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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit3TaskWritingaformalletterSkills building 1: changing or correcting a textIn this part, you will learn how to check and correct information. You will learn to identify grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, to make changes to the information in the text and change the style or tone of the text. This will help you record information exactly and clearly.1. First lets play a game called “Chinese whisper”. You will be divided into several groups of ten. The first student will whisper a sentence to the second student and then the second to the third until the sentence is passed to the last student in the groups. Only two minutes will be given to you. The last student in each group will report the information to the whole class. The groups ing up with the correct answer win. Try to find what mistakes each group has made and analyse what kind of mistakes they are. Here is the sentence: Mrs Smiths hens laid many eggs last year.2. Read the guidelines in Skills building 1 on page 52. You should focus on what you should do to change and correct the information. 3. Read the notes on page 52 and think about the conversation you are going to listen to. Underline the places where you think mistakes might occur.Tapescript:Mike: Hi, Catherine. What are you doing?Catherine: Just going over our notes on height-increasing operations.Mike: Yes, it took us a long time to finish them. Whats the problem?Catherine: I cant read some of my writing, so perhaps we can go over the notes together so I can check for any mistakes.Mike: Yes, sure. Ill try to remember what we said before.Catherine: According to my notes, the doctors break the bones of your legs and then make them grow by about eight centimeters?Mike: I think youve got that wrong. The doctors can make them grow by about eighteen centimeters.Catherine: Thats one millimeter per week, right?Mike: No. Every day.Catherine: Yes, I see. So, the bone is not as strong as the original?Mike: No, the bone is as strong as the original one.Catherine: Oh! I also wrote that a forty-five-year old man died after trying to make his legs grow by six centimeters?Mike: No, he has only thirty-five years old.Catherine: Thats young! When the operation is plete, patients cant do any exercise for three years. Is that right?Mike: No! After two years.Catherine: Wow! I got a lot of this wrong then. What about increasing your height by twelve centimeters in fourteen months?Mike: No, eighteen months.Catherine: And the age of the patients who can have this operation. It is between sixteen and fifty-five?Mike: No. That should be sixteen to sixty.Catherine: And how many operations are unsuccessful?Mike: Eight per cent.Catherine: And the cost is one hundred and eighty-five thousand Renminbi.Mike: No, its about eighty-five thousand Renminbi.Catherine: Phew! I did get a lot of things wrong, but I think thats all. Thanks for having such a good memory. I will see you tomorrow. Bye.Mike: OK, I will look over the notes when you have typed them. Bye now.Answers:1. 8cm 18cm 2. per weekevery day 3. not划去 4. 45-year-old35-year-old5. threetwo 6. 1418 7. 5560 8. 5%-85% 9. 185,00085,000 Step 1: Confirming information 1. First Lets discuss some questions: What does GM stand for? What is GM food?Is it the same as natural food?2. Listening practice: Read the notes about GM food on page 53 carefully and confirm the information on the notes while listening to a conversation. You need to correct and make changes if necessary. Listen to the tape and do the exercise in Part A.Tapescript:Student: Thank you for taking the time to e and talk to us about GM food. Scientist: Its my pleasure.Student: I am glad I have the opportunity to talk to you before the lecture. Id like to ask you some questions.Scientist: OK, what would you like to know?Student: Well, why are growth hormones used in meat, eggs and vegetables?Scientist: Actually, theyre only used in meat.Student: Oh, I didnt know that. Why do farmers use growth hormones?Scientist: They use them in order to make animals grow faster.Student: I guess growth hormones can also keep animals healthy.Scientist: No, thats not true. The hormones dont help keep them healthy. They can still bee ill.Student: Oh! I didnt know that. So what are the advantages of GM food then?Scientist: Well, its cheaper than natural food because the amount produced is usually larger.Student: I see. But isnt it dangerous?Scientist: Really? Ive never tried GM food. But Ive heard that it doesnt taste the same as natural food.Scientist: I dont think thats true. Taste tests reveal that it tastes exactly the same as natural food.Student: Well, thats good to know. What about free-range food? What does that mean?Scientist: Free-range