2019-2020年高二英语 Unit8 Warming up,Listening Speaking45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版第二册.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 Unit8 Warming up,Listening Speaking45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版第二册基础巩固:站起来,拿得到!.单词拼写1.The government are taking measures to cut down traffic and work-related_ (事故).2.Dont put poisons into othere c ,for example empty bottles.3.Were collecting money in a of cancer research.4.He c to death on a fish bone.5.A _ (目击者) is someone who is present when something happens,especially a crime or an accident.答案:1.accidents 2.containers 3.aid 4.choked 5.witness.情景对话1.(xx浙江高考,27) What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game._.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A.It just depends B.Its up to youC.All right D.Glad to hear that答案:B提示:本题考查的是交际用语。从语境whatever you want to do is fine with me.可看出:随便你怎么做都行。It just depends具体情况具体对待;Its up to you随你的便,由你决定。2.(xx浙江高考,28) Brad was Janes brother! _he reminded me so much of Jane!A.No doubt B.Above allC.No wonder D.Of course答案:C提示:本题考查的是短语辨异。no doubt毫无疑问;above all首先;no wonder 难怪、不足为奇;of course当然。由Brad was Jane brother可得出He reminded me so much of Jane“不足为奇”。3.(xx重庆高考,35) Lets go and have a good drink tonight. _Have you got the first prize in the petition?A.What for? B.Thanks a lot.C.Yes,Id like to. D.Why not?答案:A提示:本题考查交际用语。Have you got the first prize in the petition?是在询问原因,所以选A项。D项用于同意别人的建议。4.(xx湖南高考,35) Now,where is my purse?_!Well be late for the picnic.A.Take your time B.Dont worryCe on D.Take it easy答案:C提示:本题考查的是交际用语。根据语境Well be late for the picnic可看出说话人在催快一点。Take your time别急,时间多的是;Dont worry别担心;Take it easy别紧张;e on快点。5.(xx福建高考,25) Go for a picnic this weekend,OK?_.I love getting close to nature.A.I couldnt agree more B.Im afraid notC.I believe not D.I Dont think so答案:A提示:本题考查的是交际用语。根据对话中所提供的关键信息“I love getting close to nature.”说明答话人已接受此建议。用排除法,B、C、D三个选项不适合语境。6.(xx广东高考,35) Do you mind if I open the window? _I feel a bit cold.A.Of course not. B.Id rather you didnt.C.Go ahead. D.Why not?答案:B提示:本题考查交际用语。语境I feel a bit cold说明说话人不想开窗。本题的回答是针对mind。A、C、D选项皆自相矛盾。7.(经典回放)I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her._.It was her fault.A.No way B.Not possibleC.No chance D.Not at all答案:A提示:No way没门。表示拒绝对方的要求。Not possible 不可能;No chance没机会;Not at all一点也不,表示强调。8.(合肥一模题) A microwave oven must be a big convenience to busy couple._.But when do you plan to get it?A.Just cant agree more B.A pleasureC.Good idea D.No wonder答案:A提示:本题考查交际用语。表示赞同对方的观点,并非是对对方观点的评价。9.(黄冈一模题) You seem to have lost your way._?Yes.Im looking for Wangfujing Street.A.What are you looking for B.Are you looking for somethingC.Need help D.Where are you doing答案:C提示:由答句中的Yes可知,此处应为“你是否需要帮助”。选项B也可以用Yes来回答,但前后意义不吻合。10.(朝阳一模题) Why didnt you tell Anna the truth?_.A.But I did B.Yes,but I wanted toC.Yes,I was afraid to be scolded by her D.No,I always hate telling lies答案:A提示:根据问句是特殊疑问句可知,B、C、D为错误选项。能力提升:踮起脚,抓得住!.单项选择1.Be careful.Your trousers will _ fire if you stand there.A.light B.catch C.on D.get hold of答案:B提示:catch fire指“着火”这一动作。2.Do remember:always keep _ in an emergency.A.still B.quite C.silent D.calm答案:D提示:calm镇定;still不动;quiet安静;silent沉默、不做声。3.The socks are so _ that they cant be mended any more.A.used up B.worn out C.tired out D.broken out答案:B提示:use up用完;tire out 疲劳;break out 爆发;wear out穿破、穿旧。4.Its being colder.Please put more wood on the fire to make it _.A.burn down B.burn out C.burn off D.burn up答案:D提示:burn up 烧起来,旺起来;burn down 焚烧;burn out 燃尽;burn off 烧掉。5.This kind of work calls _ patience and carefulness.A.in B.for C.at D.up答案:B提示:call in 请进;call for 要求;call at 访问;call up 打电话。6.I was advised to arrange for insurance _ I need medical treatment.A.although B.in case C.so that D.if only答案:B提示:in case(that)此处作连词,意为“以防”。7.If you have got time for tea,Ill _ it for you in a minute.A.make B.boil C.serve D.give答案:A提示:马上为你做。8.It is _ that the way of tortoise life will be kept alive for several hundred years.A.surprised B.suggested C.hoped D.wished答案:C提示:A、B和D项后的从句常用虚拟语气,故排除。9.I remember there is a train at 6:30,but youd better _.A.make sure B.be sure C.find out D.look out答案:A提示:make sure指“确保”。拓展应用:跳一跳,够得着!.听力听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。M:There is a limit of three books per person.W:Fine.Ill be certain to return them on time.1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a hotel. B.In a library. C.In a laboratory.答案:BM:How long will it take you to fix my watch?W:Ill call you when Its ready,but it shouldnt take longer than a week.2.What is the man going to do?A.He wants the woman to fix his watch.B.He will call her when the watch is fixed.C.He wants her to fix the watch within one week.答案:AM:Did Henry paint the whole house himself?W:He had it painted because he doesnt like to climb a ladder.3.Who painted the house?A.Henry. B.The woman. C.Someone else.答案:CW:How is your sister feeling these days?M:Much better,thanks.She should be ing home in a few days.The operation was a success and the doctor says shell recover in no time.4.Where is his sister now?A.At home. B.In the hospital. C.At work.答案:BW:You seem to have a lot of work at your office.Youre always staying late and working overtime.M:Thats true,but I think the work is interesting and funny,so I dont mind the extra hours at all.5.How does the man feel about his job?A.He enjoys it. B.He doesnt like it at all. C.He wants to find a new job.