2019-2020年高二英语Unit3 Project Doing Research on the Internet 牛津英语.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit3 Project Doing Research on the Internet 牛津英语.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高二英语Unit3 Project Doing Research on the Internet 牛津英语Teaching aims: Encourage students to practise their English by pleting a project.Important & difficult points: 1. Read an information sheet about Internet research.2. Language points in the text.3. Students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionStep 2 Lead-in of the reading passage1. Ask students to work in pairs to siscuss the steps they follow when they research information on the Internet. Ask them to write down what they do step by step. 2. Ask two or three pairs to present their ways of researching information to the class.Step 3 ReadingAsk students to read the article in Part A with the help of the following table.parison of the two search services:Search enginesSubject directories a type of puter program based on the key word(s) you type in choose pages for you which contain the word(s) you ask for prevent unevaluated contents present the full articles or pages built by humans selected by a person and divided into specific subject categories present a bunch of titles of articles orpages, sometimes a short summarypresent evaluated, relevant and correct information, Step 4 Language points1guide n领路人,导游者,引导者,指南 a guide book导游指南 A guide led us around the city向导带我们到市内各地去游玩。 A Guide to English Grammar 英语语法入门vt指导,支配,管理,带领,操纵 vi任向导 He guided us through the narrow streets to the supermarket.他领着我们穿过小街到那超市。 guide a persons hand 牵某人的手。 常用guide sbin doing sth guide sb to a place guidance n指导,领导 guided adj有导游的 guided tour有导游的游览试题回顾 谢谢你指导我学习。 Thank you for guiding me in my study. 2step v走,举步,移步,踏 vi走,跨步 nC 脚步,措施,梯级,台阶 step intoout of sp. 走进走出某地; step outside 走到外面 Go two steps, please跨两步。 take steps to do sth. = take measures to do sth. = do sth. to do采取措施做某事 She took a few steps towards the window她向窗口走了几步。 They have made a big step in their business他们在事业上迈进了一大步。 Sorry! Did I step on your toes?对不起!我是不是踩到你的脚了? 词组:in(out of) step步调(不)一致 step forward向前走 stepmother n继母 step by step一步一步地,逐渐地3aid nU帮助,援助;C帮助者,有帮助的事物He came to my aid他来帮助我。 first aid 急救with the aid of借着 的帮助 in aid of sb/sth 以支援或帮助某人/事物 e to sbs aid 前来(去)援助某人give sb a financial aid以财物支援某人 teaching aids教具vt资助,援助,帮助(比help正式) aid sb inwith aid sbto do sth He aided me in businesswith money他在事业上金钱上帮助我。试题回顾 _of the _stick,the injured went on his way AWith the aid;walkingBUnder aid of;walking CWith the help;walkDUnder the help;walking4direct adj. 直的,直接的,直系的,直率的 adv直接地 a direct result直接后果 the direct rays of the sun太阳的直射光线 We flew direct from London to New York我们直接从伦敦飞到纽约。 vt. , vi指示方向,指路,指导,指挥 I directed the traveler to the hotel我告诉了这个旅行者去旅馆的路。 direction nc命令,指示;方位;(常用复数)指导,说明 词组:in all directions = in every direction 向四面八方 in the direction of 向方向 under sbs direction 在的指导下 fromdirection从方向 director n指导者;局长;董事 He is one of the directors of the pany他是这个公司的董事之一。 完成句子1)He received inquiries about the matter from all directions2)We did the work under his direction5link n. 关系,联系 There may be a link between the two murders. 这两起谋杀案之间可能有联系。 have(mercial, cultural) links with 和有(商业,文化)往来,联系v. link A with/ and B link sth ( up) 将连接或联系起来 be linked with 和相连接或联系6differently adv不同地 difference n. C,U 不同,差别,差异Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil必须教导年轻人学会区分善与恶。tell the difference between A and B 说出A和B之间的区别There is a littlenogreat difference between A and B. A和B之间有些没有有很大区别。make a, no,some difference (to sb/ sth) (对某人/ 某物)有、没有、有些影响,起重要作用 make no difference没关系 make a difference between区别对待different adj不同的 be different from和不同 be different in在方面不同 A is nota littlequite different from B A与B没有有些完全不同试题回顾 (汉译英)1)你选哪一个事关重大。 Which one you will choose makes great difference. 2)都市生活和乡村生活是非常不同的。 The life in the cities is quite different from that in the country.7. require (1) vt. 需要 require sb/ sth require sb to do sth sth require doing= sth require to be done require that sb ( should) do sth (2) vt. 要求 require sth of sb 例:What do you require of me? require sb to do sth Its required that sb (should) do sth. 例:Its required that you arrive at 8 a.m.8patient adj有耐心的,能容忍的(+with) 反义词:impatientn 病人;患者 Hes a very patient man他是个很有耐心的人。The doctor is very patient with his patients那位医师对病人十分耐心。词组:be patient with sb/sth 容忍某人/某物be impatient with sb/ at sth 对不耐烦,无耐心be impatient for sth/ to do sth 急切地 be impatient of不能忍受patience n耐心;容忍试题回顾 汉译英这位教师对学习差的学生很有耐心。 