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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit10Theworldaroundus(3)Teaching Aims:1.Review Direct and Indirect Speech and do some exercises to master them better.2.Review some useful and important expressions.3.Learn something about the milu deer.Teaching Important Points:1.Help the students to master the Indirect Speech better.2.Master the use of some important expressions.Teaching Difficult Points:How to help the students master the Indirect Speech better.Teaching Methods:1.Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage well.2.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a projector and some slides2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:FStep . GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.T:In the last period,we read a passage about animals,plants and human beings.We know that if we want to live a better life,we must protect our enviroment.We can do some small but useful things in our daily life.We made a list of things we can do in the last period.Li Hua,please tell us what you did.S:I picked up rubbish on the ground and I told my friends to protect the environment.T:Good.Please sit down.You should always remember that even small things can make a big difference.FStep .Word StudyT:Today,first,well study some words and expressions and then well review Direct and Indirect Speech.Now,please look at the blackboard.(Write the following words on the blackboard:recycler,refuse,regard,reuse,repair,review)T:Who can say their meanings?Wang Kun,will you try?S:OK.“recycler”means“环保人士”“refuse”means“拒绝”“regard”means“尊敬”“reuse”means “再利用”“repair”means“修理”“review”means “复习、回顾”。T:Good.Now,who can pick out the words with the prefix“re-”that means “again”?S:Recycler,reuse and review.T:Good.From these words we know that the prefix “re-”can be put in front of a verb or its derivatives meaning“again”.Who can give more examples?S:Let me try.Retell,rewrite,rebuild and so on.T:Good.And we must remember that some words have“re-”in them,but“re-”isnt a prefix,such as“refuse,regard,repair”.Who can think of other examples?S:Result,relax,realize,receive and so on.T:After class,you should pay more attention to the words with “re”in them and try to find out if“re”in them is a prefix meaning “again”.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Thats all for the words.Now,lets do an exercise to review some useful expressions.Look at the screen.When you finish,you can check your answers with your partner.(Show the following on the screen.)Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the phrases.Translate each sentence into Chinese.first of all,in danger,die out,make a great difference,take measures1.Joseph is doing what he can to save the animals_.2.There are many people I want to thank for having helped me win this award.But_I want to thank my mother who first taught me to recycle when I was very young.3.There are many different answers to the question why dinosaurs_about 65 million years ago.4.The water in this river has been seriously polluted.Lots of fish die every day.People have to_to solve this problem.5.If everyone starts caring about the environment,it will _ to our life.(A few minutes later,ask some students to say their answers.Write the expressions on the Bb.)Suggested answers:1.in danger约瑟夫在尽他所能来拯救濒危动物。2.first of all我要感谢许多帮我获奖的人,但首先我要感谢我的妈妈,是她在我很小的时候最先教我回收再利用的。3.die out对于恐龙为什么会在万年前灭绝这个问题有许多不同的答案。4.take measures这条河里的水受到了严重的污染。每天都会死许多鱼。人们必须采取措施来解决这个问题。5.make a great difference如果每个人都开始关注环境,那就会给我们的生活带来很大影响。FStep .Passage UnderstandingT:In the first and second periods of this unit,we have talked a lot about animals.Today,well talk about another kind of endangered animal.Please look at the screen.(Show the following picture on the screen.)T:Do you know what it is?Ss:No.T:Please turn to Page 68.Read the passage quickly to find out what kind of animal it is about.(A few minutes later.)T:Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:Who can answer my question?S:Its about milu deer.T:Yes,youre right.And do you know what kind of animal the milu deer is?S:Yes.Its a kind of deer that used to be very mon in China long ago.T:Good.Please sit down.Now,please read the passage again carefully and find the answers to the questions on the screen.1.When did the milu deer disappear?Can you guess why?2.What do people plan to do with milu deer in the future?3.What did Professor Stevenson ask people to do?