2019-2020年高中英语备课《Module 3 Music》课时作业(详细解析) 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语备课Module 3 Music课时作业(详细解析) 外研版.单项填空1I had tried my best to stop that wrong doing,but my advice had no_on his actions.AimpressionBadvantageCprogress Dinfluence2This question is rather_for a child of only five years old.Thats to say,you should ask a simpler one.Aplex BimportantCunusual Dunbelievable3She asked me to help her,_that she couldnt move the heavy suitcase.Aonly to realize Bhaving realizedChaving been realized Drealized4Was it from the lake_he often went fishing_he saved the drowning girl?Athat;that Bwhere;whereCwhere;that Dthat;where5I first met Lisa three years ago.She was working at a school at that time;she impressed me_her sincerity.Awith BtoCabout Din6When he was 20,he left school and went to Beijing,_he made great progress and became an engineer.Awhat BwhichCwhere Dwhen7When he came back,he found the bag he had_over the seat was gone.Aleft to hang Bleft hangingCleft hung Dto leave hanging8The new plan_three parts,each of which is very important.Apose of Bis posed ofCmade up Dmake up of9Many people,especially those out of work,find it hard to make both ends meet with prices_day by day.Ato go up Bgoing upCgone up Dgo up10Im afraid that will mean_a great deal of money.Well.I dont mean_so much money.Ato spend;spending Bspending;to spendCspending;spending Dto spend;to spend11He was very angry when his car broke down,_it serviced only a week before.A. having had Bhaving been hadCto be had Dhaving12It was late autumn and the leaves were slowly_golden.A. appearing BkeepingCturning Dgrowing13All the employees of this department were _ into groups to discuss the question.Acut up Bbrought upCsplit up Dteamed up14Tom is waiting for you outside the building.Oh!I thought he _.Awent Bare goingChad gone Dhave gone 15The factory known_Scott House was built by the Alfred Bird pany in the 1920s.Afor BtoCas Dof.句子翻译16到我们从这所学校毕业时,我们就已经学了六年英语了。_17除了在公司上班外,她还花了大量时间学习法律。_18在中国的所见所闻给他留下了极为深刻的印象。_19直到他离开我,我才意识到他对我有多么重要。_20Youll be feeling lonely now that your circle of friends has split up._.完形填空I was born in North Carolina and at an early age moved to Virginia where I grew up on a dairy farm.Im in my thirties,_21_.Presently I am a teacher at the elementary school_22_Indian Harbor Beach,Florida,where I teach the fourth_23_.I attended school at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg,Virginia,where I_24_my husband,who was a senior engineering_25_.When I have free time,I like to read._26_21. Amarried BtiredCworried Dpuzzled22. Aalong BinCat Doff23. Aclass BlessonCgrade Dsubject24. Anoticed BmetCloved Dheard25. Ateacher BexpertCprofessor Dstudent26. AMainly BSpeciallyCGradually DNearlyIm interested in reading English History and American Civil War stories,_27_I like to read historical fiction stories as well,_28_the old South or about Kings and Queens of England from long ago.Also I like to_29_and do needle work,which is quite a_30_for young people today.Traveling is a hobby that my husband and I both_31_.Perhaps we have been more in the United Kingdom than in the US.The_32_thing in our life in Florida is that we enjoy having no_33_.When my husband and I were both_34_of Virginia and we grew up,we remembered having to_35_so many days of school for snow and ice,_36_it was a nice change for us to