2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit3教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit3教学案 人教大纲版单 元考查重点及热点Unit 3单词strait islander fellow claim govern governor newer transform strengthen differ pronunciation vocabulary female chew chairwoman plate entire mine fence outdoors birthplace outing roast pointed claw hairy medium bushy短语as a consequence go walk about break out feed.on round up句型while引导的让步状语从句Unit 4单词procedure rose strawberry lemon growth merely herb classify group identification male promote Oceania appoint calculate expense cocoa enterprise settlement straw pineapple underline tone reward technician nowhere altogether appearance output latter millimeter length短语on a large scale in detail pass away句型1.强调句式2.although引导让步状语从句讲:v. & n. 要求;索取;声称;使失踪结构:claim sth.要求;(疾病、意外)夺去claim that.声称claim to do sth.(后跟动词不定式的完成时)声称做过某事make a claim for sth.提出要求例:She claims ownership of the land.她对这块土地的产权提出要求。Gardening claims much of my time in the summer.夏天,园艺工作需要我大量的时间。Have you claimed the insurance yet?你索取保险金了吗?She claims that she is related to the Queen.=She claims to be related to the Queen.她声称和女王有亲属关系。The earthquake claimed thousands of deaths.地震夺去了数以千计人的生命。They made a claim for higher pay.他们要求提高薪水。Her claim on the inheritance is quite reasonable.她对遗产的继承要求非常合理。They have no claim to this property.他们没有权利要求这份财产。链接提示 (1)其他搭配:enter/put in a claim 提出主张(要求);give up a claim 放弃要求;lay claim to 宣称 (2)表示“要求”时的同义词为call for或ask for。练:(xx辽宁沈阳质量检测) A small terrorist group has _ responsibility for the bombing in London.A.confirmed B.indicatedC.predicated D.claimed提示:claim声称。句意为“一个小的恐怖组织声称对伦敦的爆炸事件有责任”。答案:D2.differ讲:vi. (与)不同,相异;不同意短语:differ from sb.in sth.与某人在方面不同differ with/from sb.about/on/over sth. 与某人在方面意见不合例:Our opinions differ greatly from each others in that respect.我们的意见在那方面有很大的出入。He differs from his brothers in looks.他的长相和几个兄弟不同。Thats where we differ.这就是我们意见不合的地方。She always differs with/from me about how to spend the vacation.有关如何度假一事,她和我的意见总是不合。链接提示 注意该词的形容词和名词的用法:be different from.(反义词be the same as);make a difference 有影响;有差异。练:(xx江苏南京第二次质检) Everyone fails now and then.It is how you react that makes a _in life.A.development B.difference C.progress D.point提示:本题考查名词辨析。短语make a difference的意思为“产生差别;有影响;起重要作用”。答案:B3.strengthen讲: vt. 加强;变强反义词:weaken减弱 比较:harden 硬化例:We want to strengthen our tie with them.我们想加强与他们的关系。This latest development has further strengthened my determination to leave.最近事态的发展更增强了我离开的决心。链接提示 注意构词法都可以构成及物动词,都有“使”的意思:加前缀:(1)en+adj.v.如:enlarge;enable;ensure;enrich;(2)en+n.v.如:endanger;entrain;encage;encase。加后缀:(1)adj. +env.如:harden;soften;(2)n.+env.如:lengthen;shorten;(3)n.+fyv.如:beautify;purify练:I suggest the friendship between the two countries _.A.should strengthen B.strengthenC.be strengthened D.will be strengthened提示:句意是“我建议两国之间的友谊应该加强”。因strengthen为及物动词,此处应该使用被动语态,且suggest后面的宾语从句使用(should)do形式。答案:C短语1.break out讲:该短语的意思为“(火灾、战争等)突然发生;爆发”。注意该词为不及物动词短语,不能使用被动语态,在使用时不要受汉语的影响。相同用法的同义词有happen,take place,occur等。例:Fire broke out in the neighbourhood last night.昨晚附近发生了火灾。The war against Iran is very likely to break out in the near future.针对伊朗的战争在不久的将来可能会爆发。链接拓展 break构成的短语还有break up瓦解,分解,变坏,终止,破裂;break down捣毁,毁坏,分解,出故障,失败;break into(不及物动词短语)强行闯入,打岔;break in(及物动词短语)突然闯入,突然发出;break away 逃脱,从脱离,与断绝关系(和from连用);break through 突破障碍,(太阳、月亮)自云间显现。练:It was reported that the forest fire_last Sunday and that it_itself and wasnt _.A.went out;broke out;put out B.broke out;went out;put outC.broke out;put out;went out D.put out;broke out;went out提示:本题考查短语动词的用法。