2019年高考总复习 语言基础知识 考点归纳拓展 Module 6 Animals in Danger 外研版必修5.doc

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2019年高考总复习 语言基础知识 考点归纳拓展 Module 6 Animals in Danger 外研版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019年高考总复习 语言基础知识 考点归纳拓展 Module 6 Animals in Danger 外研版必修5.doc_第2页
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2019年高考总复习 语言基础知识 考点归纳拓展 Module 6 Animals in Danger 外研版必修5.doc_第3页
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2019年高考总复习 语言基础知识 考点归纳拓展 Module 6 Animals in Danger 外研版必修5struggle n&v.挣扎;斗争;抗争经典例句His hands tell the story of his life as a farmer, including all his struggles.(xx天津完形填空)他的双手讲述了他一个农民的生活的故事,包括他的所有奋斗。struggle for.为而斗争struggle against/with. 同作斗争struggle to do sth 挣扎着/努力做某事struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来They were struggling to get out of the burning car.他们挣扎着从燃烧着的车里往外爬。We have to struggle against all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad.我们必须和来自国内外的各种各样的困难作斗争。She _ and continued walking.她挣扎着站起来,继续走。答案struggled to her feet名师点睛 struggle with有两个意思:一是与斗争,双方是敌我关系;二是和并肩战斗,双方是朋友关系。使用时要根据语境而定。wonder n奇迹,奇观;惊讶,惊奇v.想知道,对感到惊奇,对感到疑惑经典例句Hes starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job.他现在开始怀疑自己接受这份工作是否正确。(1)(2)I wonder if you could give me some advice on how to learn English.我想知道您是否能给我一些如何学习英语的建议。We are wondering about next month for the wedding.我们正考虑着下个月举行婚礼。_ the modern highspeed trains are winning back passengers from the airlines.难怪现代高铁正从航空公司赢回它们的乘客。答案No wonder that【巧学助记】语境填词The girl _ in front of the Great Pyramid,one of the _ of the world,_ how it was built.(wonder)这个女孩在世界奇迹之一的大金字塔前徘徊,想知道它是怎样建成的。答案wanders;wonders;wonderingprotect vt.保护;防护;防御经典例句The number of them is less than 1,000, so I hope you can take some effective measures to protect them.(xx重庆书面表达)它们的数量不足1,000,因此我希望你们能采取有效措施来保护它们。(1)protect.from / against.保护免受(2)Applying sun cream can protect your body from the sun.抹涂防晒霜可以保护身体不受阳光刺激。Hes devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals.他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。【易混辨析】protect一般指借用东西来保护、防御,使人或物免受危害defend指对紧急危机或侵袭采取武力手段来防御guard指小心谨慎地对可能的危险进行防御,以维护安全,含警戒之意语境填词The entrance to the building is well _.We must take measures to _ the environment against pollution.He _ me from a drunken man.答案guardedprotectdefended【巧学助记】focus n焦点;集中点;焦距v.(使)聚焦;(使)集中经典例句You must try to focus your attention on work and study.你必须努力把注意力集中在工作和学习上。(1)focus on/upon sth/sb集中注意力于某物/某人focus ones attention/eyes on注意力集中于(2)in focus 焦距对准,清晰out of focus 焦距没对准,模糊If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.如果你想模仿某人,要看他们的才华,而不是他们不好的性格或无法接受的行为习惯。The childrens faces are badly _ in the photograph.照片上孩子们的脸模糊不清。答案out of focus【巧学助记】集 训 中 心.单词拼写1If unemployment continues to rise,social stability may be e_.2Her beauty makes her the f_ of attention.3Jim went to answer the phone.M_Peter started to prepare lunch.4One of the c_of the job is that you should be able to drive.5Running your own business usually _(涉及)working long hours.6Dinosaurs have been _(绝种的)for millions of years.7These rare tigers are _(保护)by special laws.8Its a _(奇迹)that more people werent hurt.答案1.endangered2.focus3.Meanwhile4.conditions5.involves6.extinct7.protected8.wonder.单项填空1If we _ sunlight _ a dry leaf with a piece of glass, it may start burning.Awork; out Bcarry; outCfocus; on Dconcentrate; on答案C句意:如果我们用一面镜子把阳光聚焦于一片枯叶,它就会开始燃烧。focus.on.使聚焦于,符合句意。work out算出,解出;carry out执行,进行;concentrate on专注于。