move to Florida about sixteen years ago,_37_we enjoy swimming and tennis and boating._38_,I must say that I still do miss the change of_39_and as long as I live in Florida and enjoy Florida.I will also miss the springtime flowers and the leaves_40_in the fall.27. Aunless BalthoughCuntil Dsince28. Awith BforCabout Dexcept29. Atravel BreadCswim Dsew30. Afortune BchallengeCdeal Dproblem31A.enjoy BexpectCdislike Drequire32A.normal BmonCimportant Dfamiliar33. Arain BwindCstorm Dsnow34. Arelatives BvisitorsCfriends Dnatives35. Alose BmissCfind Dvalue36. Aas BbutCwhen Dso37. Ahow BwhatCwhen Dwhere38. ABesides BThereforeCHowever DOtherwise39A.custom BseasonsCfood Dscenes40A.falling BrisingCshaking Dwhispering.阅读理解I once thought that outer beauty is the only factor to bee a great person.When I was young,I read many kinds of books,most of which described characters who are handsome or beautiful.So I think that being beautiful is the only way to bee a success.As I grew up,the story of my best friend made me realize that outer beauty was not so important to make a person successful.She was so beautiful a girl that every classmate liked to chat with her,but she was very arrogant.In her opinion,she could get all she wanted because of her beauty,but all of her friends left her one by one!Only then did she e to know the importance of the beauty in a persons heart,which changed her attitude and she made friends again.Turning on TV,we can see many advertisements,most of which seem to give us a feeling that physical attractiveness is the most important thing.There_seems_to_be_a_boom_in_plastic_surgery.It is surprising that more and more people,especially girls and women,try it like the first manmade beauty in China,Hao Lulu.It is a mon sense that attractive people can easily find work.Most good looking guys usually get higher scores in the job interviews.But,what is real beauty? I want to say that is inner beauty because those who have beauty in their soul are really beautiful persons.As is known,the beauty judged with eyes is temporary,so we should concentrate on inner beauty.And if we make the efforts to make our minds beautiful,well live a happier life.41. Why did the author want to have a good appearance when she was young?ABecause she wanted to be one of the characters in the book.BBecause she wanted to get higher scores in the job interviews.CBecause she wanted to follow her friends example mentioned in the passage.DBecause the successful characters in the books she read were attractive.42Why did the writer quote her friends story?ATo show how important outer beauty is.BTo show how terrible to be a beautiful girl.CTo prove that outer beauty is temporary,which is not the key factor to bee a great person.DTo show how beautiful her friend was.43. What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?AA large number of people pay attention to outer beauty.BSurgery is being more and more popular.CThe price of doing plastic surgery is being lower and lower,making more and more persons afford it.DThe living standard has been improved over the past years.44. Which of the following covers the passage best?AHow do attractive persons bee successful?BPlastic surgery is the best way to make a person bee more beautiful and successful.CThe key factor to find a good job is being attractive.DInner beauty is the real beauty.45. What do we know from the passage?AIf you are too beautiful,all your friends will leave you out of envy.BIf you have a good appearance,you must get higher scores in the job interviews.CWithout the TV advertisements,there wouldnt have been a boom in plastic surgery.DThose who have good appearances should also develop the beauty in their hearts.