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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Module1BritishandAmericanEnglishStep 1. Lead-in 1. Do you like travlling?Have you ever been to the other countries?What do you know about BritainAmerican?(Ask students to speak out as many as they can) 2. Whats the difference between the UK and the USA?(The teacher can show the Ss some picture.)(Ask the Ss to write down the differences and check with their partner)Step 2. Warming-up (Introduction)1. Read two English letters and decide which is written by an American.2. prehend quotations about the differences.Step 3. Fast reading1. Help students to grasp the main idea of the text by doing the task.2. Read the titles and the first sentences of each paragraph and find four ways in which British and American English are different.Step 4. Reading for detailed information 1. Read para.1 and fill in the form.(The form is on the next page)2. Do some true or false questions and check some detailed information(1)Therere a lot of difference in grammar between British and American English.(2) Spelling is the first and most obvious difference between the two.(3) British people say ”write me” and ”on the team”.(4 Theres not much variation in language within the country.(5) Television and Internet have made it easier for the British and Americans to understand each other.(6) In the future, therell be only one kind of English.3. Beautiful sentences: to learn some important structuresStep 5. Practise1. fill in the blanks with some key words Therere four ways in which British and American English _ from each other. The first and most _ way is in the vocabulary. In grammar therere a few _. The British say Have you got? _Americans prefer Do you have? The British use prepositions _ Americans sometimes _them. The other two areas in which the two _ are different are spelling and pronunciation. But for more than a century munications have developed _.Thanks to satellite TV and the Internet, it has been possible to listen to many Englishmen at the _ of a switch. So experts believe that the two are moving _.3. Retell the text according to it.4. DiscussionWhich of the following do you think is the best language in the future? Why?British English, American English, world English, Chinese Step 6. VocabularyTask: Rewrite the sentences using the British words.1. Match the British and American words and phases in the box.2. Ask the students to read their answers out and pare with their partners.3. Rewrite the sentences using British words. .4. Summarize: and Practice:Step 7. Open work Try to find information about Chinese and prepare a report to introduce the following three aspects of Chinese.1. The writing system2. Varieties of Chinese3. Language todayPeriod TwoStep 1. Grammar 1 Task 1: Find out the uses of the verbs. Rules of the tenses.Activity 1. Match the sentences with the correct meanings.Activity2. plete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.Activity3. Tell the uses of the verbs. Rules of the tenses(1)plete the sentences in your own words.(2)Observe, pare and find out the rules.【NMET.xx】:I _ ping-pang quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year . A. will play B. have played C. played D. play【北京春招xx】:Youre drinking too much.Only at home. No one _ me but you.A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw2. Can you explain the following use of tenses. present simple tense present continuous tense present perfect tense future tenseStep 2. FunctionTask: Giving reasonsDirections:1. Underline the words which introduce reasons.2. Answer the questions.3. plete the sentences with becausesinceas or now that.Step 3. Testplete the messages with the correct form of the verbs.Hi Mum,Hope you_(be) well. I _(have) a lovely time in New York. Tomorrow we_ (go) to see the fireworks. Its hard to understand the accent here, but it _(get) easier ,as I _(be) here for 3 weeks. Next week we _(fly) to Mexico where they _(speak) no English at all, just Spanish. I _(Spend) nearly all the money you gave me! Love , Xiao PingPractice : Make your own sentences creatively, using because, since, as or now that.Step 4. Everyday English Task: Use the phrases freely.1. Remind the students of the expressions that we have learned.2. Ask the students to remember them .3. Speaking practice:Have a conversation using some of the phrases.Step 5. Homework Have a good revision of todays lesson and make sentences with the tenses and various words to express reasons. Its better to do some related exercises.Period ThreeStep1. Warming up: Talk about the problems exchange students have. understanding the language getting on with people food different school subjects and timetable local customs climateStep 2. PresentationListen to the target language: Vocabulary and Listening 2.Listening to the 1st part(5m) Listen and plete the passage. Hello, and wele to todays edition of In the air. As you know, every week on this programme we discuss an aspect of the way we _ _1_ now, and todays topic is the language we _2_-English. So thats something which affects us all. The question is,whats going to _ _3 _ to the way we speak English in the future? Are we all going to speak like Americans? Or will British English continue to _ 4_? Later on were going to _ 5_ you to phone in and _ _6_ your views on the subject, but first were going to _ _7_ to two young people, one American, and one British, who have spent time on an educational exchange in the others country. We _ _8_ they will have some interesting ideas on the subject. Play again to answer the quesrions. Make notes if necessary .( Activity 4) Have the students pare the answer in pairs. Play the tape a third time for a final check. Check notes with the teacher. Step 3. Speaking and Writing 1. Review the content of the text by asking some questions. In how many ways are American English and British English different? Which is the first and most obvious way? .2. The great debateWork in groups. Read the notes and decide which is the best variety of language in the future. Give your reasons.British English, American English, World English & Chinese3. WritingWrite a passage about your favourite choice and the reasons in the discussion above or write three more paragraghs about the Chinese language(activity 4 on P8).Step 4. Homework Get more information about the language through the Internet or other method to support your position.Period FourStep 1. Cultural corner1. Read the text quickly and match each paragragh with the correct main idea.2. Appreciate and analyze 2 or 3 long sentences.Step 2. Module File1. Review: Go over the vocabulary and grammar focus in the module file.2. Put“?” next to the things you are not sure of .Then solve the problems in groups or raise your questions.3. Do some exercises to consolidate what we learned in this module.Step 3. HomeworkRecite the phrases and sentence patterns .

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