2019春四年级英语下册 Unit 1《My School》学案 广东版开心.doc

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Unit1 My School学习目标:学会描述学校的概况语 法:学习There be 的用法基础知识:短语 英 语 汉 语 默 写1. go to school去上学2. go home回家3. at school在学校4. a teachers office5. Bens school一个老师的办公室Ben的学校6. a music room一间音乐室7. an art room一间艺术室8. have an idea有一个办法/想法/主意9. lots of / a lot of 许多10. lots of classrooms11. how many classrooms12. how much water13. how old14. look at 许多教室多少间教室多少水几岁朝看去基础知识:句子1 This is my school . there is a hall, a gym, a teachers office, a library, an art room and a music room.2.How many classrooms are there ? There are twenty five classrooms.语法学习:观察下列句子,总结出There is/ There are的用法:第一组1. There is a book on the table.2 There is a music room, an art room and a hall.3 There are peaches on the tree.4 There are twenty-five classrooms in my school.第二组1. Is there a book on the table ? Yes ,there is . / No, there isnt.2. Are there peaches on the tree ? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.第三组1. There is not a book on the table.2 There is not a music room, an art room and a hall.3 There are not peaches on the tree.4 There are not twenty-five classrooms in my school.第四组:There are twenty-five chairs in my classroom. (划线提问) How many chairs are there in your classroom ? There are 25.活学活用:一、选择1There _ a clock on the table. A. is B. are2._ there a radio(收音机)on your desk? A. are B. is 3. _ there a map on the wall? Yes, there _. A. are / is B. is / are C. is / is D. are /are4. There _ some students in the classroom. A. are B. is5. There _ a pencil, a book and two pens on the table. A. is B. are二用恰当的be动词填空。1、There _ a lot of oranges in the box.2、There _ some milk in the glass.3、There _ some people under the the big tree.4、There_ a picture and a map on the wall.5、There _ some peaches on the tree.6、There_ lots of flowers in our garden last year.7、There _a bottle of juice on the desk.8、There _ four cups of coffee on the table.三 根据中文完成句子1桌子上有一本书和两只笔。There _ a book and _ _ on the desk.2在吉姆的书包里有两本书。_ _ _ _ in Jims bag.3书包里有一张地图吗?_ _ _ _ in the bag?4我们学校有许多学生。There _ many _ in our school.5树上有一只鸟。There_ _ bird in the tree.6在老师的办公室中有一张桌子。There_ _ _ in the teachers office.7在桌子上有些书。There are _ _ on the desk.8在你的课桌上有一块橡皮和两把尺子。There _ _ _ and _on your desk.9在铅笔盒有五支铅笔和一支钢笔。_ _ _ _ and a pen in the pencil-box.10我们的教室里有一台电脑。_ _ _ _in our classroom.单元综合练习一 单项选择 1.At _ school , there _ lots of classrooms. A Ben, is B Bens , is C Ben, are D Bens are 2.Go to school _ us. A and B on C with D at 3 _ you have a classroom ? Yes, we do. A Are B Do C Is D Does 4 _ there lots of classrooms ? A Are B Do C Is D Does5. Is there a lunch room ? No, _. A it is B it isnt C there is D there isnt 6. I have _ idea. A a B an C the D /7 How _ classrooms are there ? A many B much C lots D old 8 How _ water is there ? A many B much C lots D old9 How _ is his brother ? He is twelve. A many B much C lots D old10 How _ are the apples ? They are 20 dollars(美元)。 A many B much C lots D old11.What _ you have in your school ? A Are B Do C Is D Does12 What subjects _ he like ? He likes Chinese and English. A Are B Do C Is D Does 13 _ he like science ? A Are B Do C Is D Does二 完成句子 1 在我们学校有12个教室。_ in my school. 2.你们学校有多少间教室?_ are there in your school ? 3 你们班有多少名学生?_ are there in your class ? 3.这是我的学校,它有一个大厅,一间艺术室和一座图书室 This is _. There _ a hall , _ art room and a _.4我们学校有许多间教室。There are _ in our school.三 仿写句子 例句1 :There is a hall in my school . 1 a teachers room _ 2 a music room _ 例句2 :There are twenty classrooms in my school . 1 3 libraries 2 thirty classrooms 例句3 :How many playgrounds are there in your school ? There are four playgrounds in my school. 1 chairs/ thirty 2 teachers / eighty-five四 阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。 Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground . In this building(大楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on the second floor. Its big and clean. I like it.( )1、There are classrooms in my school. A、thirty B、thirteen( )2、The playground is .A、small B、big( )3、The library is on the floor.A、first B、second( )4、My classroom is A、clean B、small( )5、I my school.A、dont like B、like阅读短文,选择正确的一项。This is my living room. I have many books. They are on the sofa. My pencil box is on the table. There are some pens, pencils, a ruler and an eraser in it. Where is my schoolbag? Oh, its under the table. Its green. The phone is near the bed. And my glasses are on the table too. What colour are my glasses? They are blue. Where are my keys? Can you help me? ( )1Where are the books? AUnder the sofa. BOn the sofa COn the table ( )2My pencil box is _?Aon the table Bunder the table Con the sofa ( )3.What colour is my schoolbag?AIts blue BIts red CIts green ( )4My glasses are _ the table. Ain Bon Cunder ( )5My glasses are _ Agreen Byellow Cblue 1 Where are the books ?2 .Where is the pencil box ?3 Are there any pens, pencils , a ruler and an eraser in the pencil box ?4 What color is the school bag ?5 What color are the glasses ?


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