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2019-2020年高中英语必修4Unit3TomorrowsWorld-UsefulExpressions基础短语1. 实现梦想 realize ones dreams 2. 随着科技的快速的发展 with the rapid development of science and technology3. 因而惊讶 be amazed by /to do /that 4. 一项非凡的技术 an extraordinary technology5. 虚拟现实 virtual reality 6. 一部互动电影 an interactive film 7. 以为背景 be set in 8. 一就 upon doing 9. 一种愉悦感 a feeling of happiness 10. 一种成就感 a sense of achievement 11. 使某人能够做 enable sb to do 12. 朝方向 in the direction of 13. 传递 pass on (sth to sb )14. 成千上万的 thousands of 15. 与相连接 be connected to 16. 增加 add to 17. 发出(热,气味);分发 give out 18. 通过一根传感器吸管 via a straw sensor19. 科学研究 scientific studies 20. 给青少年提供另一种体验世界 provide teenagers with another way to experience the world 21. 成为世界著名足球明星 to be a world-famous football star22. 扮演角色 play the role of 23. 进了决定胜负的一球 score the winning goal 24.签名 sign ones name25.提出争辩 put forward an argument26对失望 be disappointed by /at /with/about27.事实上 in reality 28体验一次真正的非洲历险 experience a real African adventure29冒险做 take the risk of doing30.一间燃烧的房子 a burning building31一次绝妙的机会 a fantastic opportunity32.电影业 the film-making industry33曾经一度,以前 at one time34表达我的观点 voice my opinions35对留下印象 be impressed by/ at / with 36给我留下深刻的印象 leave me with a deep impression 37依靠,指望 depend on 38因激动,兴奋 be thrilled by39最终的决定 final decision40在起重要的作用 play an important role in41建立,创建 set up 42对负责 be responsible for 43最后但同样重要 last but not least44展示 be on display45有很大的益处 be of great benefit 46对厌烦 be bored with 47集中(注意力)于;专心于 concentrate on 48被空告犯有罪 be accused of 49关闭;停业 close down 50破产 go bankrupt51批评 be criticized by 52科幻小说 science fiction 53发现一个令人惊讶的秘密 discover an amazing secret 54得出结论 draw/e to /arrive at /reach conclusions55一座死火山 a dead volcano56偶然遇见e across 57以速度 at a speed of 58 在我看来 in my opinion59引导迷路的飞船安全的返回地球 guide the lost spaceship safely back to the Earth 60辨别事实和观点 tell facts from opinions 扩展短语1质问 be questioned by 2延长营业时间 extend opening hours 3安装空调 install air-conditioning4更差的状态下 in worse condition5网络逐渐普及 the growing popularity of the Internet6修理打印机 fix the printer7从书架上掉下来fall off the bookshelf8打在头上 hit him on the head 9获取利润 make a profit 10 失败而告终 end in failure11 挣钱 make money 12 鼓励某人去做某事 encourage sb to do 13 加入电脑俱乐部 join the puter club14 保持联系 keep in touch with15 设法保持水果蔬菜新鲜 manage to keep fruit and vegetable fresh16允许某人做某事 allow sb to do /to be 17 做一个演讲 deliver a speech 18调查问题 look into the problems19以幻想和想象为基础 be based on fantasy and imagination20用武力,强行 by force

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