(A few minutes later,teacher asks some students to answer the questions one by one.)Suggested answers:1.It disappeared during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties.I guess it was because too many of them had been killed by people.2.People plan to set them free and let them live in the wild again.3.He asked people to stop killing the milu deer and to love animals.T:Good.And,in the passage,Professor Stevenson asked the students if they knew how many centres there were at present for milu deer in China.They didnt know the answer.Do you know?Ss:We dont know either.Please tell us.Were very interested.T:OK.Therere three centres in all.Theyre in Nanhaizi in Beijing,Dafeng in Jiangsu Province and Shishou in Hubei Province.If you have a chance,you can go to have a look.OK.I think youve understood the passage well.Now,I have something to explain to you.Please look at the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)1.devote(oneself/ones time/money/energy)to(sb./sth./doing sth.)e.g.much time to studydevote ones life to the revolutiononeself to a nobel causeall ones efforts to ones task2.at present (at this time,now)e.g.Im afraid I cant help you just at presentIm too busy.3.setfreee.g.They tried to set the prisoners free,but they failed.4.in the wildse.g.We used to live in the wilds,but we live in London now.to do sth.5.stopdoing sth.e.g.They stopped for a while to admire the scenery.She has stopped smoking.(Bb:1.devoteto 2.at present 3.setfree 4.in the wilds 5.stop to do sth./doing sth.)FStep .GrammarT:Weve learnt the Direct and Indirect Speech before.And today,well do more practice to review them.Look at the example below the passage.Then change some of the sentences in the passage from Indirect Speech into Direct Speech.Work in pairs.(A few minutes later,ask some students to read their answers.)Suggested answers:Professor Stevenson asked the students,“How many centers are there at present for milu deer in China?”The students said,“We dont know much about the milu deer but we are very interested in it,and want to do something to protect it.”Professor Stevenson said to the students,“The milu deer was very mon in China a long time ago,but it disappeared during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties.Since the first deer arrived at the Nanhaizi Milu Park in 1985 from Britain,the number of milu deer has grown every year.I hope that more people will care about the milu deer and more centres will be built to protect this animal.However,keeping the deer in the park isnt the best way to protect it.I hope that one day these milu deer will be set free and live in the wild again.Please stop killing the milu deer.Animals are living beings too and to love animals is to love ourselves.”FStep .ConsolidationT:In order to master the Direct and Indirect Speech better,lets do more practice.Look at the screen,please.Finish the exercise by yourself first and then check your answers in pairs.(Show the following on the screen.)Change the following from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.1.“Have you seen the film calledStar Wars?”Mary asked me.2.“This is the most interesting thing I have heard so far,”she said.3.He asked me,“Is my son watching TV in your room?”4.“Please dont smoke in the bus,”the bus driver said to me.5.My father said,“I worked here twenty years ago.”6.“How does lightning happen?”the little girl asked me.7.I said to the man,“Do you want me to bring the box into your room?”8.“What happened to you in the street?”I asked him.Suggested answers:1.Mary asked me whether I had seen the film called “Star Wars”.2.She said that was the most interesting thing she had heard by then.3.He asked me if his son was watching TV in my room.4.The bus driver asked me not to smoke in the bus.5.My father said that he had worked there twenty years before.6.The little girl asked me how lightning happens.7.I asked the man if he wanted me to take the box into his room.8.I asked him what had happened to him in the street.FStep . Summary and HomeworkT:Today,weve reviewed and learnt some useful expressions.You should try to remember them after class.Besides,weve reviewed the Indirect Speech and done some exercises,but you need to do more practice after class.Thats all for today.FStep .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 10 The world around usThe Third PeriodWords:recyclerrefuseregardreuserepair reviewExpressions:1.in danger 2.first of all 3.die out 4.take measures 5.make a great difference 6.devoteto 7.at present 8.setfree 9.in the wilds 10.stop to do sth./doing sth.FStep . Record after Teaching_

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