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2019-2020年高中英语必修2Unit5Lesson2BeijingOpera5设计思想1教学方法本课的特点是,听说为主,释词为辅。在教学过程中综合使用以下教学方法:听说相结合、启发式教学、任务型教学法,由浅入深,循序渐进。学生通过个人活动,两人活动和小组活动来进行听说训练。2教学手段为了增强课堂的吸引力,运用多媒体进行教学,制作Powerpoint课件来呈现整个教学流程,课件中的视频,图片形象生动,让学生产生学习兴趣。教学目标 1语言知识目标掌握、理解、运用以下生词和词组bine,treasure,mask,acrobatics,costume,male,female,clown,symbol,represent,play an important role。 2语言技能目标听:能运用预测,抓主旨,获取重点词等方法,听懂英语采访节目。说:能够用英语交谈关于Beijing Opera的一些话题,如:the history,the roles,the skills needed,the singing styles,the costumes 等。3情感态度目标通过对Beijing Opera的教学,增强学生对中国文化瑰宝的了解和热爱;让学生体验用英语交流的成功与喜悦;培养他们的合作精神、互助精神。4学习策略目标这堂课的学习策略主要有:在听前,利用已有的知识来预测答案;在听的过程中,抓住关键词获取主旨大意;听完之后,把所获取的信息进行交谈和写作。5文化意识目标通过听说训练让学生懂得Beijing Opera是中国的国粹之一,我们要把它作为一个文化窗口,来增进外国人对中国的了解。Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Before listeningListen to a part of the opera and try to remember what adjectives can you use to describe it? What instruments do you think may be played in it?Adj.: Historical, traditional, sudden, loudinstruments: jinghu, sanxian, (gong, drum)Step 2. PredictionWhat do you know about Beijing Opera? Guess and predict the possible answers of Ex.1. Try to catch the key words of each question. (For example, when, how many, what)Step 3. Listen to the tape, and finish Part 1. Get the right answers with your partner. Then check together.Step 4. The teacher gives a brief introduction of Beijing Opera to give some new expressions a context.Step 5. The teacher uses some pictures to help the students get familiar with the new words. Then match the new expressions with their definitions and make sure they know how to pronounce the words.Step 6. The students have 2 minutes to a short discussion of the questions with their group members. The students make use of the listening strategies to guide their listening of section 2.a) To make a prediction before listening.b) To take down key words during the first listening.c) To finish the listening practice during the second listening.Step 7. Help the students get the correct answers. Then summarize what have been introduced about Beijing Opera in section 2 together. (Show the pictures again to encourage them to tell their ideas.main rolesSkills neededhistoryBeijing Opera costume singing Step 8. Read and listen to the last part of the program. Then answer the questions. Look at the pictures on your books, match them.Sep 9. Read and listen to the last part of the program. Then finish Part 5 on P25.Step 10. Discussion: traditional & modern. Tell the differences between a live Beijing Opera and a music concert. Voice your opinions with your group members.(Show some pictures and useful sentences to help them say something.)Use the adjectives you have learned to say a few sentences.The concertAdjectivesthe music, the singing, the acrobaticsboring, brilliant, exciting,fantasticthe guitar, the drums(other instruments)poor, quite good, really loud,the lighting, the special effectsdisappointing, simple,excellent, wonderfulthe stage designextraordinarythe sound, the costumesclear, poor, beautiful, interesting the songs, the wordsclear, unclear, meaningfulUse the phrases to help you:I think /Personally, /In my opinion, I like the lighting while the stage design is poor.The music is brilliant but the special effects are disappointing.Although/Though the sound is unclear, the music is exciting.I still enjoyed the sound system though the singings were boring.I prefer the words to the music. / I like better.Step 11. Choose some students to give their presentations.Step 12. Homework: 18期周报单项选择,第四部分。

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