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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5Insideadvertising-UsingLanguageAimsTo help students read the passage KEPPING ADVERTISERS HONESTTo help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProceduresI. Warming up by seeing looking at a photo of radio advertisementHello, class. Look at this photo. It is one of the Coca Cola Radio Advertisement Tapes. This one is entitled Coke is It!These Coca Cola Advertising Tapes, Radio Ads are from 1980s. They are Prepared by McCabb-Erickson as part of the Coke is it! advertising campaign. You see radio advertising has a long history in the West.II. Listening Go to page 47. You are to listen and tick and listen and write. Pre-Listening Exercises What service businesses often advertise over the radio? What points are important to consider when making a radio mercial? While -Listening Exercises Listen to the radio mercial by pressing the Play Audio button of the audio type you want to hear, and answer the questions. Press the Final Score button to check your quiz.Post-Listening Exercises What are your opinions about these questions?What elements make a radio mercial really great? How would you rank this radio mercial on a scale from 1 - 10 based on the points in the first question? How does radio advertising differ from other forms of media including television, newspapers, billboards, and magazines?III. Write an AdvertisementGo to page 48. You are starting a new business, such as lawn-mowing, pet-walking, or baby-sitting. How are you going to get clients? By advertising! Write an advertisement that will make people want to use your service. Try to use words from your spelling lesson in your advertisement.Tips for Writing an AdvertisementBefore you write, think about the reasons that people should use your business. Do you charge less than your petition? Do you have experience? Are you more reliable than others in the same business? Decide what makes your business the best and focus on those points in your ad. Be honest. Customers will use your business again if they can trust you, so dont promise to do something you cant do. You should also list a price (or price range) so your customers will know what to expect before you begin the job. Be friendly, persuasive, and specific. Instead of writing I have experience baby-sitting children of different ages, write I have been baby-sitting children from the ages of 1-8 for the last two years. Tell potential clients why you are qualified for the job. Did you take a baby-sitting class? If you are going to care for pet, have you volunteered at an animal shelter? Customers need to know why they should hire you. IV. Speaking about advertisements around youNow it is time to talk! Think about the advertisements you have seen and heard in your daily life. Share with your partners your experiences with advertisements around you. Emergency contraceptive pill advertisement, Student Union Building, VUWGirlfriend magazine billboard, Wellington Railway Station So, itd appear that Girlfriend magazine has an NZ edition now.Girl available for only $3.50. Sunsilk shampoo advertisement, Wellington Railway Station/VUW Pipitea.Your Blonde, only brighter - Sunsilk, VUW Pipitea V. Reading for formsGo to page 48 and read the text KEPPING ADVERTISERS HONEST to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. KEPPING ADVERTISERS HONESTOrganizations/ and individuals advertise/ because they want to persuade people to behave /in certain ways, for example/ to buy a certain brand of rice,stop speeding /or see a movie /at their cinemaAdvertisers go to a lot of trouble/ and expense to make adverts/ and so /they want to make sure/ they achieve their purposeUnfortunately,not all advertisers are good/ or honest peopleUnless we have ways/ to protect ourselves,these dishonest advertisers will tell lies /or use methods /that may mislead usFortunately,most countries have developed ways to control advertising /and prevent false /or unsuitable advertisingThe lawOne way/ to control advertising is to make laws/ that prevent advertisers doing the wrong thingMany countries have laws /that forbid ads being shown /at inappropriate times/ or in unsuitable placesFor example,an ad /that has an adult theme/ cannot be shown /during childrens television programmesIn some countries /advertising alcoholic drinks/or tobacco is banned altogetherThere are also laws /in most places/ that prevent advertisers making false statements/ about their products/ or from promoting immoral /or harmful behaviorAdvertising organizationsMost advertisers are decent /and honest, and they are as interested as everyone else /in making sure/ ads are ethicalFor this reason,most advertisers /belong to advertising organizations/ that not only educate/ and support their members,but also make rules for everyone/ in the organization/ to followThey are called a code of ethics /and include such rules as:Advertisements must not be untruthful /or misleading;Advertisements must not say bad things/ about other peoples productsIf well-known people are used in advertisements,they must be honest/ and truthful /about products/ they advertiseplaints organizationEven though there are laws /and advertisers codes of conduct,some bad ads do get madeThis is why /many countries have a government organization /which examines plaints about adsA consumer can plain to the organization,giving reasons /for their plaint,and/ if the plaint is correct,the organization can make the pany /stop using the offending advertisementThe consumerYou may have heard the saying:“Buyer BewareThis means that/ the consumer is responsible for checking the product /before buyingWhen it es to advertising,consumers need to be educated about techniques/ used by advertisers /so /they can judge the claims /for themselves /and not blindly accept everything /that is said in advertisementsAs we are flooded with advertisements/ in our modern world,many schools believe/ it is their duty/ to educate students/ about advertisingVI. Copying useful expressions and making sentencesExpressions from: KEPPING ADVERTISERS HONESTkeep advertisers honest, want to do, persuade sb. to do sth., behave in certain ways, buy a certain brand of rice,stop speeding, see a movie at ones cinema, go to a lot of trouble, make adverts, make sure that, achieve ones purpose, have ways to protect one selves,tell lies, use methods, mislead sb., develop ways to control advertising, prevent false or unsuitable advertising, make laws, prevent sb.(from)doing sth., forbid sth. being shown, at inappropriate times, in unsuitable places, have an adult theme, during childrens television programmes, in some countries, advertise alcoholic drinks or tobacco, be banned, make false statements about ones products, promote immoral or harmful behavior, be decent and honest, belong to, not onlybut also, make rules for sb., in the organization, a code of ethics, say bad things about other peoples products, be honest and truthful about products, get made, a government organization, examine plaints about, plain to,give reasons for, make sb/sth. stop doing, “Buyer Beware, be responsible for, e to,need to be educated about techniques, judge the claims for one selves, be flooded with, in our modern world,it is ones duty to educate students about advertising

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