break out 爆发;go out (火)自燃熄灭;put out 扑灭。答案:B2.as a consequence(of)讲:该短语的意思为:作为(的)结果。可单独使用,也可加上of后跟名词。例:She was found guilty,and lost her job as a consequence(of it).她被判有罪,因而失去工作。As a consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.因为你工作不好,我被迫解雇你。As a consequence,we have to water the vegetable garden.结果,我们不得不给菜地浇水。链接拓展 该短语的同义词为as a result (of),in consequence of,because of,owing to,due to等。练:He slipped and had his leg broken._,he will have to be away from school for two or three months.A.In any case B.After allC.As a consequence D.In this way提示:本题考查介词短语的用法。从句子的意思分析,这里应该使用as a consequence,相当于as a result,表示摔断腿的结果。答案:C句型while引导让步状语从句讲:请观察下面教材原句:While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost,people are trying hard to protect and record what is left.虽然土著人的一些语言已经失传了,但是人们正努力保护和记录剩下的语言。讲:注意while在此不表示“在期间”,而是用来引导让步状语从句,相当于although的用法,可以在主句前,也可以在主句后。例:I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢喝加奶油的。English is understood all over the world while Turkish is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.英语在全世界都通行,而土耳其语离开本国就很少有人说了。While I admit that there are problems,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.尽管我承认有问题存在,但我不同意说这些问题不能解决。链接提示 while引导的状语从句一般表示三个概念: (1)在期间(表示时间);(2)而(表示对比);(3)虽然(表示让步)练:(1)(xx湖北荆州模拟)_ you may be right,I cant altogether agree.A.As B.While C.If D.Since提示:本题考查连词用法。“虽然你可能是对的,但是我不能完全赞同”。while“虽然”,表转折。答案:B(2)_private cars are bringing us convenience,they also cause more traffic accidents and pollution.A.While B.As C.If D.Since提示:本题考查让步状语从句的引导词的用法。答案:A辨析1.represent,stand for两个词都有“代表”的意思,但有相同之处也有不同的地方。present vt. (图画)表现;描绘;代表;象征The red lines on the map represent railways.地图上的红线代表铁路。A dove represents peace.鸽子象征和平。He represented our school.他代表我们学校。stand for 代表;表示意思WTO stands for World Trade Organization.WTO代表世界贸易组织。即时练习:Mr Wang was chosen to_ our school at the meeting.A.represent B.stand forC.instead of D.take the place of提示:本句话的意思为“王老师被选作我们学校的代表出席会议”。take the place of表示“替代;替换”,不合题意,stand for和represent虽然在表示“表示;象征”时通用,但表示“代表某人或某单位”只能用represent。答案:A2.entire/whole/allentire adj.整个的,全部的。副词形式为entirely,相当于pletely。whole adj.和entire为同义词。n.整体all pron.& adv.全部;所有;完全即时练习:(1)The_ country celebrated the return of Macao.(2)Lu Xun is famous not just in China but in the_ world.(3)Look through the_ news report in todays newspaper.(4)Ive wasted an _day on this.(5)Although they are twins,they look_ different.(6)She lives_ by herself.(7) _of the toys are broken.(8)She spent the of the _year in hospital.答案:(1)whole/entire (2)whole (3)whole/entire (4)entire (5)entirely (6)all (7)All (8)whole诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (xx辽宁模拟) The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it has_ all over the country.Apanies B.branchesC.organizations D.businesses提示:这家银行的总部用“the head office”表示,分支机构应用“branches”表示。答案:B讲评:本题考查名词辨析,主要从语言环境上去分析,此处的关键是head office和branches的关系。【例2】(xx辽宁模拟) Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea,which _the Pacific,and we met no storms.A.was called B.is calledC.ha been called D.has been called提示:which引导一个定语从句,先行词是this open sea,“这片广阔的海域被叫做太平洋”是一个客观事实,所以应用一般现在时的被动式。答案:B讲评:在使用时态时一定要注意其最基本的用法,本题不要受sailed和met的过去时态的影响。【例3】(xx浙江模拟) The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _be very slow.A.should B.must C.will D.can提示:情态动词表推测,can表示“可能是”;而must表“必须”;should意为“应该”。由题意可知应用can。答案:D讲评:对于情态动词表示推测,一定要注意根据语境分析推测的可能性的大小。

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