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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2PeopleonthemoveSection同步练习牛津译林版选修.根据句意及括号内汉语或首字母提示,用合适的单词填空1Einstein was the illustriously famous p_ of the 20th century.2As a result,a_ data obtained by analysts were often in disagreement.3A powerful t_ can resolve a nebula into stars.4C_ exchange rates are always subject to variation.5With this knowledge,we can prioritize functions with great c_.6At the _(精确的,准确的) moment the train started.7She was not made for mean and _(破旧的,低劣的) surroundings.8The car was a worthless wreck after the _(碰撞,冲突)9The politicians will distance themselves from the _(引起争论的) issues.10Although I pity him,my _(同情) are with his family.介、副词填空1Dont believe him!He is just taking advantage _ your weaknesses.2Such students are returning to work for these sponsors _ pleting their education.3Do not associate _ dishonest boys.4Guests can wander _ the campus at will.5Our class has split _ five groups.6Children should show respect _ old people.7_ lots of homework to do,the little boy cant go out to play.8They urged him to take action _ those responsible for the drawings.9She is _ best a secondrate singer.10People fled from the explosion _ terror.请用下面方框中所给短语的正确形式填空word of mouthrob.of.brain draingain a reputation asmore.than.1He is _ brave _ wise.2The young lady was _ her mobile phone last night.3These stories were transmitted by _.4Ireland has suffered a huge _ in recent years.5Hong Kong _one of the most fair and open cities in the world in which to do business.单项填空1I didnt expect that he would take _ of my failure to achieve his own goal.AchanceBeffectCoccasion Dadvantage2Since the matter was extremely _,we dealt with it immediately.Atough BurgentCtense Dinstant3In hilly,dry or mountainous areas where it is impossible to grow crops,it makes very good _ to keep sheep or goats.Asense BsensesCreason Dreasons4I prefer a flat in Paris to _ in London,because I want to live in France.Aone BthatCit Dthis5We_ our heads looking at the national flag_ slowly.Araised;rising Braised;raisedCrose;rising Drose;raising6Reading provides the mind only with materials of knowledge;it is thinking that makes _ we read ours.Athat BwhatCwhich Dit7The film youd like to _ quickly wont be ready until tomorrow.Ahave develop Bhave developedChave to develop Dhave to be developed8You can use a large plastic bottle,_ cut off,as a plot to grow flowers in.Aits top is Bthe top of whichCwhose top Dwith its top9Fred seems very clear.His ideas led to _ a pay raise.Ahis awarded Bhis being awardedChim to award Dhim to be awarded10As he was getting onto the stage,Dan closed his eyes and took a deep breath to rid himself _ his fears.Aby BofCfrom Dto.阅读理解LONDON,England(CNN)The youngest person to sail solo around the world returned home Thursday from his 30,000mile,282day ocean journey.Mike Perham,17,sailed into Lizard Point in Cornwall,the southernmost point in Britain,at 9:47 am.,his race team said.“It feels absolutely brilliant,”Mike told CNN by phone hours before crossing the finish line.