The teacher is patient with the students who are weak in their studies. 9divide vtvi(常与in,into连用)分开;划分,(数学上的)除。 be divided into分成 (两份时用be divided into halves 或be divided in half)divide up分配 divide among/ between 在之间分配be divided by 被除 15 divided by 3 is 5 3除15等于5。试题回顾班级被分成6个小组。 The class is divided into six groups. 10equal adj(无比较级,反义词:unequal)相等的,均等的; 胜任的,合适的,不相上下的 equal pay for equal work同工同酬 be equal to sth / doing sth 等于; 能胜任Twice three is equal to six二三得六。 vt. equal sb/ sth (in sth) 与某人/ 某物相等或相同11consideration,n考虑,思考 give a problem careful consideration仔细考虑问题 John never showed any consideration for anyone约翰从来不关心别人。 under consideration在考虑中 in consideration of考虑到,体谅 They didnt give him heavy work in consideration of his youth考虑到他年轻, 他们没给他繁重的工作。 takeinto consideration考虑到,顾及到consider doing sth考虑要做某事 consider n. as/ to be consider sb to have done sth 认为某人做过某事 consider that-clause 试题回顾 汉译英 ; 1)我们正考虑赴加拿大。 We are considering leaving for Canada2我认为他是一个出色的音乐家。I consider him to be / as a good musician12basis nC基础,根据His theory has a solid basis in fact他的理论有确实的事实为基础。Whats the base offor your idea? 你这个想法的根据是什么?establishlay the basis offor 建立的基础On the basis of the facts, we can reach the following conclusion根据这些事实,我们可以导出如下结论。另外,两词的复数形式都为bases。base n.基地,根据地C an air base空军基地v. baseonupon 以为基础辨析:base与basis两者都表示“基础”之意。但base指具体的物品、物的底座、基地;而basis指抽象的(比喻)基础、根据。如:the base of a building建筑物的基础,the economic basis经济基础on the basis of以为基础13bottom n底,底部,尽头,末端 The bottom of the glass is wet玻璃杯的杯底是湿的。 The ship sank to the bottom of the sea那艘船沉到海底了。 at the bottom of 在的底部14error nCU错误,过失,误差 You are in error你错了。 make (mit) an error出错误 spelling errors描写错误 lead sbinto error/ fall into error 误人歧途 do sthin error 误做某事15consult v(1)商量,商议 consult with sb与协商 (2)请教,参考 consult sb/ sth about sth consult a doctor 看医生 Have you consulted your doctor about your illness?你找你的医生看过病情了吗? 注意:表示“查材料”consult后接“字典,书籍”等,而look up则接查询“字、词及相应的直接对象”。 look up the word in the dictionary 在字典里查词, consult a dictionary查字典16cheat n欺骗,骗子 v欺骗,骗取 cheat at sth cheat sbintoout of 欺骗某人做不做 试题回顾 完成句子1)The salesman cheated her into buying a fake at her money2)The boy cheated in the exam and was caught cheating17. attach v. (1) attach sth to sth 将某物系在或附在另一物上 (2) attach oneself to sb 依附,缠着某人 (3) attach sb to sb/ sth 使隶属于 You wiil be attached to this department. 你将隶属于这个部门。 (4) attach to sb 与某人相关联,归于某人 (5) be attached to sb/ sth 依恋、爱慕、留恋Step 5 DiscussionAsk students to work in groups to discuss the questions in Part B. They should choose a topic to research on the Internet.Step 6 PresentationAsk each group to present their poster to the class. Other groups can give their ments.Step 7 Homework Phrases:1. keep in mind 记住,牢记 2. sit down at a puter terminal坐在电脑前3. aid sb in/ with sth 在上援助某人4. search engine 搜索引擎5. be based on the key 根据关键词 6. type in 输入7. subject directory 主题目录检索8. b (through) sth 彻底搜寻 9. be divided into 被分成10. on the/a basis of 以为基础11. up to date 最近,最新 12.take into consideration 考虑 13. in consideration of 作为对的回报 14. at the bottom of 在底部,下方15. as a (general) rule 通常16. corfirm the information 确认信息17. be sure of/ about 对确信,有把握18. make a difference 有关系,有影响19. belong to sb 属于某人20. make decision about 对作决定21. follow the tips/ advice 采取建议 A:Excuse me, sir, but Im writing a report on what people prefer to do on holiday. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?B:No, not at all. Please go (1)a_.A:How often do you go on holiday?B:I generally have two weeks holiday a year.A:And what do you prefer to do when you are on holiday?B:Well, I dont usually visit my family. We live quite(2) c_ and I can see them any time. But I do like to visit museums, (3)e_ if there is a special exhibition on. I dont like to stay at home, though my parents do. (4)I_, I prefer to get away from the city and just (5)e_ the peace of the country. You know, just sit under a tree, listen to the birds in the morning, or maybe go walking over the hills.A:Have you ever (6)t_ abroad?B:No, I havent .Its too (7)e_ for me. But my wife loves to visit the coast, so if the (8)w_ is good we often go swimming in the sea, or maybe just lie on the (9)b_ and bathe in the sun.A:OK. Well, thank you very much for your time.B:You are (10)w_.(1) ahead (2) close (3) especially (4) Instead (5) enjoy (6) travelled (7) expensive (8) weather (9) beach (10) wele 对话填空:


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