2Use my umbrella to _ yourself from the rain,will you?Thats very kind of you.Aprevent BkeepCrescue Dprotect答案Dprevent sb from doing sthkeep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事;rescue sb from从中把某人拯救出来,使某人免遭危险;protect sb from使免于。由语境知D项符合。核 心 短 语stand for代表;支持;主张;容忍经典例句As we all know, the dove stands for peace.众所周知,鸽子代表着和平。stand out突出,显眼,杰出stand by 袖手旁观,无动于衷cant stand sb/sth/doing sth不能忍受某人/某事/做某事The new road sign is easy to read,the words standing out well.新路标容易辨认,上面的字很醒目。How can you _ and let him treat his dog like that?他那样虐待他那只狗,你怎么能袖手旁观呢?答案stand by【巧学助记】集 训 中 心.选词填空1Everyone should _ the future of his own country.2In flat open country there is plenty of grass for the cattle _.3The letters WTO _ the World Trade Organization.4The government of China is _ those who want to separate Taiwan from China.5.We have asked the neighbours to _ the house for us while we are away.6Satisfied,the couple _ the Richer Family Foundation and got to work.答案1.be concerned about2.to feed on3.stand for4getting tough with5.keep an eye on6.set up.单项填空He has been acting very strangely these days.I cant _ his actions at all.Aask for Bapply forCcall for Dstand for答案D句意:这些天来他行为一直很古怪,我根本无法忍受他的行为。ask for“要求”;apply for“申请;请求”;call for“要求”;stand for“忍受”。故选D。.单句改错1He struggled on his feet and left without a word._.2With his attention focusing on the book he was reading,he didnt notice what had happened._.答案1.onto2.focusingfocused核 心 句 型But today the government seems to be winning the battle.但是现在政府好像正要赢得这场战斗。句中“.seems to be winning the battle ”为“seem to be doing”的用法。She seemed to be sleeping when the teacher came in. 当老师进来时她好像在睡觉。(1)seems (to be)adj. /n./介词短语/分词,表示“好像/看上去好像”。(2)seemto do/to have done/to be doing,表示“好像要做/已做了/正在做”。(3)It seems/seemed that.,表示“好像(用陈述语气)”。(4)It seems as if/though.表示”看上去好像(从句可用虚拟语气)”。Lucy seems (to be)a very stubborn woman.露西像是个非常固执的女人。The green leaves seemed(to be) more beautiful after the rain.绿叶在雨后显得更美。The young man seemed _. 这个年轻人看起来变化很大。It seems that she is thinking. (She seems to be thinking.)她好像在思考什么。It seemed as if they _ in the end.看来他们好像终于要结婚了。答案to have changed muchwould marry集 训 中 心.完成句子1Susan _.苏珊像是个非常明智的人。2_ this is his most important novel.我觉得这好像是他最重要的小说。3It seems _ except me.看上去好像除了我之外别人都知道此事。答案1.seems (to be) a very sensible person2.It seems to me that3.as if everybody else knew about it.单项填空I feel a bit cold. I seem _ a cold. Ato catch Bhaving caughtCto have caught Dcatching答案Cseem后跟动词不定式。句意:我感觉有点冷,我好像已经感冒了。感冒动作要早于感觉冷这个动作,所以由句意可知,此处应用不定式的完成式。单 元 语 法复习定语从句1(xx绵阳二诊)This is a kind of traditional classroom teaching _ students are taught a lot about grammar rules.Awhere Bwhich Cwhat Dwhen答案A考查定语从句。句意:这是一种传统的课堂教学,在这堂课上学生被教了很多语法规则。where引导的定语从句在从句中作地点状语。2(xx济南高三巩固性训练)Suddenly I heard a man shouting at a driver, _ car was blocking the street.Awhich BwhoseCof whom Dof which答案B考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,a driver是先行词,后面的定语从句中缺少定语,故用whose引导,指代the drivers。另外,此处也可用of whom the car或the car of whom结构。3(xx山东潍坊五校高三下期中)The air quality in our city,_ is shown in the chart, has declined over the last three months.Athat Bit Cas Dwhat答案C考查定语从句。句意:正如图表所示,我们城市的空气质量在过去的三个月中有所下降。空处引导非限定性定语从句,指代主句的内容,且从句位于主语与谓语之间,应用as引导,故答案为C。4(xx长沙模拟)Between the two classes there is a break, _ we can have a short rest.Athen Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich答案C考查定语从句。句意:两节课中间有个课间休息时间,那时我们可以短暂休息。“_ we can have a short rest”是非限定性定语从句,空处在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when引导。


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