2019-2020年高二英语Unit1 Making a difference单词 新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit1 Making a difference单词 新课标 人教版1. within pre. 在 . 以内 既可指时间,也可指表示地点的范围。He went away, but came back within twenty minutes.他走了出去,但不到二十分钟又回来了。Our school is within two miles of the railway station.我们学校离火车站不到两英里。within / in 它们同义,但在将来时态中表示的意思不同:He said he would e back within twenty minutes. 他说他二十分钟之内回来。He said he would e back in twenty minutes. 他说他在二十分钟之后回来。within 所表示“在.之内”,除了表示时间地点外,也可以表引申的含义。We have to live within our ine. 我们必须量入为出。The work is not within my duty. 这工作不在我的职责范围之内。2. undertake vt. (undertook, undertaken) 着手做,从事,承担We can undertake the preparation of the room now. Next he undertook to pay off his debts. 他答应下次还清欠款。I cant undertake that you will make a profit. 我不能保证你会获得利益。3Analysis n. analyses1)a careful examination of something in order to understand it better 分析He gave a detailed analysis about what had happened.2)(成分)分析The experts are doing analyses of the strange matter.3)in the final/last analysis 最终,归根结底In the last , profit is the motive.Analyse 分析The scientist are analyzing the photos sent by the satellite.4.obvious adj.1)easy to notice or understand 显然的,显而易见的,明白的The reason why he always fails is obvious.2)It is (to somebody) that 很显然It is obvious to everyone that she is lying.Obviously adv.显而易见地,明白地 he needs help.5.couious adj.1)wanting to know about sth. 好奇的,好打听的Everyone was when I referred to his name.2)be about Be to see/hear/knowbe that 真奇怪We are curious about what he said at the meeting.I was to hear what Peter had to say for himself.我很想知道Peter怎样为自己辩解。Its very that she left without saying good-bye to us.debate n.v.1)discussion or argument on a subject 讨论,辩论Now there is a serious debate on this matter between the two persons.2)a formal discussion on a subject 正式讨论Today we had a lively on the relevance of Marx.3)be under debate The matter is still .v.1)(正式)讨论,辩论We debated for hours before we voted.graduate n.v.毕业生,大学毕业生a of Birmingham UniversityHe ed from high school last year.graduation n.毕业After , Mary worked as a teacher.research n.v.研究,探讨,研究工作Im doing some research for an article about student life.They are ing the effects of the oil carried into the river.他们正在研究带到河中的石油所带来的影响。theory n.学说,理论the Theory of Relativitypredict v.1)to say that sth. will happen 预言,预料,预测The expert predicts that the needs of the production will fall.2)predictable adj.可以预言的prediction n.预言,预告make a intelligent adj.1)having a high level of mental ability 有智慧的,聪明的,悟性强的If youre intelligent the maths involved should present no problem.如果你的智力好,这里所涉及的数学根本不成问题。2)(动物)有灵性的,有智能的Are there any forms of life on the moon?3)intelligence diligenceintelligent 指人头脑敏捷,智力聪颖,可修饰一个小孩,甚至一条狗intellectual 指人受过良好教育,对需要长期研究的学科感兴趣,还可作名词,“知识分子)patientadj. 有耐心的,忍耐的,有毅力的The old teacher is always patient with his students.n.病人,患者patience5. seek (sought, sought) v.* 寻找,探索,追求We should seek truth from facts.我们应该实事求是。They were trying to seek shelter from the rain.他们在寻找避雨的地方。The reason is not far to seek.道理很显然。* 征求,请求seek sth. (from sb.) = ask sb. for sth.He sought his doctors advice.他征求医生的意见。You must seek permission from the manager.= You must ask the manager for permission.你必须请求经理批准。* 试图,设法 seek to do sth.They are seeking to mislead us.他们竭力误导我们。They sought to kill him.他们企图杀死他。seek sb./sth. out 找出或找到某人seek after/for 寻找,探索seek ones fortune 寻找致富及成功之道6. engage vt.