala and the kangaroo are both unique to Australia. 树袋熊和袋鼠都是澳大利亚特有的(动物)。 归纳:unique在句中常用作定语或表语,作表语时后面可接介词to,表示“是独有的”。,1,2,3,4,活学活用 语法填空 1)It is unique achievementno one has ever won the championship five times before. 2)The issues being discussed here are not unique the US. 翻译句子 3)The examples are unique to this dictionary. 4)A car of this type is unique.,a,to,这些例子是这部词典独有的。,这种型号的轿车是独一无二的。,

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