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2019-2020年高中英语必修2U4Cyberspace-Lesson4VirtualTourismObjectives To practise intensive and extensive reading skills (anticipating meaning, scanning). To develop strategies to match topics with paragraphs. To identify important words in a text. To practise using linking words (addition) ?C also, as well as,too. To practise collocations with do and make. To listen to a talk to find out main facts. Resources used Cassette, wall map of New Zealand. Possible problems Some students may know less than others about New Zealand and so feel at a disadvantage. Background Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. Background information on New Zealand is in the Culture Corner of this unit. An Internet page has text and graphics or photographs. Some of the words on the page are blue, and when the cursor passes over them, it changes shape and bees a hand. These blue words are the links to hypertext and if you click on them with the mouse, they open up new pages of information which, in turn, may have more blue words to take you further away from the initial information into more specific areas. Routes through the material If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework and omit Exercise 9. If you have time, do the Options Activities. If you have two lessons for a unit, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 5. Language Power: pages 60?C61. Reading Before you start Exercise 1 Ask students to cover the text and look just at the photographs and guess four things about Auckland. Encourage students to talk about the photographs as much as possible, and to contribute other information they know about Auckland. Read to learn Exercise 2 Students read the text quickly (give them a time limit of two minutes if you wish) to check their guesses. Answers 1 Auckland is a big and modern town, a business centre. 2 There is an influence from the Maori /5maUri/ culture. 3 There is a harbour bridge. 4 Auckland is next to the sea. If you have a wall map of New Zealand, put it up and encourage students to say what they know about New Zealand and life there. Read the Reading Strategies with the class. Ask students to look back at the text “The Future of Cyberspace” in Lesson 1. Ask students to read aloud the first sentence of each paragraph. Discuss how the first sentence predicts the content of the rest of the paragraph. Students then look at the text in Lesson 4. In pairs, students read each paragraph and underline 3?C5 important words in the paragraph. Students then report back to the class and see if they agree about the important words. There will be some differences but students should have chosen many of the same words, e.g. in paragraph 1 ?C largest city, North Island, seaside business, many cultures. Exercise 3 Students read the text again and plete the table with information from the text. Population less than a million Locationon North Island History Maoris settled 650 years ago; European settlement began in 1840 Famous sights Mt Eden; Parnell Village; Auckland Museum ClimateWarm; plenty of sunshine Exercise 4 Students follow the last two strategies and match the topics with the paragraphs. When checking answers, have students read out the first sentence of the paragraph to show how it relates to the topic. Answers a 2 b 5 c 3 d ?C e 4 f 1 In groups, students discuss what would attract them personally if they went to Auckland, using the structure: If I went to Auckland, Id like to .Exercise 5 Students locate the words in blue in the text. Ask students how these hot word (or hypertext) work on a real Internet page. Students work in pairs, matching the information with the words.Answers 1 business and industry 2 Maoris 3 Wellington 4 Auckland Harbour Bridge 5 nuclear-free zone Exercise 6 Ask students to find the words in the paragraphs in the text and to read aloud the sentences containing the linking words. Ask students what these linking words do (add more information). Students plete the exercise, then pare their answers in pairs before checking answers as a class. Answers 1 too 2 as well as 3 also In groups, students write a similar paragraph using the linking words about their own town or region. The groups can then read their paragraphs to the rest of the class. Remend that students organise all linking words they e across into groups according to their function and to keep track of them in a special section of their vocabulary books. They can label this particular group of words to add more information or to reinforce the information already given. Vocabulary Exercise 7 Students read the sentences and write make a visit and do water sports in the correct columns. In pairs, students plete the table with the other nouns. Answers (Note that we can say make or do the bed) do: homework the shopping the washing very well in English the dishes make: a guess a phone call a suggestion an arrangement a mistake the bed a noise friends Students then write five sentences using expressions from the table. Students read their sentences to their partners. Exercise 8 Students read the sentences and choose the correct word to plete each sentence. Students then pare their answers in pairs before you check the answers as a class.Speaking Exercise 9 Students work individually choosing what they would like to see and do during their weekend in Auckland. Ask students to fill their diary from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Have students read out the example dialogue and elicit expressions for agreeing, disagreeing and making suggestions. Students then work in pairs, exchanging ideas and deciding what to do and see during the weekend. The pairs then report back to the whole class. In groups, students write a similar text about China. The groups then read out their texts to the rest of the class.Options practice If possible, record the talks about China which students prepared in paring Cultures. Students can then replay their talks and self-assess them.Extension Students look back at Exercise 4. Ask them which topic was not included in the text (nightlife in Auckland). In groups, students discuss what they think is the perfect nightlife and then write a paragraph about “nightlife in Auckland”, beginning “Nightlife in Auckland is .” . The groups then read their paragraphs to the class.


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