高中英语 Unit3 Understanding each other Project课件 牛津译林版选修6.ppt

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牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),Advance with English,Project,Unit,3,Making a reference book,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件通过阅读和展示大量而生动的图片来体验不同的民族风情以及所产生的文化差异。为完成本课任务Making a reference book提供范例和积累素材。从而培养学生创造能力和综合运用语言能力。,Warming up,(1) How many ethnic groups do we have in China? (2) Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups? (3) What about the ethnic groups in other countries in the world?,白族,苗族,纳西族,傣族,壮族,满族,藏族,回族,Inuit women,Aboriginal girl,Maoris dancing,Native American,Scan and skim,Ethnic groups,Inuit,Aborigines,Maoris,Native American Indians,Travelling, family, food, customs, festivals, belief,Tour-1 Tour-2,Ceremony, belief, food, art, hunting, tools,Try to find the topic of each tour,Tour-3 Tour-4,belief, living, clothing, hunting, culture,belief, customs, food,Reading & Filling,Reading,Read the travel brochure and finish the table below:,Canada,seal, deer, whale meat, fish,tents,have large Summer assemblies,Inuit children,Igloo iglu:,Australia,food from the bush like snakes,have Aboriginal ceremonies, play the musicals and use boomerangs,not men tioned,Aborigine .bridni ,Boomerang bu:mr ,New Zealand,fish and sweet potatoes,Meeting house,do a dance, eat food cooked in underground ovens and go night fishing,Fish and kumara kumr,Cooked over hot stones and in underground ovens vn,the USA,Meat roasted over an open fire,A special tent,wear animal skin clothes, do a dance called Sun Dance and hold a bow and arrow competition,teepee ti:pi:,buffalo skin clothes bflu ,feather headdress,A bow and arrow bu ru competition,the Sun Dance,smoke a peace pipe,Buffalo roasted over an open fire,Part B: Starting the project How to make a reference book,Planning Preparing Producing Presenting,Planning,1. Form groups. 2. Suggest the reference book you will make. 3. Give your reasons and have a discussion. 4. Vote to decide.,5. Have it approved by the teacher. 6. Write down the name. 7. Take on responsibility for tasks. (take turns),Preparing,1. Find one or two books about ethnic tours. 2. Discuss information about minority culture. 3. Decide what can be learned from it. 4. Form your own idea about your reference book.,Producing,1. Draft the cover. 2. Select the main groups for the contents. 3. Make some changes and finalize the book. 4. Approve the reference book.,Presenting,1. Present your book to the class. 2. Display your fruit and let students sign up. 3. Give awards to the winners. (Evaluation from both teachers and students),Discussion:,(1) What topics have been included in the description of each tour? (2) What minority culture do you want to research? (3) What topics do you want to talk about in your project? (4) Where can you find information on these topics? (5) Who will be responsible for searching for the requested information?,(6) Who will write up the information? (7) Who will draw the pictures? (8) Who will present your work to the class?,Write a short article about how to make a reference book .,Homework,

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