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2019-2020年高中英语必修7Unit3Theworldonline-Reading1Teaching aims : To help the students know some background knowledge about the Internet technology . To learn some vocabulary about the Internet . To read a debate about the effects of the Internet on our lives . Teaching important points To read the passage and get a general idea of it by Fast reading . To finish C1 and C2 by careful reading .Teaching difficult points : To master the skills of reading a debate Teaching methods : Reading discussion practicingTeaching procedures :Step one : Greetings and revision Greet the whole class as usual . Revise the new words in reading and try to get students to read them correctly and know their meanings .Step two : Leadin Yesterday we mainly talked about the convenience the Internet has brought to us . But do you think it always bring us good things ? (No.) Although it can give us much convenience , it can also have some badeffect on us .Yes , can you give me some Examples of the two effects the Internet has on our daily lives . (Give the students a few minutes to discuss with their classmates and then ask some to list their opinions .) From your answers , we can find that some students think it has good effects ; some think its bad .Thats what we will mainly learn today .Now please turn to page 34 and lets learn the reading strategy first .Step three : Reading strategy Reading an argument When you read an argument , you must remember that a speview is being given . If you know what to look for , you can be a better judge of whether the argument is well made .First know what the argument is about .Then find a list of the points the person wants or make or individual sub-arguments 。Look for supporting facts in the rest of the argument . monly find in an argument is statement about what the other side believes , and why the debate does not agree .At the end of the argument , you will find the conclusion .Step four : Fast-reading Ask the students to read the following two speeches quickly and answer the questions . 1. What are the speeches about ? 2. The first speaker talks about the positive effects of the Internet on our lives . How many main points does she make ? 3. The second speaker talks about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives . What are the two points he makes ?Step five : Careful-reading I. Ask the students to read the following quotes from the speeches and write “for” for the arguments that support Internet use , or against ”for the arguments that do not support Internet use . Suggested answers to C1 : 1. against 2. for 3. against 4. for 5. for 6. against II. How well did you understand the arguments made by the speakers ? Read the facts below and write down the argument each fact supports .Arguments : 1. The Internet is a great help to people who are in need of various information . 2. People use the Internet to build social ties . 3. The amount of false information on the Internet bees more of a problem every day . 4. Spending too much time building Internet , relationships can damage peoples abilities to live normal lives .Step six : Consolidation Find these new words and expression in the speeches . Then match them with the correct meanings . Write the correct letters in the blanks . 1.package (line 8) _ a. having doubts about something 2. downtown(line 11 _ b. in the city centre 3.sceptical (14 ) _ c. problems that make something seem not as good 4. frequent (line 17) _ d. causing a lot of problems over a long period 5. drawbacks (line 33) _ e .deal with 6. troublesome (line 41) _ f. sets of things sold together 7. addicted (line 55) _ g. happening very often 8. handle (line 65) _ h. unable to stop doing something Step seven : Summary and homework

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