* 订婚 engage sb. to sb. 使某人与某人订婚be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚(状态)get engaged to sb. 与某人订婚(动作)Mary engaged herself to a Frenchman.= Mary was engaged to a Frenchman.玛丽和一个法国人订了婚。They have been engaged for six months.他们订婚已经六个月了。He got engaged last month.他上个月订婚了。* 忙于 be engaged in Please wait a minute; he is engaged now.请稍等,他正有事呢。He was engaged in his homework.他忙着写作业。The line is busy/engaged, please wait for a short while.电话占线,请等一会儿。be busy with sth./ be busy (in) doing sth.He was busy making phone calls.他忙着打电话。* 雇佣,聘用He engaged my sister as his secretary.他雇佣我妹妹当秘书。7.observe v. 观察;监视;认识;注意到;遵守;庆祝;说;评论An astronomer observes the stars.天文学家观察星辰。I observed a glimmer in the dark.我看到黑暗中的微光。I observed him enter the bank.我看到他进入了那家银行。He observed that it looked like rain.他注意到似乎要下雨了。observe the speed limit 遵守速度限制observe silence 信守沉默,保持安静“It may rain,”he observed.“可能会下雨,”他说。observe closely 注意看No one observed on the matter.没有人评论那件事。n. observation He made observations of the customs of the natives.他观察了当地人的习俗。They were under observation by the police.他们受到警察监视。8. match 使相配、相称,使较量,是的对手 ( A matches B , be well matched, match A with B) ) suit 指颜色、款式等适合某人的口味、需要 fit衣服等大小合适 The curtain doesnt match the paint. No one can match him in football. These gloves dont match. Im ready to match my strength with / against yours. His deeds dont match his words. Im no match for you at chess.9. turn out 结果是 , 证明是 Everything turned out to be all right in the end. 最后一切都很顺利。The night turned out cold and rainy.那个晚上结果是寒冷且下雨。It turned out that this method didnt work well.结果证明这个方法不太行。How did things turn out?事情结果怎么样?Recently the car factory has turned out two new models. 生产, 培养; 制造He was turned out of the football club last month. 逐出; 弃掉相关归纳(1)turn in 上交;归还He has turned in his homework.他已交上了家庭作业。You must turn in the key when you leave the hotel.你离开旅馆时一定要归还钥匙。(2)turn down 折叠;扭小;放低;拒绝He turned down the corner of the page to show where he had gone to.他把那一页折个角,以示读到什么地方。Please turn down the radio.请把收音机的音量关小。They turned down his application for the job.他们拒绝了他的求职申请。(3)turn up将开大;出现Please turn up the radio a bit.请把收音机的音量开大一点。He turned up at the last moment.他在最后一刻才出现。10. go by 时间的流逝Time goes by quickly on vacation. 假期里时间过得快。Tom usually goes by the supermarket on his way to school.汤姆上学时通常要路过超市。You cant go by what she says. She is not honest.你不能根据她的话判断,她这人不诚实。He goes by the name of Carl.他名叫卡尔。相关归纳(1)go down 下降,下跌;沉没She went down by elevator.她乘电梯下去。Prices are going down.物价正在下跌。The ship went down into the sea.那艘船沉到海中。(2)go off 发射;爆炸;变坏;入寝;进展;聚会;熄灭;中断 Go off(with a)bang. 砰一声爆炸了。The gun went off by accident.那支枪意外走火了。This food has gone off.这食物坏掉了。The child has gone off(to sleep).那个孩子睡着了。The party went off well.聚会进行得很顺利。The power has gone off.电力中断了。(3)go on 继续;发生He went on with the work.他继续工作。He went on writing.他继续写。Hows the work going on?工作进行得怎么样?Whats going on?发生什么事了?(4)go up 上升;上涨;爆炸;焚毁; 攀登The temperature is going up.温度上升。go up in flames 燃烧起来;毁于大火She went up the ladder.她登上扶梯。experiment n.实验do/carry out/perform an v.实验,试用15. what if 倘使 . 将会怎么样?What if it rains when we cant get under shelter? 假若下起雨来,我们又没地方避雨可怎么办?What if the rumor is true? 万一谣言被证实是真的呢?What if 还可以用来表示“建议、邀请或要求”,从句中常用一般现在时或一般过去时。What if you join us for lunch? 请跟我们吃午饭吧?What if you go instead of me?你带我去,好不好?


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