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2019-2020年高中英语必修2U5Rhythm-Lesson2BeijingOperaObjectives To practise using general knowledge to think of possible answers before listening. To practise getting the general idea when listening for the first time. To practise identifying key words to listen for. To practise asking for, giving and refusing permission. Resources used Cassette Possible problems Students may be unfamiliar with the topic Beijing Opera and may find it hard to understand the interview. Some students might feel less confident in talking about Beijing Opera in English. Background Beijing opera is considered as a national treasure in China, and has a history dating back more than 200 years. In the 55th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1790), the four big Huiban opera Troupes entered the capital. Gradually they bined with the Kunqu Opera, Yiyang Opera, Hanju Opera and Luantan, which were part of Beijings thearetical circle of the time. Through a period of more than half a century these various kinds of opera bined, integrated and evolved into the present Beijing opera. Today, Beijing Opera is the largest and most influential kind of opera in China and its richness of repertoire, great number of artists, avid audiences, and profound influence are inparable in China. Routes through the material If you are short of time, omit Exercise 9 and do Exercise 1 and 8 briefly. If you have two lessons, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 4. Language Power: pages 68?C69. Mini-Grammar: 4. Listening Before you start Exercise 1 In pairs, students look at the photographs and guess the possible answers to the questions, using their background knowledge. Check the answers with the class. Ask students more about Beijing Opera: How many Beijing Operas do you know? What do you think of Beijing Opera? Can you name some famous actors and actresses? Do you think people enjoy watching Beijing Opera? Why or why not? .Answers 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 shengmale roles; danfemale roles; jingmale roles with brightly painted faces; chouclown roles Exercise 2 In pairs, students look at the pictures carefully and make guesses where the characters are. Remind students that the costumes they wear and the stage designs will be of great help. Students do the matching in pairs. Check the answers as a class. Answers Picture 1 Shes on a horse. Picture 2 They are in their new bedroom Picture 3 Shes in a carriage. Picture 4 They are in a city. Exercise 3 Students study the words and the definitions in pairs and guess the possible definition for each word or phrase. Check the answers as a class and make sure students understand all the new words. Answers a) costume b) bine c) treasure d) acrobatics e) mask 1 treasure 2 costume 3 acrobatics 4 bine 5 mask Listen to learn Exercise 4 Read through the Strategies with the class and see if they know how to use any of these Strategies already. In pairs, students read the questions and try to predict the answers using background knowledge about Beijing Opera. Students then exchange ideas to find out if they have the same predictions. If they have made different predictions, ask students to justify their opinions. Students listen to the cassette and get the general idea. Play the cassette without pausing the first time. And ask them to make notes if possible. When replaying the cassette, pause it after each section to give students time to check their answers. Possible answers 1 Acting, talking, singing, music, dancing and acrobatics. 2 On open-air stages in markets, streets, teahouses or outside temples. 3 Because at the beginning, Beijing Opera was performed mostly on open-air stages, the music had to be played loudly and the performers had to sing with sharp voices. 4 Because with bright color, the audience can see the actors and actresses more clearly.Tapescript Section 1Presenter:Wele to Whats Your Rhythm. In todays programme, were going to discuss Beijing Opera. But first, we have Professor Shang Xiaoming, to introduce us to the topic. We have also invited to the studio two high school students who want to know more about Beijing Opera. Professor Shang, what is Beijing Opera and when did it start? Prof. Shang: Beijing Opera is a national treasure of China. The art started in the late 18th century and it bines acting, talking, singing, music, dancing and acrobatics.Actors play one of four roles: sheng, male roles; dan, female roles; chou, clown roles and jing roles with brightly-painted face masks. Each role has its own singing and acting styles. Presenter: Professor Shang, could you tell us something about the style of the music and singing in Beijing Opera? Prof. Shang: Yes, certainly. In the early days, Beijing Opera was most often performed on open-air stages in markets, streets, teahouses or outside temples. The music had to be played loudly and the performers had to sing