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2019-2020年高中英语Unit13Lesson2教案北师大版必修5 1.agree 的用法To grant consent; accede.同意;赞同To e into or be in accord, as of opinion. 投合,一致达到或处于一致的状态,如意见看法To be of one opinion; concur.意见一致;应允To e to an understanding or to terms.商定,达成协议To be patible or in correspondence:相符,相同:eg:The copy agrees with the original.复印件和原件一致To be suitable, appropriate, pleasing, or healthful:适合,相宜,令人满意,有益:eg:Spicy food does not agree with me.辛辣食物不合我的胃口She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。 I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。We agree on this count.在这一点上,我们的意见一致。常用词组:agree on对意见一致agree with一致;相符合agree with sb. 同意某人的话 ;适宜健康;与相宜eg:The liquor did not agree with me. 这酒不适合我喝。2Eager toadj 热切的;渴望的be eager for success渴望成功be eager about ones progress渴望进步with an eager expression带着殷切的表情eager beaver勤奋努力干的人eg:I am eager to do it.我极想做这件事。The boy was eager for success. 男孩子急于获得成功。He is eager for his parents to meet his girlfriends.他盼望他的父母去见他的女朋友。The saleswoman in the shop is always eager to please everybody.商店里的那个女售货员总是十分殷勤,希望使人人满意。3pare vi. 匹敌, 相比;竞争;不相上下eg:My English cannot pare with his.我的英文水平不如他。It is hard to pare.很难比较。n.比较, 对照eg:Her beauty is beyond pare.她无比美丽。短语:(as) pared with和.比较起来beyond pare无与伦比的, 不可及的past pare无与伦比的, 不可及的without pare无与伦比的, 不可及的not to be pared with相差极远, 远不如pare notes对笔记; 交换意见pare to比拟, 比作pare with(可)与.相比4.believe believe that相信。believe sb./sth. 相信某人/物Sb./sth.is believed to be /to have done sth.人们认为。Eg: I believe you.I believe his report.Long ago,people believed that the earth was flat.I believe him to be an honest man.I believe him be have passed the exam.believe in 相信。的存在believe it or not信不信由你 make believe假装,装作5Word 词;言语,话;消息;承诺Eg:Not all women like the word Ms。Words failed me。No word has e from the battle front。I give you my word that I will return。The boy kept his word。短语:have the last word作结语,说了决定性的话in a word总而言之in other words换句话说,那就是说word for word一字一顿地说

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