答案:A听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第68题。M:Im looking for a job.Can you help me?W:Of course,I can help you.You want a job in business,dont you?M:No,I used to be a gardener,but the flowers made me sneeze.Can you suggest some other kind of work?W:Yes,of course.But first of all I must find out more about your training.Youre a college graduate,arent you?M:No,I havent graduated from college.I once worked as a bank teller(出纳),but my feet hurt from standing all day.Do you have a job where I can sit down?W:I think we can find one.But I must know your experience.Youve had other jobs,havent you?M:Yes,I have.I worked as a railway conductor,but the movement of the train made me sick.Do you have work that doesnt require travel?W:Lets see.I have a job for you as a waiter in a restaurant.Its a good paying job.M:It sounds good.6.Which of the following jobs does the man prefer?A.A bank teller. B.A waiter in a restaurant. C.Neither.答案:B7.What is the man?A.A graduated college student. B.A gardener. C.Neither.答案:C8.The man likes to work in a place _.A.when he can stand all dayB.where he can sit downC.where he was required to travel答案:B听第7段材料,回答第911题。M:Whats that?W:Fire!The hotel is on fire!M:What should we do?Lets get out here!W:Wait!Find the key.M:What about our luggage?W:Leave it.M:Shall we open the door?W:No,dont open the door.Feel it.Is it hot?M:No,Its not hot.W:OK,open it.M:Theres a lot of smoke out here.I cant see anything.W:Close the door.Well stay in the room.Get the sheets and wet them in the bath.Ill phone the police for help.M:Right!What about the window?W:Huh?M:Were on the ground floor.We can climb out of the window.9.Why did the man close the door again?A.Because it was locked.B.Because it was very hot.C.Because of the smoke outside.答案:C10.What happened at the hotel?A.There was no electricity. B.There was no water. C.There was a fire.答案:C11.How did the speakers get out of their room?A.They called the police for help.B.They climbed out of the window.C.They covered up in wet sheets and waited for help.答案:B听第8段材料,回答第1214题。M:Well,did you enjoy your week at the seaside,Mary?W:Oh,yes,I did.I feel much better now,not a bit tired at all.M:Youve had a lovely sunny week.Are you going to spend another holiday there soon?W:I hope Ill go there again some day,but I dont know when Ill be able to.M:I must soon make my plan for my holidays.I havent yet decided where I want to go.George came with me last year.W:Did he?Where did you go?M:We made a tour of several countries in Europe.I dont think I can afford to go abroad again this year.W:Have you ever been to the Channel Islands?Its very much like a trip abroad to go there,because they lie quite close to France.The sea is warm,Theres plenty of sun,and it wont cost much if you want to go.M:Ill ask George tomorrow if I see him.He hasnt made up his mind yet,either,so perhaps we can go there together.Will you join us if we go to the Channel Islands,Mary?W:What a wonderful idea!Let me know what George thinks.Ill certainly try to e,too,if the time is suitable.12.Where had the woman been?A.To a hospital. B.To Europe. C.On a holiday.答案:C13.Where did the man go last year?A.To several cities.B.To some European countries.C.To the Channel Islands.答案:B14.What can we learn about George?A.He always goes on holidays with the man.B.He likes the sea,too.C.He hasnt decided where to go.答案:C听第9段材料,回答第1517题。M:Hello,15 23852.W:Hello,is Anna there?M:No,Im sorry Anna is out.W:Is that you,Tom?M:No,Im not Tom.W:Oh!Im sorry.er.well,could you please leave Anna a message for me?M:Sure.What is it?W:Well,Im supposed to be meeting Anna for lunch at my house.Would you ask her if she has my French dictionary?And if she does,tell her to bring it along.M:All right.And where are you calling from?W:154,Rose Street.Im Annas friend,Pat.15.Who is Pat calling?A.Tom. B.Her friend Anna. C.Both A and B.答案:B16.Why is Pat calling?A.To invite Anna to lunch.B.To ask Anna to return her dictionary.C.To borrow a French dictionary from Anna.答案:A17.Who is Pat talking to?A.Annas boyfriend. B.Tom. C.A stranger to her.答案:B听第10段材料,回答第1820题。 Mrs Williams had two sons.One morning during the holiday,when she was doing the washing for the family,her younger son came and asked her for some money for sweets. “Sweets are bad for your teeth,” Mrs Williams said.“Take these two oranges and give one to your older brother.” One of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than the other one,so the small boy kept the bigger one for himself,and gave his brother the smaller one. When the older boy saw that his brother had a bigger orange,he said to him,“It is selfish to take the bigger one for yourself.If mother had given me the oranges,I would have given you the bigger one.” “I know you would,” answered his brother.“Thats why I took it.”18.What was Mrs. Williams doing one morning during the holiday?A.She was cooking.B.She was doing the washing.C.She was doing some sewing.答案:B19.What did the younger son ask his mother for?A.Money. B.Sweets. C.Oranges.答案:A20.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The younger boy kept the smaller orange for himself.B.The younger boy gave his brother the smaller orange.C.The older boy gave his younger brother the bigger one.答案:B.口语训练As a student,what you should do to protect the environment?答案:略

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