2019-2020年高二英语Unit2 News media 新课标.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit2 News media 新课标Goals Talk about news and the mediaPractise expressing opinionsLearn about the Past Participle (1): used as Attribute and PredicativeWrite a parison paragraphPeriod 1 Warming up & ListeningTeaching Aims:1. Talk about news and the media2.Train the students listening ability by listening and answering some relative questions.Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming upStep 2: Listening(SB page 10)Listening Text:Step 3 Key Words1. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? 以上的新闻媒体中哪一种最可靠?reliable adj. 可信赖的; 可依靠的; 确定的2. The man was fired. 那个人被解雇了。 fire的动词用法3. The man faced difficulties. (1) face v.t. 面临(困难等),应付, 面对;(危险、困难等)迫近 (2) difficulty表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词,表示“难题,难事”时用作可数名词。4. The man was generous. generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽容的;豁达的;丰富的,丰盛的Homework: 1. Read the new words.2. Keep the Language Points in mind.3. Get reading for SpeakingPeriod 2 Listening(WB page 88) & Speaking(SB page 10)Teaching Aims:1. Train the students listening ability.2. Train the students speaking ability.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Listening(WB page 88)Listening Text:Step 2 Speaking(SB page 10)Step 3 Key Words and Expressions:1. Below is a list of ten things that happened today. 以下列出了今天发生的十件事。2. France elected a new president.3. Food prices are going up. 食品价格在上涨。go up上升,增长,提高4. A house in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured.你们镇上一座房子被烧毁。无人员伤亡。(1) burn down 烧毁;使烧毁【强调破坏性】;(由于燃料烧尽)火力减弱 (2) injure v.t. 使受伤;损害,伤害(感情)Homework:1. Read the new words.2. Keep the language points above in mind3. Get ready for reading.Period 3-4 Pre-reading/Reading/Post-readingTeaching Aims:1. Train the students reading ability,especially the skills of summarizing and scanning.2. Study and have a good grasp of some key words and phrases. Language Points:1. Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.报纸和其他媒介并不仅仅记录已发生的事情。(1) 该句中的do是助动词,起强调作用,用以加强说话者的语气。 (2) more than不仅仅;极为,非常;多于;难以;不能2. Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report and how to report them.经验丰富的编辑和记者对于该报道什么事件以及如何报道作出明智的决定。3. They also make sure that readers can relate to the stories.他们还要确保报道的内容与读者的生活密切相关。 relate v.i. & v.t (和)相关;涉及;把与关联起来4. The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read in made.两位记者同意交换角色,作一次受访者而不是采访者,让我们了解他们的工作,了解我们读到的新闻是怎样制作和编写出来的。5. After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.采访后,记者一定要提交出组织严密的材料,并确保文章的真实反映事实和舆论。(1) present vt.呈现;描述;介绍;赠送(1) reflect vt. 反映;表现;反射;映出6. My favourite article is the one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.我最喜欢的文章是我写的一篇关于如何努力把被盗的文物带回中国。(1) 本句中的one是代词,用来指代article。one常用来代替前文提到的一种可数的事物。 (2)effort n. U,C努力;艰难的尝试;努力的结果7. I want to write about people you seldom read about, for example people who have AIDS or who are addicted to drugs.我想报道那些你们很少能了解的人,如艾滋病患者或者是染上毒瘾的人。(1) seldom adv. 很少;不常;难得 (2)be / get / bee addicted to sth. / doing sth.对成瘾/成癖8. We shouldnt ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.即使人们对一些现象很难接受,我们也不应该无视眼前发生的事情。(1) ignore v.t. 不理睬;忽视 (2) even if / even though即使,尽管9. The media can often help solve problems and draw attentions to situations where help is needed.媒介常可帮助解决难题,使人们关注需要得到帮助的情况。10. The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.结果会使人们更好地了解世界地各个方面,给人们带来一个人人受到尊重,不同观念得到包容地未来世界。(1) on all sides(=on every side) 在各方面,四面八方(2) tolerate v.t. 容忍,忍受,允许11. I would not believe it, but I might check other sources and maybe change my mind. change ones mind改变主意12.Famous people are often asked for their opinions on current affairs.名人经常接受采访、被问及对时事地看法Homework:1. Read the text.2. Try to remember what have been taught above.3. Work Book p89-90Period 5 Language Study & GrammarTeaching Aims:1. Review the words learned in Reading.2. Grammar Study: The Past Participle used as Attribute and PredicativeGrammar语法详释The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative过去分词作定语和表语过去分词在句中可承担形容词和副词在句中的作用,充当定语和表语。Language Points:1. Nine out of ten women who were interviewed about the product said they liked it. nine out of ten(=nine in ten)十之八九,百分之九十2. And I like the way the fans look up to them.3. Americans will fall in love with this game too.Homework: Do exercises on page 13 / 91Period 6 Integrating SkillsTeaching Aims:1.Review the Grammar2.Train the students reading, acting and writing abilities.Language Points:1. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory2. The peaceful meeting ended when the pany sent out a group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens.3. Im sure they wont feel disappointed.Period 7 Review and Exercises.Period 8-9 测练和评讲WB Integrating Skills(page 92-92)Yang Lan杨澜简介Chairperson, Sun TV Cybernetworks Holdings, Hong Kong SAR Sun Television Cybernetworks Holdings Co. Aims to build Chinas largest multimedia and thematic programme library, covering history, culture, biography, technology and health etc. Through alliance, acquisition and self-production, the pany operates the first thematic satellite channel on history and culture in the Greater China area. It also generates multiple sources of ine through programme syndication and publishing. Personal Profile: 1990, BA in English, Beijing Foreign Studies Univ.; 1996, MA in Intl Affairs, School of Intl and Public Affairs, Columbia Univ., New York. 1990, Co-Host, Zheng Da Variety Show (weekly talk show); 1996-97, Host, Yang Lan Horizon (weekly magazine show); Producer, Class of xx, 48 Hours, CBS (1987); xx-99, Creator, Executive Producer and Anchor, Yang Lan Studio, Phoenix Satellite Television, Hong Kong; xx, Co-Founder, Sun TV; Producer and Host, Yang Lan Studio(杨澜工作室), Sun TV. Member of the Board, Project Hope. xx, elected to the Board, China Green Foundation. Member of the Advisory Board, School of Intl and Public Affairs, Columbia Univ., New York. Recipient of awards.

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