2019春四年级英语下册 Unit 8《Summer Vacation》(Part A)教案 (新版)闽教版.doc

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2019春四年级英语下册 Unit 8《Summer Vacation》(Part A)教案 (新版)闽教版.doc_第1页
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2019春四年级英语下册 Unit 8《Summer Vacation》(Part A)教案 (新版)闽教版.doc_第3页
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Unit 8 Summer Vacation Part A 教学目标 语言知识目标1.学习will,live,visit,the UK,London,Big Ben等词汇。2.学习句型:What will you do in summer?I will.3.学习以se,ge结尾的可数名词,变为复数时在词尾加s,连同原来词尾的e读作/z/。4.学唱歌曲:What Will You Do in Summer?5.功能:制订暑期计划。 语言技能目标1.能认读和正确书写词汇:will,live,visit,the UK,London,Big Ben。2.能准确使用句型What will you do in summer?I will.并体会语言的运用环境。 情感态度了解中英两国首都的英文名称和标志性建筑。教具准备1.单词卡片:will,live,visit,the UK,London,Big Ben。2.课件教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you?Nice to meet you.I can run. I like running. Look, . running man like running, too. Do you like running man?Yes, I think theyre cool. (教授cool,手势+chant: cool, cool, thats cool.)揭示评价方式:撕名牌 get more cardsToday well have a competition. Lets see the rules. Boys Dengchao. Girls baby.Here are some name cards .Ready? Go.Step2. Presentation and practice1. Now, lets play a game. 2. Look, happy summer vacation. Follow me, summer vacation. Today well going to learn Unit 8 Summer Vacation Part A.3. Now its May. So summer vacation is .coming. Follow me,summer vacation is coming. Boys, please. Girls, please. Lets say it happily.(ask 3 or 4 Ss) together.4. Great. Summer vacation is coming, but winter vacation is far away from us. 5. So what will you do in summer?(教授will. 拼读remember. spell.)6. You say, i write.(板书)(可直接书写)7. I will.equals to Ill(I will play football.)8. What will Miss Chen do in summer vacation? Ask me, please. (I will fly a kite.)9. Who wants to be a mini teacher? ( Good.)10. Game: 想说才说(ask some students to talk about what will they do in summer?) 渗透He will. She will. (夸奖学生: Yes. Great Excellent Not bad So clever)11. Look, this is our friend Sally. Say hello, go. What will Sally do in summer? Lets watch the video and answer .12. Yes, Sally says I will go to see my grandma and grandpa. Lets read .(男女生)13. Do you know where do Sallys grandma and grandpa live?(教授单词live.对比区分give, 并操练左右摇摆)remember, spell.14. Lets listen again.15. Well, A or B? Who can? Great! Youre so cool. They live in the UK.(教授UK,注意大小写及the)16. I live in Gaoshan. Welcome to my home. How about you?Can you?(操练I live in. Welcome to my home.) 17. I live in Gaoshan. I love Gaoshan. Its beautiful.18. The UK is a beautiful place. Look, this is the UK. Its capital is London. the PRC Beijing. the USA Washington. This is tower of London bridge. The London eye. So cool. Stonehenge,Buckingham palace, university of Cambridge so amazing.19. Wow, look, this is .Big Ben. (教授Big Ben, look, b is big one)20. Big Ben is very very tall. Thats very cool. (动作)21. Sally will visit Big Ben. Lets listen.22. vi-, vi-, visit. Vi-, vi-, _.注意纠音,”z-i,zi, t, t”)remember. Spell.(再教授,在纠音“z-i:zi”,再spell)23. Sally says:”I will visit Big Ben.24. Lets chant: (教师示范, 在放音乐读)25. Good, now lets listen and imitate.26. Read by yourselves. Now lets play a role game. Boys, Yang Ming. Girls, Sally.27. Sally will go to the UK by plane How about Dengchao and Anglelababy? Guess? Lets see their plans. Dengchao.28. How about baby?29. Dengchao and baby have a good plan for summer vacation. How about you? 30. 教师开始说唱chant: what will you do , what will you do, in summer, in summer? I will go to Yunnan. I will go by plane. How about you?全班齐唱: What will you do,what will you do ,in summer, in summer? 请一生回答: I will go to./I will go by.(接着再唱,再请一个学生)31. Now i want a detailed plane. Please write it down. You can do it after class.(评价学生: Very good handwriting. A cool plan.)32. Boys and girls, the world is so big, the time is so precious.Please cherish the time. And have a good summer vacation.33. So whos the winner?Very good. Lets say: cool, cool, thats cool.34. Now lets see the summary.35. Todays homework.36. Class is over. Thank you, boys and girls. And goodbye. Say goodbye to all the teachers here, please.(very good. One point. By plane, out . Come on, boysgirls.)


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