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2019-2020年高中英语必修4Unit1WhatshapesourIdentity?-Section1section1 new words and ideasthe word identity is a difficult word to be translated into Chinese.There are many different definitions of this word in an English dictionary ,including:1.a sameness of essential or generic character in different instances; b sameness in all that constitutes the objective reality of a thing.2.a the distinguishing character or personality of an individual;b the relation established by psychological identification;3.the condition of being the same with something described or asserted.4.an equation that is satisfied for all values of the symbols.No matter how many definitions there are, identity basically means: a . who you are; b. all the qualities, beliefs, and ideas which make you feel that you are different from everyone else or that you belong to a particular group/In daily life, ones sense of identity is as plicated as , if not more plicated than, defining the word.You are expected to lead the students to think of the issues concerning who they are or what they want to be a s they grow to maturity.WHAT SHAPES OUR IDENTITY ?Begin this unit with a class discussion about the concept of identity.Teaching tipAlways introduce unknown concepts and vocabulary that are critical to the prehension of the text, therefore reducing barriers to prehension. Ruddell, Martha. xxStart with the words “ identification and identify”. Using the real life examples, the teacher needs to bring items such as ID cards, library cards, citizen cards. Explain that these cards verify your identity; they give information about who you are.Use another example , fingerprints, to show identity. Review these words from Module,3, unit 7: DNA and genetic. Elicit responses from the students about how our fingerprints are connected to DNA and genetics.Discuss the title: what shapes our identity?Questions What is the title saying ?What would be another word for “shape”? Can something else, besides genetics, help make your identity ?How can people , like parents ,teachers and friends, shape your identity ?Explain to the class that there are two arguments, theories, or opinions about identity. divide the board or flip chart paper in half. Use these three words interchangeably: theories, opinions and arguments to explain nature vs. nurture.On one half write physical characteristics and ask the class for examples. This is what were born with : our DNA, genetics. Introduce the word inherit.On the other side write the word “experiences”. Ask the students for examples of how people experience life differently. The teacher might want to provide some examples: rich families ; living on a farm, living in a city, speaking 3 languages, traveling etc. record the students responses . refer to the list of responses and ask the students: how do these experiences shape your identity ?”Write the following categories on the same side as the experiences. The teacher shares her/ his identity information with the class.Me Gender_Family _Friends _munity _School_ City _Province _Country _Explain to the students that all of this identity information tells you who I am and the people and experiences that have shaped me. This is called nurture and the first column is called nature.Now using the identity model provided below, have the students write their identity information inside each circle . the center only has the word ME written in the middle.Divide the students into groups of 4 or 5and have the students share their identity model with each other.NOW have the students open their books to read the text. Each group will read the text paragraph by para. Silently, then discuss the meaning of each para. Together.Use the Vocabulary SelfCollection Strategy as a post-reading activity. Choose two words that should be on the vocabulary list of words they think the words mean and explain why they think the class should learn these two words.Once all the words have been presented the class must narrow the list to only ten words . the class must decide which words to choose and why.

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