food es from animals that are not given drugs.Student: That means its cheaper than GM food, right?Scientist: No, its actually more expensive. Free-range animals grow less quickly. Farmers have fewer animals to sell, so they tend to sell them at a higher price.Student: But dont free-range animals have a better life?Scientist: Yes, thats true. Free-range animals live outside in fields. Theyre not kept in dark sheds. Thats why we call it free-range food, because the animals are free.Student: Well, in that case, I would rather pay a little bit more money to buy free-range food.Scientist: Many people feel that way. They dont mind paying a bit more to give the animals a better life. We all have the right to decide what we eat.Now listen to the lecture for a second time, and finish Part B on P53Answers: A: 2. fatterfaster 3. keepdont help keep 4. more expensivecheaper 5. is anot 6. better thanthe same as 7. are givennot 8. cheapermore expensive 9. are keptnot 10. would not paydont mind paying B.1.wrong 2.wrong 3.wrong 4. rightSkills building 2: conducting a discussionIn this unit, you are trained to conduct a discussion. You will learn useful expressions to ask for the opinions of others and introduce new ideas into the discussion. 1. Here is a picture. What would you say if you want to know my opinions on this picture? But people may have different opinions on the same thing. If you have different opinions on the picture, what would you say? Please think of different ways to ask for opinions and introduce new ideas.2. Read the guidelines and pare your answers with the expressions on page 54. You should know when to use the useful expressions. Step 2: Reporting back to a science journalSince we have learnt how to ask for opinions of others and introduce new ideas, lets practise the different expressions by interviewing a scientist about GM food.1. List the things about GM food.2. Group work: You will be divided into groups of four and study the interview form on page 54 together. Tell what questions you may ask about each heading and add a sixth heading. Write down your questions and a possible heading in the form. Add more questions to the headings you suggest. Sample answers:A. 1. Safety of GM food Do you think it is safe for people to have GM food?2. Possible side effectsAre there any side effects if people have GM food?3. Taste pared with normal food Does it taste the same as/nicer than natural food? 4. Cost Do you agree that GM food is more expensive than natural food?5. Need for government control Do you think the government should do something to ensure its safety? If so, what should be done?6. Popularity for buyers Will you or will you not buy the GM food?Skills building 3:writing a formal letter Often you wonder how to write a formal letter. You will learn that a formal letter often includes information such as an address, a date, the receivers name, job title and address, a formal greeting, a formal ending and the signature. You will also learn some useful phrases to start and end a formal letter.1. Read the guidelines on page 56. Make sure you know the format of a formal letter and understand the useful phrases to start and end a letter.2. Read the letter on page 56 and label the parts of the letter.Answers: your address101 High Street the date1 May, xxMr Frank Brown receivers name Public Relations Manager job titleSafeway Laboratories receivers address305 Queens Drive LiverpoolDear Mr Brown, formal greeting I am writing to plainpractice immediately.Yours sincerely, formal ending Jim Davidson signature Jim Davidsonyour name3. After you labeled the parts of the letter, read the letter again and underline the phrases used to start and end the letter.I am writing to makeI urge you to seekStep 3: Writing a letter about GM foodIn this part, youre required to write a formal letter about GM food based on the information gathered in Steps 1 and 2.1. You will be divided into small groups and each of you should contribute to the writing of the letter. Read the two articles on GM food in Part A on page 57. Underline all the pros and cons and try to understand the meaning of the articles.2. Write a formal letter on GM food. The letter should include four points in Part B. Then read your letters to the class.Resources:GM foodGM food refers to the produced using gene technology. Actually, humans have been genetically modifying the animals and plants around us for many centuries.Scientists have been trying to use selective breeding techniques to create many things. By far, the most mon GM organisms are crops. And this technology has now been applied to almost all forms of life, mainly in food and farming. It is reported that there may be new risks with GM food, but it is less expensive than natural food.

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