with sharp voices, in order to be heard over the crowds. Slowly, this kind of singing became a special style of Beijing Opera. Student 1: Professor Shang, the costumes in Beijing Opera are often very bright. Why is this? Prof. Shang: Thats a good question. As I mentioned just now, Beijing Opera was often performed on open-air stages and the stages were lit only by oil lamps. If the costumes werent in bright colours, the crowds wouldnt be able to see them clearly.Exercise 5 Encourage students to guess the possible answer to each question. Students listen to the cassette and get the general idea. Students scan the dialogue and identify the key words or phrases to help answer the questions. Students check the answers in pairs before checking them as a class. Encourage students to give more such examples using their general knowledge of Beijing Opera. Students work in pairs, asking and answering the questions. Students listen to the plete programme again. Then have some of them talk about the features of Beijing Opera in class. Answers 1 Very simple. 2 Many body movements can represent actions such as opening a door, climbing a hill, going upstairs or rowing a boat. Exercise 6 Students listen to the dialogue and make notes about Li Ming and Zhu Meiling. Play the dialogue two or three times if necessary. Students can pare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class. Play the dialogues again and ask students what differences there are in the situations and the language ( the first is more informal between a mother and son.)Answers Li Ming- permission to go to Pufangs birthday party / no permission to go to the cinema. Zhu Meiling-permission to hand in her project next week/ no permission to write up the project in Chinese. Tapescript 1Mum: Yes, what is it? Im in a bit of a hurry. Li Ming: You know my classmate Yang Pufang. Mum: Is he the boy whose father is a doctor? Li Ming: Yes, thats the one. Well, Pufangs going to have a birthday party this Saturday afternoon. Is it OK if I go? Mum: But your grandpa and grandma are ing to stay with us this weekend. Li Ming: Please Mum. The partys a special occasion and everyones going to it. Mum: Oh, all right Ill let you go, but I need you to be back by 8 oclock the latest. Li Ming: Thanks, Mum. And I was thinking can I go to the cinema with Pufang on Sunday? Theres a really good cartoon showing. Mum: What about your grandpa and grandma? Whos going to help me look after them if you go? Li Ming: Oh, Mum. Please let me go to the cinema. Mum: You can go to Pufangs birthday party but you cant go to the cinema. Im sorry, but Im going to need your help this Sunday. Thats my final word! Li Ming: OK. 2Meiling: Excuse me, Miss Wang? Miss Wang: Yes, Meiling. Meiling: Would it be all right if I handed in my project next week? Miss Wang: But youve had an extra week already. Meiling: Well, Ive been ill all week and havent been able to do the work. Miss Wang: Are you better now? Meiling: Yes, much better. Thank you. Miss Wang: OK, you can give me your project first thing on Monday morning. Meiling: Thank you, Miss Wang. Theres one more thing. Miss Wang: Yes? Meiling: Could I write up the project in Chinese? Miss Wang: No, Im afraid you cant. You must use English like all the other students. Meiling: OK. Play the dialogues again and ask students what differences there are in the situations and the language ( the first is more informal between a mother and son.)Exercise 7 Students read through the Function File and guess what the missing words are before they listen to the cassette again. Students listen to the cassette and plete the sentences. Answers1 know 2 OK 3 everyones going 4 let 5 can 6 cant7 Excuse me 8 Would 9 can 10 Could 11 must Check answers by having students read the sentences aloud. Students can then see if their guesses were correct. Speaking Exercise 8 Read through the table with the class. Students then work individually, thinking of good reasons why they need permission to do the things. Read through the example dialogue with the class, and point out that all the situations are formal ones so we need formal language. In pairs, students act out their dialogues. Go round and monitor their language and go over any general mistakes at the end. Some of the pairs can act out one of their dialogues for the class.Exercise 9 Read the instructions and the example sentences with the class. Students then work individually, writing five sentences including one false one. In groups, students read out their sentences and see if the others can guess the false one. Options Practice In pairs, students prepare and act out an informal dialogue asking permission to do something. The dialogue could be between a parent and teenager or an older brother or sister and teenager. Extension In groups, students discuss what image their own town had in the past and how and why it has changed.


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