课时作业答案.单项填空1D本题考查词义辨析以及语境的理解。由“I had tried my best to stop that wrong doing”可以推出“我”的建议是要对他的行为产生影响的,所以D为正确项。2A根据后半句“Thats to say,you should ask a simpler one.”可以推出这个问题对于一个小孩来说应该是太复杂了。3B根据句意可知“她先意识到搬不动箱子,然后向我求助”,故realize这一动作发生在asked之前,要用ing结构的完成时。4C本题题干是强调句式:it was被强调部分that/who其他部分。lake后面是个定语从句,由关系副词where引导,第二空才是强调句型中的that。此题的解题关键是能够对句型进行正确的分析和判断。5A根据句意可知:她给我留下了很真诚的印象。impress sb.with sth.给某人留下的印象。6C此句考查定语从句的引导词,在定语从句中不缺少主语和宾语,缺少状语,排除A、B两项,先行词是Beijing,故用关系副词where引导定语从句,where在句中作地点状语。7B考查句子结构。the bag之后接省略了关系代词which或that的定语从句,将它转换为一般陈述句为:he had left the bag hanging over the seat,leave在此处的意思是“使处于某种状态”,hang在此处是不及物动词,用现在分词形式,表示“某物悬挂于”。8Bbe posed of由组成,如用make up要用be made up of的形式。9B在with复合结构中,going up作宾语补足语,宾语prices与宾补going up之间为主动关系。make both ends meet使收支相抵;勉强维持生计。10Bmean doing sth.表示“意味着”;mean to do sth.表示“打算做某事”。11A动词ing形式短语在此作原因状语,由于维修汽车发生在his car broke down之前,故此处应用动词ing形式短语的完成式。have sth.done让(他人为你)做某事。12Cturn golden变成金黄色。appear,keep,grow都可接形容词,但不符合语境。13C14C根据句意可知“走”这一动作发生在thought之前,故用“过去的过去”,即过去完成时。15Cbe known as被称为,此处known as是过去分词短语作定语。be known for因而出名;be known to所熟知的;know of听说过。.句子翻译16By the time we graduate from this school,well have learned English for 6 years.17As well as working in the firm,she spends a lot of time studying law.18He was deeply impressed by what he had seen and heard in China.19It was not until he left me that I realized he was very important to me.20既然你跟你结交的朋友已经分手了,你现在一定感到孤独。.完形填空21A由后文的husband可知,作者已经结婚了。其他答案在文章中都没有提及,也没有体现。22C由其后的beach一词可以知道,C项正确。beach常与on或at搭配。23C老师当然是教学,再者,该空前面的teach一词是理解该题的关键。grade年级。24B该段话是回忆作者如何“遇见”自己丈夫的。两个人初次见面,应该使用“meet”。25D由该句话中的attended school可知,两个人在学校相遇时都是学生。senior一词给出了暗示。26A考查副词的辨析。由下文中的“as well”可知,此处侧重“我”对英国历史和美国内战故事的喜爱。mainly主要地;specially特意地;gradually逐渐地;nearly几乎。27B上文描述作者对英国历史和美国内战故事的喜爱,后文又说对历史小说“也”喜欢,当然是表让步的“尽管”。28C该处是对所读故事的具体内容进行描述,下文的or about是提示。29D由后文的do needle work和which is quite a_30_for young people today可知,“我”也喜欢“缝纫”。30B“我”会做针线活,而对现在的年轻人来说,做针线活当然是一种“挑战”。fortune财富,deal交易,problem问题。31A既然是爱好,当然是两个人都“喜欢”的。expect盼望,require需要。32C由后文中“我们”都曾生活在Virginia,因为下雪,很多天不能上学,现在不用再受这种苦了,当然这种变化非常“重要”。33D由36空前面的snow and ice可知,该处应选snow。34D由文章的第一段第一句话可知,“我们”都是那里的“居民”。其他选项文章没有提及。35B因为下雪,不能上学,应该是“错过”之意,故选miss。36B过去曾因下雪不能上学,觉得很遗憾,现在不用再受这种苦了,当然是表转折的“但是”符合该语境。37D此处是定语从句,先行词是Florida,where引导的非限制性定语从句起补充说明的作用。且从句不缺任何成分。38C由后文的still do miss可知,此处表转折意义“然而”,故答案为C。39B由最后一句的“springtime”和“fall”可知,这些都是“季节”的变化。40A依据常识,春天花开,秋天“叶落”。.阅读理解【语篇解读】这是一篇有关生活态度的议论文,受小说的影响,作者也非常重视外在的美,以为只要漂亮就能成为一个成功的人,面试中也能得高分,这也正是整容手术越来越繁荣的原因。而朋友的经历却使作者深刻地认识到:内在的美才是真正的美。41D细节理解题。由第一段可知,作者之所以要变得漂亮,是因为她小时候爱读书,而书中所描述的男女主人公都很有魅力(handsome or beautiful),所以自己也想拥有漂亮的外表。42C文章结构推断题。文章第一段,作者竖起了靶子,早些时候她认为外在的美是一个人成功的唯一因素,第二段举了这个例子从反面来证明它的错误性,引出作者的观点:外在的美是暂时的,它不是一个人成功的关键因素。43A句意推断题。下文对这一句话作了解释:越来越多的人为了追求外在的美,像中国的第一位人造美女郝璐璐一样做起了整容手术(plastic surgery)。这句话要表达的意思是:很多人很注重自己的外在美。如果仅停留在boom(繁荣)的字面意思上,而忽略上下文的语境,就很容易误选D。44D主旨大意题。由整篇文章可以推出。45D推断题。由全文可知,一个人真正的美应该是内在的美,不论一个人漂亮与否都应注意发展自己的内在美,否则就会和作者的朋友一样,发展到连一个朋友都没有的地步。


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