“Im really,really excited to be going across the line at last.It doesnt feel like long since I crossed it first.”Mike set off on his roundtheworld trip on November 18,xx.He has been sailing his yacht,singlehandedly,though a support team has been sailing next to him along the way.The teen has now achieved the title of Youngest Sailor to Circumnavigate the Globe Solo,according to the Guinness World Records.Mike learned how to sail when he was seven years old from his father,Peter and at age 14,he sailed across the Atlantic alone.The teenagers schoolwhich Mike describes as “highly supportive” of his triphas redesigned his coursework to fit in with his trip.It also gave him some coursework to do during “quiet moments”,according to Mikes Web site.There havent been many of those quiet moments.Repeated autopilot failures forced him to stop for repairs in Portugal,the Canary Islands,South Africa,and twice in Australia,according to his Web site.Bad weather in the Southern Oceanbetween Australia and Antarcticaforced Mike to battle 50ft waves and 57 mph winds.He said at one point,a “freak wave” picked up the boat and turned it on its side.“My feet were on the ceiling at the time,” he told CNN.“That was a really hairy moment,and I was certainly thinking Why am I here? But we took the sails off and the day after I thought,This is brilliant!”Mike describes his father as his biggest hero,always supportive of what he wanted to achieve.Peter Perham said he wasnt too worried about his son facing dangerous situations at sea,as long as he knew what to do and stayed safe.1Mike Perham returned to Britain in _.AAugust BSeptemberCOctober DNovember2Mike Perham is _ that went on the roundtheworld trip in the world up till now.Athe first Bthe bravestCthe luckiest Dthe youngest3We can infer from the passage that _.Athe English school is the same as oursBthe English school doesnt care for studentsCthe English school has a humane managementDthe English school gives students a lot of coursework4According to the passage,Mike did anything EXCEPT _ on his trip.Aregret BworryCabandon Dfear5The passage mainly tells us _.AMikes exciting sail trip around the globeBhow Mikes father taught him to sail a boatCwhy CNN wanted to report the news to the publicDthe introduction of the Guinness World Records参考答案. 1.physicist2.analytical3.telescope4.Currency5.clarity6.precise7.shabby8.collision9.controversial10.sympathies. 1.of2.on/upon3.with4.around5.into 6for7.With8.against9.at10.in . 1.more;than2.robbed of3.word of mouth 4brain drain5.gains a reputation as . 1. D提示:take advantage of “利用,欺骗”。2. B提示:tough“粗鲁的,艰苦的”;urgent“紧急的”;tense“紧张的”;instant“直接的,刻不容缓的”。句意为“由于事情很紧急,我们马上处理了”。3. A提示:make sense to do sth.“做某事是有道理的”。4. A提示:这里需要填的是代替a flat的代词,同类异物,故用one。5. A提示:raise为及物动词;rise为不及物动词;第一空的后面有our heads作宾语,排除C、D两项;再根据slowly判断国旗应该正在升起,而不是已经升起来了(raised),排除B项。6. B提示:第二句句意为“是思考让我们阅读的东西成为我们自己的东西”。这里考查what引导的名词性从句作make的宾语。7. B提示:考查have sth.done“让某事被做”;have the film developed“让胶卷被洗出来”。(that)youd like to have developed为定语从句修饰先行词the film。8. D提示:本题如果选A项,则应该在空前加上一个连词,选择B、C项则要在cut off前加上be动词,以便与cut off一起构成被动语态。9. B提示:lead to“导致,造成”;to为介词,故排除C、D两项;award与he之间构成动宾关系,故用被动语态。10. B提示:rid sb.of sth.“除掉某人某物”。 . 1.B提示:根据“Mike set off on his roundtheworld trip on November 18,xx.”和“returned home Thursday from his 30,000mile,282day ocean journey”计算,迈克环球旅行用了9个多月的时间,而出发时间是2008年11月18日,故而到达时间为xx年9月。2D提示:根据首句“The youngest person to sail solo around the world returned home Thursday from his 30,000mile,282day ocean journey.”和“The teen has now achieved the title of Youngest Sailor to Circumnavigate the Globe Solo,according to the Guinness World Records.”判断。3C提示:根据“The teenagers schoolwhich Mike describes as highly supportive of his triphas redesigned his coursework to fit in with his trip.It also gave him some coursework to do during quiet moments,according to Mikes Web site.”判断,迈克所在的中学为了适应他的旅行重新设置了课程,还给迈克一些在航海时无事可干的情况下学习的课程,因此这所学校有人道的管理机制。4C提示:通读全文会发现迈克在航行过程中没有放弃,而且最终达到了目的。5A提示:本文是新闻报道,故而主旨大意在文章的第一段,全文讲的是迈克环球航海的故事。

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