高中英语 Unit 1 Art 第一学时 Reading and Comprehension课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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Unit 1 Art 第一学时 Reading and Comprehension,Task 1,快速阅读课文“A Short History of Western Painting”,用大约30词写出课文的概要。 温馨提示:本文属说明文。写说明文的概要时要弄清被说明的对象(Western Painting),抓住其特征(change many times),起始时间段(sixth century ADtoday),理清逻辑结构。 _,Influenced by customs and faith,western painting has always been changed since the 6th century mainly including the Middle Ages,the Renassiance,,Impressionism and Modern Art, each of which has different identities.(32 words),Task 2,仔细阅读“A Short History of Western Painting”,选择正确答案。What were the typical characteristics of western painting style in the Renaissance? ADrawing things in perspective. BOil painting was developed. CNew ideas and values gradually appeared. DAll of above.,B,2Which of the following can best replace the word “ridiculous” in the text? ADetailed. BFoolish. CCareful. DLaughable. 3Firstly,People didnt like the way the Impressionists painted because _. Athe painters were careless and ridiculous Bthe painters painted their pictures in a careless and ridiculous way,D,C,Ctheir paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters Dtheir paintings were not as real as those of the Renaissance painters 4It can be inferred from the text that classical Roman and Greek ideas were_. Aimaginary Bperspective Cimpressionistic Drealistic,D,5The whole passage mainly tells us _. Athat the style of Western art has changed a great deal with time going by Bthat the style of Chinese art has changed less often Cthe main styles of art in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Dthe main styles of art in the Impressionism and modern times,A,Task 3,再次阅读“A Short History of Western Painting”,然后完成下面的表格。,5th to 15th century AD,religious themes,respect and love,religious symbols,The Renaissance,people and nature,humanistic,realistic,perspective,(续表),(续表),Impressionism,inventions,changes,painting styles,detailed,outdoors,20th century to today,controversial,beginning,abstract,certain qualities,(续表),Task 4,根据课文“A Short History of Western Painting”,完成下列短文。 Styles of Western art 1._ (change) many times,art is influenced 2._ the customs and faith of a people.During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was 3._(represent) religious themes.Artists were interested in creating respect and love for God.In the Renaissance,people focused more on humans and less on religion.Artists tried to paint people and nature,have changed,by,to represent,4._ they really were.Masaccio used perspective in his paintings which made people 5._(convince) they were looking through a hole in the wall 6._ a real scene.In the late 19th century,Europe changed a great deal from 7._ mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial 8._.The impressionists were the first to paint outdoors. They had to paint quickly and their paintings were not as detailed as 9._ of earlier painters.Today people accepted impressionists paintings as the beginning of modern art.Some modern art is abstract 10._ some is realistic.,as,convinced,at,a,one,those,while/but yet,

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